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Everything posted by slice

  1. Thanks Jimmy just checked out my new bike and found the paint colours straight off, sorry to hijack your thread Tony !!!
  2. Thanks Dutch can't think how you got that on and not going to ask but I think it's a great bike for what I paid for it, end of the winter and it will be sparkly new and all repaired.
  3. Tried to post pictures most of today and it keeps freezing my machine, lot's of swearing and general muttering about computers and computer programmers in general and finally decided to just list the new bike in the garage section, so if your interested in seeing my new baby go and have a look cos right now I am well pissed off. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hi Meat, we are the same age so your not alone in being an old fart mate, glad you joined and now I might have someone who actually knows what a pain in the arse old brit bikes were.
  5. Name: Yamaha FJ1200 (2013) Date Added: 05 December 2013 - 12:06 PM Owner: slice Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  6. Ok Noise, my mouth was dry when I finished watching this, only knew that when I realised that I had my mouth hanging open WTF !!!!!!! There is nothing that could persuade me to climb up there. :crazy: :shakeno:
  7. slice

    Metal sheds etc

    You can line a wooden shed or even a tin one come to that with rockwool battens to keep the damp out Grouch, they even do a spray on stuff for the roof panels.
  8. Don't know why I bothered as Tommy will win anyway but his luck has to run out eventually ???????????
  9. slice

    Grab a cuppa,

    Thank you Thank you Thank you, both to you Jimmy for putting it on here and to that brave man, modest brave and a damned fine pilot. Heroes all.
  10. Think you might be on the right track with the valve timing as if they are not right then it won't fire, have you tried actually pouring a teaspoon of fuel down the plug hole and seen what happens? You could do this before you get the compression tester just to give you some thing to do. You never know it might actually fire !!!!!
  11. Not going to add to the 2 posts above cos that about says it all but I would get some BRADEX easy start or something similar and squirt it into the carbs and try starting it with the throttle wide open till it fires, that should at least tell you if the damned thing is at least a runner.
  12. lallasro, was not going to say but as your thinking about it I paid £450 for it, it runs and rides ok and has been stored for a while but has 2 new tyres and just needs a service and LOT'S of cleaning. Just told my wife what I've done and it's gone very quiet !!!!!!!!! Oh she's just told me to make sure I have enough cash to pay the guy and for diesel, Ok who stole my wife and where did this one come from???
  13. Thank you all I'm well chuffed, it has the 2 grab handles on it so might be a later one, don't know anything about it really just have to wait and see, feel like a kid at Christmas !!!!!!! A 1990 bike and has 67K on the clock so might be a good one, back soon with more news.
  14. Ok doing the EBAY thing and saw a good deal on ebay, next thing you know I now own a FJ1200, just got to tell the wife , that's not a conversation you will want to hear about. So going to pick it up during the week in Macclesfield just got to hire a van and go and get it, seems ok and the guy selling it says it's alright but will have to give it the once over when I get there, thanks to Tasky (thanks again mate) I now know what to look for and at least I will not be buying blind as the FJ website has all the "what to look for" bit's and bob's laid out, so as soon as I get it home will get some photos up for you all to look at, wish me luck please as I might be sleeping in the shed till next Christmas !!!
  15. Sounds ok to me, if the engine gets hot and then the rad gets hot as well then it's doing it's job, can't see anything wrong with it running a little cool as that will help the engine run efficiently. The only thing I can think off that might be a problem is if the water pump is not working ok but as your getting hot water around the system then all is cushty.
  16. Trouble is Grouch WHO WOULD HAVE YOU? They hear about your luck and they will ban you form anywhere in the world !!!!
  17. slice

    Whats in a name?

    My Chinese contact was called Mr FUKA, had to bite my lip every time I talked to him.
  18. Welcome to the YOC Paul, lots of 2 stroke boys and girls on here you should feel right at home.
  19. Not the best INTRO I have ever seen but better than nothing I suppose !!!!! Welcome to the YOC
  20. Ok, that confirms it " there are some weird fuckers" out there. Oh and I want my 10 minutes back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Okay so it looks like the usual 16 year olds first bike that has sat out in all weathers and never had a moments attention and then he no doubt blamed it for not working properly after he had abused it for 12 months. You did say he was your typical spotty teen Noise. Should come together ok once you have killed the foliage and got the spiders out of the carb.
  22. Seems that Tony might be on to something, if the light did not come on before and then you changed the oil and it now comes on then it leads you to suspect that either you over filled it or did not put enough in !!!, If you have a sight glass on the side of the engine that tells you how much oil you have in it then stand it up straight and check the level. Usually the simple things that screw you over. PS an INTRO in the new members section is a good thing to do as it lets folks know your serious about your bike and NOT a "ONE HIT WONDER".
  23. Perhaps that's why it was rounded off cos some gorilla thought it should go in further !!!!!!!
  24. slice

    YAS1C 1968

    Well done mate, see us bikers are all nasty aggressive bastards aren't we? What a nice thing to do and the lady seems genuinely pleased to see the bike, a few happy memories are all it takes to make someone's life worth living.
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