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Everything posted by slice

  1. Jimmy is right, all very well having a shed load of nice new Yammie parts on order but the cost will be astronomical, sorry to hear about the bike by the way but I have a feeling you might be getting a write off proposal!
  2. slice

    Question for Lee

    Because you had it insured Llaasro as simple as that, if you cancel the insurance no problem BUT if you leave it to run down so you get the years no claims then your still insured or the bike is still insured and you are the last person to have it insured and you are therefore responsible for the bike cover, if it was stolen then no problem but you allowed the guy to ride it away and therefore agreed to his riding it. Not funny really as we have all done it and never given it another thought as we assume the next owner will insure it, but what if he doesn't?
  3. Andrew, My lid has built in Bluetooth, phone/MP3 even has the ability to link to my Kindle so can listen to it as I ride. Only £60 odd quid and there are plenty of them out there, lot less annoying than external speakers and people don't think your a prat, unless you start to sink along of course, then they stay away cos they think your on something!!!
  4. Grouch is now hiding under his bed. He could donate it to them I suppose!!!!! At least that way it might eventually get fixed!!!!!!
  5. No Need to apologise Murat, It's nice to have new folks join in and the only way you find out stuff is to ask or be told. Again WELCOME to the YOC
  6. 97 and a 1/4, actually that might be because I kept going back to look at Hannah, bugger!!!!!
  7. Tommy I now have "OFFICIAL BIKE ENVY SYNDROME" Christ on a crutch that is a beautiful array of bikes and the DAKAR one looks to be coming along ok. If ever you go on holiday I volunteer to come round and watch your bikes!!!! you might need to wash the dribble off of them when you come back tho.
  8. Nice bike Stewart, Welcome to the YOC.
  9. Okay, just so you know it's polite to say Hi before posting in the site, new members section, your bike sounds ok I suppose but have to ask why did you post this? Did you just want to show off you new exhaust (which is ok) or are you trying to sell said exhaust (which is NOT) seems a bit random really to show up rev your bike and then go away!!!! Your welcome to the YOC by the way but please do an INTRO next.
  10. F**K ME!!!!! is that your drive way and where do you park them all? Tommy you are in need of care mate seems you have an XT fetish!!!! Just lovely tho, makes my 2 bikes look quite pathetic, I shall have to go out and buy more I will tell the wife that it's your fault, BIKE ENVY!!!! Oh yeah and I like your arrow to, SHINY!!!!
  11. slice

    Washing a bike!

    Nayfuf is right, washing up liquid has a lot of salt in it, use a car shampoo and that would remove most of the crud and grime, as for grease a degreaser (obviously) is best.
  12. We can't "GIVE" you a service/workshop manual as they are usually copyrighted so your going to have to buy one I'm afraid.
  13. All his mate was concerned about was the fact that his shoes fell off!!! He had plenty of time to think "THIS IS GOING TO HURT" I bet, still if your dumb enough to do that then your should not be surprised when it goes wrong!!!!
  14. Did you go Noise? and what was it like? I sat in the garage and watched the trees fall down on the road and generally thought it was a good idea NOT to go, Ho Hum!!
  15. slice

    xj600 help

    As above NAYFUF is right, wasted spark is the term and you only have to find the right cylinders for one set for it to be obvious where the others go. If the starter won't engage try removing it and give it a turn a then reattach it, might also be a loose connection where your mate has fiddled with the wiring? My 750 (pre divi 1982) is the same as yours so if you have any questions feel free to ask as I have had mine stipped down to the last nut and bolt, the only thing I have trouble with is getting the carbs to balance, some people seem to be able to do it easy but I end up shouting loudly and throwing spanners!!!!
  16. Just seen the weather forecast and it's not looking good, high winds and pissing down with rain so probably will not go now, was really looking forward to the auto jumble!!! (BUGGER)
  17. Just saw this and if the weather is ok I will be there, only 60 odd miles from me and a nice ride out so if your there I will be the old git with the old bike!!!!! Plus I will have my YOC badge on so no excuses for ignoring me!!!!
  18. Hi Chris, Welcome to the YOC, Before you go any further would you be so kind as to do an "INTRO" new members section, it's just polite to say Hi before you pick someones brains!!! If your stuck for what to say just look at some of the other intros to get you started.
  19. Not a criticism Noise just a few of the things I have learned over the years, we all try to do this at one time or another and as DT says I would rather spend a fiver but each to his/her own.
  20. slice

    Hey welshwan

    Ah I see, so if your an old Welshie you shag ringers and if your a young welshie you shag drums, is that right?
  21. Rather than jumping on it to break the bead why not use a vice or a pair of large "G" cramps? I find this best as it means you reduce the swearing to a minimum and one other thing a bit of old pipe to protect the rims (if they are alloy) can also mean you don't have to respray them afterwards. Other than that your spot on!!! Nice one.
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOISE!!!!! What's it like to be 21?????????
  23. An interesting set of questions Matthew but, as above, would you walk up to strangers in a pub and ask them to fix/advise on your bike when they don't know you and more important you don't know them, for instance if someone says saw the back swing arm off are they messing with you or are they serious? Sometimes it's best to say Hi first and then wait till you feel more confident before taking the advice of strangers, good people on here with a wealth of knowledge and most of us have been where you are now but what suits us might not suit you. Welcome to the YOC by the way, if you stick around you will find we are helpful and fun to be around but an "INTRO" makes life so much more productive.
  24. Dan, See Steph g's post and work it out for yourself! Easy really.
  25. Me it has to be Barry Sheene, if only cos he drilled a hole in his crash hat so he could have a fag while riding, yah gotta love it!!!
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