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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise


    Here's some inspiration for you
  2. Maybe we are not loved any more? COME BACK GROUCH WE'RE SORWEE
  3. Yer when i wrote that about it starting i then remembered you said it aint got any keys so how would you know haha. Yer cant see how you going to get shafted with it as it was a steel!
  4. Congratulations mate!, looks like a nice winter project. dose it start / want to start? Good luck with it.
  5. Instead of a compression tester (which not many people own / carry about with them) to see if the mileage is true, look at all the MOT certs they give you with it and you should see if its been dicked about with if one says 12300miles and the next one says 10000 then you know some things is either wrong or and engine change has happened etc. One thing with the baby drag, the rear fender is plastic and is held up by a metal frame which has a very thin coat of paint on it which quickly rusts, you may want to think about stripping that old paint off and re-painting with hammerite or other strong paint to help protect it long term. Again the inlet manifolds perish as they do on the 650 draggy. Lets get this one out the way fast...........ITS TOP SPEED IS ONLY 70MPH (75mph max ish) please do not start threads asking "why does my XVS 125 only do 70MPH?" The pipes are quiet, if you want to make it louder don't drill holes in the pipes just buy after market ones and keep the stock ones for when you sell it, if not just do your big boys test and get a bigger bike. All the Best N
  6. Noise

    Mug Shots

    Yer i see your point there mate, sadly i cant say much about my military career as i got crippled i never got to active duty and they bugged me out rather sharpish due to Crimbo break. So far even tho the MoD are dishing out cut back etc etc it was still the best job i had and will ever have. The amount of ball shite Jeremy Kyle throw backs out here gets right up my snout and some times really wish i was aloud to bring home a Chally 2 MBT to get through the morning traffic And yer try and get as much out of them as you can! NVQ's etc etc as you said.
  7. Noise

    Mug Shots

    How come your pulling out for bud? Civvy street is bollocks, id do any thing to get back into the forces (EVEN JOIN THE ROYAL ASSHOLE FEDERATION) lol But if thats what you want mate good luck with it.
  8. Noise


    Ha Ha Ha sorry Wesley i was writing that on my phone and as im a dumb fuck i have that auto spell on and i tried to type in Welshy but i guess it wanted to call you Wesley. So hey.................from now on i dub thee Wesley
  9. Noise

    Mug Shots

    See again if you was in the mans forces if it's under you twat cap then it's yours and if it's covered up / not religious or insulting ie tattoo wise your fine.
  10. Noise


    Go for something that means something to you dont go for that bull shit Celtic crap down your arm n that. Ive not got one yet but will be getting one around crimbo time which will be my army number either on the back of my neck or down my arm in the style of the way the Jewish had their numbers branded on them in WW2 But as Wesley said look at there work first, reasurch them etc etc. Some are crap at one thing but ace at something else, so ask them what they are good at and if they are not good at what you want then walk away
  11. Noise

    Mug Shots

    My pc has just got a new wall paper! Cheers twincle. What a stunning range rover!
  12. So whats with the Extra T in the name then Ttaskmaster? Or is it just a case of fat finger syndrome?
  13. Well operation build man cave is coming on nicely so should soon be able to strip her down, just starting to get depressed now as i just wanna get out on two wheels again.
  14. Have fun you two lucky men (and family) hope you both don't have to get some strange bloke in budgie smugglers to rub sun cream into your back as your wife and kids have gone off to the market
  15. Could change mine to "not that much Noise" seeing that my bike is dead. "Ian 2 sheds" sounds good. And in a nice fancy style on the back of a t-shirt
  16. If you think your an outsider you should think of poor old "Upyours" (Kev) who's from Twatsvill And Grouch thats from Break-it-vill
  17. O poo! that looks rather crappy.
  18. Im with ya Tommy, very good guy but lazy as fook. Maybe he's like the dad on Chitty chitty bang bang and he's hidden away in his shed to sort the bike out
  19. Yer ive listened to music on my bike but as i have a open faced lid (WW2 German lid) all i can hear is wind
  20. I'm always described by my wife that im just like Homer Simpson, i do almost every thing on impulse. Well ive calmed down a lot now but i still get major urges. If that was me i would have had that Fazer, rode it, got bored of it, sold it for another bike and repeated the process! Ive been through 6 cages in as many years, not from crashes just pure board-dom. Good advise tho, think i may have to do the same.
  21. Here is my offering Hows this for the back of the t-shirt? Obviously put your user name where it says "user name"
  22. Latest Darwin awards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXj1KoAokgY
  23. The original or Cradles cover?
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