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Everything posted by slice

  1. If you would perhaps you can remember to tell me what (if anything) they find wrong with your bike, just curious and the next time someone askes I will be ready for them!
  2. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    Katie, just had a thought about your problem with grip size, have you tried one of those adjustable brake/clutch levers, I have them on my Suzuki and they are great if you want to adjust the travel and power on either of the levers. I think you can pick them up new for about £15 on ebay, might be worth a try as not a lot of money and really gives you a good feedback when you use them. They have a rotating knob thingy that lets you adjust the lever throw usually has about 4 settings, number 1 is for those with loooooong fingers and number 4 is for those that are finger challenged.
  3. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    Ok I see where your coming from now Tasky, but I think Katie might be having a hand size problem when she is going slow, don't think this will help her much but she won't know till she tries it I suppose.
  4. It's always easy when you know how!
  5. No!!!!! STOP NOW, this has been done to death.
  6. No the hammer "INTRO" mangler has come off it's spring. Happens all the time!
  7. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    You ride with only your thumb and little finger? that sounds bloody awkward! What do you do with the other 3 finger take them off and keep them warm in your pocket ?
  8. slice

    Signing in ? ?

    Perhaps he likes cat's, you know BBQ, kebab, pickled even, each to his own I say! Somewhere out there a bloke is enjoying a pint and a dog sandwich!
  9. The oil will drain down overnight but it should not sound like a bag of spanners at any time! If you bought it new then might be worth a trip to the shop and get them to have a look at it, problem is that by the time you arrive the oil will be warm and they will think your a dick!!! I assume that the oil pump is working? as that might be a problem but with only a few Ks on it that would be unlikely, can't think of anything that would do this just on a cold engine. Even my old XJ only rattles when on low revs but never when I start it, someone here will come up with a solution but I'm buggered if I can think of anything at the moment!!!!!
  10. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    Katie, I see what you mean about in town riding but again I suppose it depends on how big your hands are, I have large mitts but suppose you have "girl" sized hands and as such there is always going to be a problem with handle bar grip size, not sure there is an answer to your problem really, I suppose you could cut your old grips off and then put smaller grip puppies on, or just uninstall the grips you have now remove the old grips from the bars and then reinstall the ones you have! I'm afraid there is never a solution that will fit all people but it might be worth a try?
  11. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    Hi Katie, I was wondering about the size of the grips myself, when you first use them they seem massive and your trying to grip the bars the same way as you did before but if you relax your hands on the bars rather than trying to strangle a cat it gets much easier, just persevere with them and you should be ok, remember your not trying to grasp the bars with all your strength but gently guide the bike. I found that it was a much better experience without the vibration.
  12. slice


    Ok who are you? and what have you done with UP YOURS?
  13. slice


    Oh dear! This is going to go down hill fast isn't it?
  14. Welcome to the YOC Mark, Nice intro, look forward to you joining in & the wife of course.
  15. slice

    Spray Painting

    I've done a bit of spraying in the past Jimmy and it would take a day just to explain "how to" on here. Your best bet would to be have a look on youtube and watch a few vids to get you up and running, my only other advice would be get a heat lamp to help with the paint drying as it knocks hours off of the time it takes to get it dry. PS how is your wife? hope she is still on the mend. If you want to send me a PM with a phone number I will get back to you and try to tell you the best way I found of doing it but you better have a cup of tea and a fag handy as it will be a long conversation.
  16. slice


    Hi Motormouse, As you can see from the above posts if you don't do an INTRO (new members section) then you get nothing back, except the odd sarky comment or 3, I would suggest that you go and do an intro NOW or it will only get worse. Assume we are strangers to you and you are a stranger to us, assume that we are down the pub, and a strange guy you don't know wanders up and starts asking how to fix his bike or what is a certain part number, why should we answer him do you think? He hasn't even said "hello" or my name is and I'm from wherever. Just polite really to intro your self don't you think? As an aside Welcome to the YOC, we like to meet new folks but they have to use the club rules or it's anarchy.
  17. Trust Foamy to have a ruder one!!!!! No wonder the girls run away.
  18. Hi Ian, Welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new folks join in.
  19. slice


    Glad he's got his MOJO back, sounds like he makes the best of things to, can only hope that it's all better news from now on.
  20. slice

    Stolen Bikes

    All girls are comfortable Lallasro but only the occasional bike fit's like a glove!! Hope he finds it and the scrotes that took it end up in a canal.
  21. slice

    Shit Day

    Glad to hear that it's not as bad as first feared Jimmy, as DT says you will be getting it in the neck about tidying up after yourself. A Chinese and flowers is a bit cheap Jimmy my missus would expect something far more expensive and shiny. I think you might have dodged the bullet. Hope she get's well soon.
  22. Plus your old bike is on SORN I think but unregistered according to the DVLA, looked it up. Plus according to that list mine is the only XJ (pre divi) in existence I should be so lucky!!!
  23. Welcome to the YOC, always nice to hear from folks far away, not quite as old as you but getting there, I'm retired as well so understand the need for comfortable speed. Hope you enjoy many more years of riding, don't be a stranger we all like to hear how others are doing. Ride safe.
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