Everything posted by Campaman
Security - must have for the money!!
There was a report on HFM just before Xmas from the police warning owners in the Harborough area that there had been a few thefts of bikes, mainly ones that had been left out the front in the Northampton road area.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
My 1991 XJ600
Nice, I wish I still had mine.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Yeah but just before it (he/she) looks at the other vehicle, it was looking down at something...
Chipped paint advice?
If the markers nib is too big for your chip, dob a bit of paint on a piece of plastic then use something smaller to apply it, possible a tooth pick or a cotton bud. If you chew the end of a wooden tooth pick slightly it makes a good fine brush.
Forum changes,
If you click on edit the stream button you can select new since my last visit. Must admit though I preferred the new since last visit as it was.
May need help
Are the Japanese imports still restricted? I had a Subaru Legacy Estate Twin Turbo which had to put in some electrickery thingy to change the speedo so that the kph were actually mph.
xj598 Woe..
Phosphoric acid and water, that's basically what Jenolite is, also makes a good flux when soldering if you have nothing else.
Someone Robbed My Bike!!!
That's bad luck, but also good they were stopped. Unfortunately smaller bikes are easier to steal because they don't weigh as much so easier to quickly stick in a van, I would say it was just opportunist that had spotted your new bike, whenever I leave mine I always try to chain it to something, steering lock, disc lock goes on as well, and it also has an alarm and immobiliser. Make is as difficult as possible for someone to take it, and chances are they will look for an easier target.
Attempted scam
I had exactly the same one to the word when I recently sold my Renault Kangoo van, played along for a bit just to waste their time.
New Member RS200 owner
Yeah not popular, I had one from new many moons ago, is yours the later one with the full seat or the earlier one with a single seat and the optional pillion seat or top box? Mine was the earlier version in metallic maroon. As said RD200 engine with single carb, chrome mudguards and more rounded tank.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
That's takes the term dick head to a new dimension
Highway Hawks on. Yamaha XVS 125
Hi and welcome to the forum
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Yeah keep um coming Sniff, its the first thread I go to every day, so what makes me laugh today is usually this thread.
Rear wheel wobble
Are you sure that the buckle is the wheel rim and not just the tyre not seated right making the wheel look buckled.
gutted ,dogs gone.
Sad news, Its never easy, lost our spaniel to cancer 2 years ago when he was 8, time heals but he is never forgotten. Old girl to the left is 12 today, the other 3 are all under 2 years old.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Poor little spiders, they are all orphans now... :-(
Reversing car runs over bike
Something seems strange with it, why has the car driver got his hand behind his head?
Need help fast!
Sacha, who is that???? Just kidding, welcome back.
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
According to this MCN review they will do around 60mph, obviously not restricted so cant be ridden under moped licence rules. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-reviews/yamaha/tzr50/2003/
Bluddy forums playing up again
Yeah I am getting the show all content message now, was OK earlier last week.
Too much engine oil over virago xv125
If you get around 50ml out by the filter, just put the filter back on and run the engine for a bit to refill the filter then take it out again, repeat until you have the level where it should be, then let the garage deal with the drain plug at the next service.
Amazing vintage bike
Yup its reasonably warm down here, had a nice ride into work this morning Loving the Horn on that AJS
Rape Alarms
That was Tescos... Every Little Helps.... :-)
Free Windows 10
MS makes most of its money from the OEM suppliers, (The computer makers, selling licences to them) so in the long term by keeping as many people on Windows as they can by offering a free update they hope to reep the benefits by more people buying new computers/tablets/phones with Windows installed in the future.