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Everything posted by slice

  1. Glad you got a sense of humour about it !! Hope it all turns out ok, it does make you wonder sometimes why it has to be so complicated, holes - jets - breathers and God knows what else all jammed into a space hardly big enough for it all to fit in and we all have hands the size of gorillas so there is usually no way you can get at anything.
  2. Just cos you write small don't think we will not know you buggered it !!!!!
  3. Thank you Mervin, made my day !!!!!!! PS did GROUCH write this ?????
  4. They either work or they don't, horrible bloody things to try and fix best bet the horn is knackered, as above test it wired direct to the battery and make sure you don't have your best under wear on as even when your expecting it it makes you jump !!! some might be fused but none of mine have been over the years so probably not.
  5. Welcome to the YOC Barnzy, lot's of 2 strokers on here you will feel right at home.
  6. Hi Dan Welcome to the YOC, no daft questions if you don't know the answer, fire away mate someone will always be willing to help out.
  7. I was a "professional" driver for 20 odd years (Ambulance service), had all sorts of defensive driving courses and have been riding a bike since I was 14, I have had 1 accident since I got my car driving licence, my fault as well drove in to a concrete pillar in a car park !!!! Am I good or just lucky I wonder? 6 months on the bike (summer) and 6 months in the car (winter) most every year. I think we are more aware of our surroundings because we ride bikes because if you get it wrong on a bike you pay in pain and suffering, just thought of another accident I had many years ago, I was 16 and filtering through traffic when a guy pulled out of a junction through traffic and I cut the front of his car off, spent 2 months in hospital broke enough bones to know when winter is coming sort of my fault as I was wayyyyy over the speed limit. All this has nothing to do with percentages or statistics it's all about self preservation.
  8. Ike get a photobucket account (free) then upload to there and then transfer it across to your item, easy really just a bit of a faff.
  9. Well done Tasky, a cup of tea and sympathy is probably all she needed to get over her shock it's a bad thing when your a tough rough biker isn't it !!! Seriously you need to get your neck Xrayed as soon as you can I know you think it's probably not necessary but it can creep up on you. Real shame about the FJ hope you get it sorted and they don't write it off.
  10. Ah yes there is always that isn't there, having fun and the next thing you know your licence is way behind you, your some young coppers wet dream Dutch !!!!!
  11. Now that is a pretty bike Dutch you should have fun with that.
  12. Grouch I meant no offence mate, just could not resist laughing out loud at your optimism, I really hope you do get it done and if you need anything just call. We will all be rooting for you and hope to hear that you have it all sorted soon.
  13. Hi Pat, I was polite and simply pointed out that it's a NORMAL thing on "THIS SITE" to say hello first, I explained why you should do an INTRO. There was no need to take an aggressive attitude to my post, if you feel that you can just jump in and ask strangers for there advice and expect an answer then I suggest that you get your dictionary out and find out what the word "MANNERS" means. Once again I have been polite and would expect others to do the same, as I said in my first post we get a lot of one hit wonders who rock up ask their question and then bugger off without a thank you or even a polite word. so if you feel that the other sites you have been on have a better ATTITUDE to you then by all means go back there I'm sure we will miss you but will get over it in time !!! Sarcasm wasn't really necessary I know but when you start out your second post with sarcy shit you can only expect to get sarcasm back don't you think?
  15. Hi Pat, it's usual to do an INTRO (new members section) BEFORE you launch into a "how do I fix my bike" question, some folks will not talk to you before you have said Hi, when you think about it it's polite to say hello first when you meet new folks. Anyway welcome to the YOC. We do get A LOT of one hit wonders on here who want to know how to fix their bike and then never say thanks and never come back.
  16. Well just use a set of jumper cables then !!!!!
  17. slice


    Thank you Katie made me laugh out loud, she must be the "WINTER" wife, keeps you warm on those cold winter nights !!!
  18. Nice one Ike, sounds like a plan.
  19. If fighter pilots don't crash when using one why should motorcyclists ? I think it's a great idea and if the guy makes a mint out of it good for him, personally I will be looking at getting one as I think it's a brilliant idea. I bet if it takes off you will find them being fitted as standard on all new lids.
  20. NO !! They are copyrighted and it's against the law, buy a manual. You might find a PDF file on the net somewhere but no one is allowed to give you a diagram from here. Someone "COULD" write out a diagram for you free hand I suppose but wether they will or not all depends upon you doing an "INTRO" in the new members section !!!!! (bit of a hint)
  21. Campaman, was racking my brain cell over what they were called could see it in my minds eye but buggered if I could remember what the name was. Seem to remember they were really good at attaching the cable as they had screws that you could tighten it down till the pips squeaked.
  22. Hi Stuart, just a quick word of advice mate, it's best to do an "INTRO" before you ask a question, just polite to say Hello before you ask strangers for help. Look in new members section. WELCOME to the YOC
  23. Just use the usual multimeter and test to see what the output is at the plug, low and high revs, if it's over the proscribed limit it's the regulator most probably. Sent from my keyboard using fingers !!!
  24. If you have only looked for 2 days then you haven't looked, old bikes take time and patience, you just have to keep looking and wait for it to turn up, it's a bit like waiting for a bus none at all then 3 turn up at once. One other thing mate it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section before you start to ask strangers for advice, we like to get to know you before most folks will tell you "how to" as it were. Welcome to the YOC by the way and we hope you stick around, we get A LOT of one hit wonders on here so try to be a member of the family. Also an intro get's read more often than the WORKSHOP section as most people like to say Hi to noobs.
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