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Everything posted by slice

  1. Not sure about this? But was thinking that it would have to comply with some sort of British Standard and safety standards, might not of course but you should probably check if you need to think about any of these things, you don't want to find that you spend all the time to make something and then it's not the right materials. Or even that it's dangerous, sure you can find something on EBAY that will be cheap enough rather than go to the trouble of making your own?? Unless of course you just want to find out if you CAN do it which is more fun and you have the satisfaction of knowing you got exactly what you want at half the price of buying someone else's idea of what you want. Can't hurt to try anyway.
  2. slice

    Ice skating!!!

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts, I like the idea of NAIL GUNNING the thing back on hadn't thought of that one, my solution was to fold it into a small spicky ball and shove it where the sun don't shine, agree with the beer is best and NO you really don't want to come round and claim it cos I am just angry enough to tell who ever it belongs to their likely future and life span!!!!!!
  3. Hi SF, Welcome to the YOC, sounds a bit like the UK (rain) but you also have mountains of snow and grisly bears to deal with. Lots of your countrymen/women on here you should feel right at home.
  4. slice

    Ice skating!!!

    Out on the bike today, got a good run up through the Cotswolds and out in the sticks and going to my favourite bit of road, 3 bends that seem to go on forever and you can really lean the bike into them and it feels fun when you get it right, worth the journey just for this bit of road and at the end in the layby there's a van that sells cups of tea, so bung it into the first corner and feeling great when I glimpse something in the road no time to swerve or move just grip the bars tight and hope for the best, anyway turns out to be a bloody hub cap off of someone's car which I run right over and makes the bike do a sudden shift to the left and I find that you can put your knee down without knee sliders!!! bang the crash guards on the road and holes in my jeans and very nearly brown stains in my underwear, another inch and I'm off to hospital, I'm to old for my heart to beat at this rate almost had a coronary there and then, finally got the thing to stop (no front brake) and my head in the bushes looked back to see a LONG black line from the rear tyre. So if you see or hear of anyone looking for a Vauxhall hub cap that they lost send them down to me I WOULD LIKE A WORD WITH THEM!!!! F**k me my hands are still shaking. And I do have the hub cap if they would like it back though it now has a few scratches where my bike slid up the road on it.
  5. Hi Ken Welcome to the YOC, you live in AUSTRALIA and you don't get the chance to take "LONG RIDES" are you sure mate cos last time I looked you were on the biggest bloody island in the world???? Just pulling your dong mate your more than welcome to join us Poms!!! PS my Bro lives in Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia, so if you can put up with him we can put up with you.
  6. Hi Tom, Welcome to the YOC. PS I'm another oldie!!!
  7. slice

    Oy Drewpy

    Jimmy that's a "FAIL" your going the wrong way!!!!!!!!! UP UP UP >>>>>>>>>>
  8. Never thought of that!!! makes sense when you think about it really, should think myself lucky that I never snapped them all off.
  9. Good news, just shows that this site is more than useful on occasion and telling people how you messed up can help with advise, glad you got it out ok, the next time I do a clutch I will be more careful when doing up the bolts and not be so ham fisted just pinch them up not wind them into next week!!!!
  10. Melvyn, I just did the "SAME DAMNED THING" with the Suzuki a couple of days ago, your best bet is to see if the bolt is actually tight in the thread, I poked around inside the thread and was surprised to find that the bolt end was in fact loose, it seems that the steel collar that sits inside the spring holds the thread from getting to tight and if your lucky the bolt has not gone fully into the housing, I think you will find that the bolts have a long unthreaded shaft and it should break off at about the thread shaft junction, at least mine did, so your best bet is to get up close and personal with a bright light shining down the hole and pray to the gods of good luck that some judicious poking and prying will make the bugger move, I used an old worn electrical screwdriver and a toffee hammer to gently work it out. Good luck mate, the alternative is to get a really fine drill and drill the centre and whack in a self tapper screw and see if you can get it out that way.
  11. Double Diamond, bloody hell where did you drag that up from looks like piss tastes the same and you only drank it when you could not afford PROPER beer. Happy days!!!
  12. Tasky I have a Bandit 400 if your interested? give me a PM, just fixed the clutch and need to replace the rear brake shoes and I have 2 new tyres ready to go on so might be worth your while having a look. Was hoping to get it MOTd in the next week or so and then it's ready to go out.
  13. Welcome Eddie, we DO NOT all dress like that!!!! I was hoping NEVER to see that picture again arggghh will had to get the mind beach out!!!!!
  14. slice

    S H E D S

    There was a girl I once knew who had a "double ended entrance" Sadly she married someone else!!!!
  15. slice

    bicycle boxes

    Obrieans right it says BICYCLE not motorcycle so unless it says NO motor vehicles then you can argue that your not infringing the letter of the law, bet they find a way round it tho!!!
  16. Must say it's nice to find someone who remembers how it used to be!! One of the best intros and made me laugh, thank you and WELCOME to the YOC.
  17. slice

    I am knackered

    If there's a pass mark I wonder how close to FAIL you are? Quite INTEResting really!!
  18. There's always one SMARTARSE!!!!!
  19. slice

    Vintage WTF

    Can I have some of the "Cocaine toothache drops" please?
  20. slice

    Matte Grey Paint

    Hi Dedi, It's usual to do an INTRO before you jump in with a question, it's just polite to say Hi before you ask strangers to help you out, if you would be so kind as to go to "NEW MEMBERS" section and do an intro you might get a bit more feedback. Welcome to the YOC by the way it's always nice to have new folks join in, someone will have a code for you I'm sure AFTER you do the intro.
  21. Foamy, seems a bit of a "THEME" with your drawings?? Do you have a KNOB fetish? Actually DON'T answer that I might need the MIND BLEACH again!!!
  22. As long as the number/letters are legal size then you could cut down your present on to a smaller size, just trim round the edges until your happy with it! Most have some sort of logo or dealer name on them and that can go for a start, why should you advertise them after all and then leave about 1/8th of an inch round the edges and see how it looks. I have done this before and passed the MOT with it and never had a problem from the boys in blue. If you want to test it out first then use masking tape to get the look you want and see how it comes out.
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