Melvyn, I just did the "SAME DAMNED THING" with the Suzuki a couple of days ago, your best bet is to see if the bolt is actually tight in the thread, I poked around inside the thread and was surprised to find that the bolt end was in fact loose, it seems that the steel collar that sits inside the spring holds the thread from getting to tight and if your lucky the bolt has not gone fully into the housing, I think you will find that the bolts have a long unthreaded shaft and it should break off at about the thread shaft junction, at least mine did, so your best bet is to get up close and personal with a bright light shining down the hole and pray to the gods of good luck that some judicious poking and prying will make the bugger move, I used an old worn electrical screwdriver and a toffee hammer to gently work it out. Good luck mate, the alternative is to get a really fine drill and drill the centre and whack in a self tapper screw and see if you can get it out that way.