Everything posted by Mr Machinist
very sad to hear about the gpz... lovely bikes.... but welcome nonetheless
new rider from newy
Gday Tonto, how are you? I'm in Newcatle NSW meself, always up for a ride, ( when I'm not working......) what sort of beasty have you got? I'm on an FJ1200 and love to get out and about. good rides I have done are the Broke road, Putty road and for twisty practice I get up to Wootons Way past Buladelah. Not against spending up to 8 hrs in the saddle only stopping for petrol pee and drink/food breaks.... used to live QLD and regularly ride down here to Newcastle ( sanity break....), not Wayne Gardner but enjoy a good blat or a nice cruise.. new roads with new riders are generally a safe old cruise.... anyway I'm rambling, drop us a PM and let me know when your free... as its P***ing down at the moment, I'm just going to and from work, can help with servicing and have tools and stuff if you need them, maybe you could show me a few tricks...(always open to suggestions)... (as long as it doesn't involve chickens and axle grease...) copyoulater Neil
Squared off tyre - rescue?
yeah not taking the piss but it erks me too... and yes i get out in the twisties a bit, but the "chicken strip commute " rear tyre gives me the shytes......then i hate it when you do get to go for a rat the way it handles as it goes from flat to round in the transition of leaning over... it is frustrating............. but me being a tight arse ... i managed to get 23000 k out of a set of bridgestone BT 45's.... it's... interesting.... front.... yes thats a light shade of canvas Rear funnily enough the rear went flat at highway speed ( got a puncture!!) and was very very very exciting, .... turn and then 5 minutes later it would respond...( thats what it felt like) i do remember having the bike standing upright after leaning to the right handlebars turned a bit left to get back into left hand lane and the bike still turning right. so .... get new tyres..... i missed armco by millimetres.... i'm not bragging... it scared the .... was a sphincter puckering moment for sure... but ( this is the brag) a tek screw and some silicone and i was able to get it home and to work for the next 2 days to pay for said new tyres.... and no it wasnt a YA MA HA it was a gpz 1000 rx... lovely bike copyoulater
What kind of top speed can I expect??
BOWS... THANK YOU... ID LIKE TO THANK..... LMAO.... HARLEYS HARLEYS MADE OF TIN, RIDE 'EM OUT AND PUSH 'EM IN.... chuckles... pity the original post.er. wasnt interested in playing.... chuckles....
now now... we all know reds the fastest and combined with a nice white and a blue stripe....... chuckles.....
smokey yamaha
yes all you do is disconnect the oil feeder to the carb and block that port off on the carb. then run premix in the tank.... bit of a bugger sometimes.... could probably even go to the extent of removing the plastic worm gear too if oyu wanted.... cant remember the ratio of pre mix i DO KNOW however that mower and chainsaw oil causes them to nip up all the time .... dont ask lol
my girls
and still going.... wondering wether to push it to 200 thou before full rebuild.... chuckles.... i umm would love to go to your 2 stroke meet but im in newcastle nsw australia.... bit of a wet ride copyoulater neil
dribbles.... mmmm black and gold... yes very sexy.... what was wrong with your headers? o and ps. the fuel gauge has a tendency to filp itself round to the other side of "E" (easy fixed) check your clutch slave cylinder for weeping... can replace the whole unit as one or get them re sleeved.... 95% of the parts can be exchanged for the fj1100 bits if you get stuck and listen for plastic vibrating as they break easy, and dont DESTROY your belly pan if you have one!!! rare as rocking horse poo and pricey.
What kind of top speed can I expect??
depends how good your ute is
Air Cooled vs. Liquid Cooled
HELL NO!!!! lol did it once....lol singlet and jeans.... sunburnt to all get out!! besides i have come off a few times...( slid sideways into a car... long story... popped off the bike and onto the roof of the car and rolled over the back.... wriggle toes and fingers... ok.. im good got up and opened the car door..." we need to change details dont we ?" says i.... poor fellas eyes were as big as saucers.... picked the bike up ( my beloved srx 250) broken levers etc but rode it home.... he called me 4 times " are you SURE your ok?" yeah mate all good....bit of skin off the elbow... was wearing shorts tshirt and slip on shoes... that taught me i was lucky... full gear now, jackets pants gloves boots helmet of course!!... I like the body im in and dont want "modifications" chuckles
Air Cooled vs. Liquid Cooled
Ive lived in QLD Australia with air cooled and water cooled. GPz 750 and Gpz 1000RX both lovely bikes both water cooled both a pain in the arse to work on. Yep. get em hot they bleed coolant everywhere, as its been stated more stuff and weight ( tho the fj is 250 kg dry)... every service i did? remove thermostat drain radiator , flush radiator, dick around worrying about split hoses, have to top up coolant , buy more coolant and oil , ended up taking a split of the fan relay and putting in an overide switch to keep the fan on when i wanted, still overheats in traffic but not as bad..... both died a horrible death and left me a bit sad...( GPz 750 ate the bottom end.... 1000 RX snapped inlet cam in 2... still rode it another 10 k before it just went nup... no more...) NOW!!! the fj. summer in brisbane is bloody hot.... gets up over 30 deg c a lot, . no problems... you learn to get in the airflow, slip into neutral when stopped, sit behind cars a bit further back and a bit wide to try and get air over the engine.... but... look. the fj has 25% loss on EACH CYLINDER. it needs new rings , primary chain, possible valve stem seals and maybe one or two of my shims is a bit rattly. every morning it goes. kick it in the guts and she fires up and goes. and for a 25 yr old bike she s still got a lot of get up and gone ...( 248 is the top but shhhhhh...) if the Gpz's had a problem. nup, you just wouldnt. Either wouldnt fire or you would look at it and go nahhh it will just break... finer tolerances, more stuff to go wrong. Keep it simple. i love air cooleds now im a full convert, there is less dram and you just ride accordingly, and when it gets hot?. stop. have a drink your probably hot too! yes we are water cooled and look at the issues we have!!! just my (long winded) 2c copyoulater neil
my girls
First up my wee beasty which just clocked over 150 k. Have since removed the driving lights... they kept fritzing. the lil beasties being built... have tooooooo many spares to mention!!!. 'cept for clutch baskets... but im told they are coming ... since this pic i have stripped engine down to empty caes and started looking at gearboxs.... but also have new job at 13 days a fortnight and 10-12 hours a day... so its all just sitting at the moment. and shhhh its not a yamaha... but it s awesome just the same... Obrien end can... sounds very cranky when she fires up.... put in : new rec reg, rewired AC loom to go direct to rec reg and not into loom and then out of loom to rec reg, need s new front master cylinder and tyres and header pipes .( all coming soon .... re: 13 days a fortnight thing) want to turn this GSX E into a GSX ESE? has the full fairing and umm the FJ1200 was the most expensive... all the others cost a measly 500 bucks.... copyoulater neil
yamaha dt 125
keep flushing your radiator. My Gpz 750R had a bit of crap in it so i ended up taking it off and back flushing it with hose. Do you guys get a product called Hylomar over in Blighty? 'Cos that stuff is gold on head gaskets, comes in a spray can, dont need much... i only know this because when i was a learner i approached my TAFE teacher and asked if Stag would be ok to use... ( was rebuilding the GPZ.... dont ask... chuckles..) couldnt get a new headgasket,( read apprentice wages) the problem with silicone and ... welll the Stag i was going to use is that it can ball up, drop into areas you dont want or know about and cause some damage ( I.M.E) the Hylomar sprays on so thinly , and seals very well.... 2nd hand desperation head gasket sealed and rode it for another 40 thousand k's..... just my 2c.
FFS buy a car..... what a bell end.
Isle of Man or Tour de France
No brainer... TT for sure... but its a bit of a wet walk for me...
damn fingers... 'scuse the double post. yes was thinking along the similar lines of perhaps some light grease, perhaps some assembly spray ... ( got that somewhere)..... the bottom end is still in the magneto side....basically have 4 crankcases, 2 gearboxes and ..unfortunately no clutch ( free play on the gear behind the basket) the cases with the matching numbers to my G model..( sorry should have mentioned!!) has the crank in it,its still in the magneto side, and now with the cases apart im wondering wether to bite the bullet and go get new bearings seals etc for all 4 cases and do them all, then assemble, the bearings look good and after a wash spin freely, little gritty but perhaps a better wash is in order, no radial play that isn't within limits,... still this isnt a rush project... chuckles.. thanks for the heads up
Gday fellow Enginebike peoples. Have a query...( no i don't know his name), looking through the DT 175 manual, it indicates that the crankshaft bearings and gearbox selector arms and gearbox bearings require greasing. now. the conundrum i have is this, grease and oil generally don't mix, can cause oxidisation and can turn your oil into a lapping paste ( free oversizing i believe it's called)... i have been known to be a touch cautious ( read paranoid) with bikes particularly the bottom end and box...( first box i have assembled and put together, normally never have to go past top end on my fours and two smokers). so long winded question... whos done it and have they had any dramas... it is a simple question but the possibilities are loaded , I mean its an oil filled box surely the oil will provide adequate lube? copyoulater neil
When a DT175 is hard to start cold
that's weird. sounds like its only just getting a little bit of fuel through...... dont want to flog a ded'orse but....it does sound like everything else is working.... spark and compression, ( might be worth checking to triply make sure!!) is that on choke for a cold start?
you cant kill em with a big stick. they will just keep going and going. My primary chain rattles, my clutch rattles when engaged, put new timing chain guides and chain through her, she uses 500 - 700 ml of oil every 1000 k's, has 20% compression loss on each cylinder, fuel gauge has been replaced, front fork seals replaced, new chain and sprockets, and with all these issues... she still does about 247 k/hr. dont ask. they are a great bike. as you can tell i love 'em
Problem with enginepower at higher rpm
Possible needle/jetting issue? i only say because i have read ( never had it happen to me... well there was a honda vt500e but thats a longer story!!) that if your jets are set for a certain rev range, they will fail to operate at higher revs, but im also inclined to think that this scenario only happens when modifications are done to inlet or exhaust settings ( new pipes, K&N filters that sort of thing) the drop in power could indicate starved of fuel. plugs? float heights? this might help : http://www.factorypro.com/tech/carbtune,CV,high_rpm_engines.html that is if you have cv carbs.... it is sounding tho like you have a float issue the more i think about it it definatly does sound like its starving for fuel at high rpm's will keep watching.... its buggers like this that make life interesting!! copyoulater neil
ahhh my bad. sorry blackhat... Newcastle NSW Australia... chuckles... you know land of sunshine ( not at the moment...18 deg c and p**ing down) escaped convicts and animal interferers. and yeah doin the dt's up for road reg. might do a little dirt work on the 80 model but the 78 i want to keep minter. colour? i have only seen the 80 model in red..... trying to find 78 colours.... so far i see blue? or white? im sure i will find out!!! copyoulater neil
Thought i should show my girls off.... heres my daily.... bought with 98 000 k's on clock... just up to 156000 k now, only had to do timing chain and tyres, have rebuilt front forks, fixed pin hole leak in engine barrells ( that was some head scratching,!!) overhauled brakes ( still squeak!!) and it needs new rings and valve seals (roughly 20% compression loss each cylinder) 86 FJ 1200 work one in progress.... Suzuki GSX 750 e ( which may become an ese...) the first of the 500 buck specials !!! and heres the DT's. these were 600 bucks but so far the parts i have received and the engines and stuff? priceless... has taken a trailer and a car trip, and still more coming!! thats the 1980 g model and behind it i have a 1978 model. both with matching cases....:D:D:D copyoulater neil
XJ 600 will not start
pick up coils are to do with the generation of electricity, they will be found ( usually) on the LH side of the bike. essentially they are 2 magnets held in brackets roughly 180 degrees to each other. kinda like points ( but with out the fiddly crap) the pickups sit on the outside edge of a disc , the disc spins with the bottom end, you can see the disc separate ...behind bolt number 3 bottom rh corner.... as the disc spins, it has a raised lip which passes juuust in front of the magnet. this distance you can set and move...( GPz 900r was .5 mm) but i have found they either dont need it or that really isnt the problem. theres not much too em.... i hope this helps thats about as much as i know..... if your not measuring incorrectly that resistance does seem a bit high.... "Ignition coil secondary resistance: 32 k Ohms (book says 9.6 to 14.4 K Ohms) May be a prob or me not testing right bit...." hopefully someone else has some more info.
My divvy is poorly please can anyone help?
been wracking my brains trying to think about the wires..... just rewired my suzuki but i cant remember Different bike cant really compare....).... one other thing you may want to check, is that if you were getting a click noise off the old one and no noise of the new one,place the old one back in ( you know it works) and place a multi meter on DCV setting and turn bike over. record voltage drop ( if any) and check battery condition... it does sound a bit like (to my knowledge) the battery is a bit cactus and not supplying enough charge to the solenoid.. hence the clicking.... i may be wrong but it cant hurt to check....12 v battery shoudlnt really drop that far on start up, my old one held charge, ... push the button it dropped to 6 v.....replaced... no dramas. had the same issue as you here... old one clicked... new one clicked......but again this was on my suzuki....im thinking the wires go to your kill switch, or ignition to complete the circuit, pretty sure that the 2 nuts on the top are from battery ( +,-) and the two wires go to your ignition. hope this helps , i d go look at my old girls but its dark and im a big girl.... besides havnt had coffee number 4 yet.... hands up who loves A.M.? chuckles copyoulater neil