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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Mark, this is the NEW MEMBERS section where you do an intro, tell us about yourself and whatnot, your question should be in the Workshop section, would you be so kind as to redo your intro and then stick your question in the workshop, that way you get the right people looking in the right place to help out, thanks, by the way WELCOME to the YOC. PS your not the first and I don't suppose you will be the last so don't worry about it !!
  2. slice

    What a Bike !!!

    1400 pounds !!! bloody hell I've had cars that weigh less than that, you would not want to push that up a hill that's for sure.
  3. Hells teeth how tight did you do it up? Anyway why is EBAY a problem they must have a set on there that you can cannibalise, you only need the one fork leg bottom, see if there's a crashed one out there on Gumtree or similar.
  4. Bloody hell that's complicated !! What ever happened to hitting it with a hammer till it worked?
  5. Well it could be you I suppose but others would have said the same and if you have not heard anything then I would bet it's the bike, what's the worst that could happen if you took it back? they might think your a dick but if it has a problem and you Stuff it into the tarmac then you will feel a dick for not returning it, go back and ask then you will know instead of worrying about it.
  6. yes Sniff seems he is a bit unsure as to what way he want's to go methinks and he is one of our American cousins so maybe that explains it ?
  7. slice

    Forum tidying

    Erm okay, that's nice to know, but if you don't do it who will ?
  8. Joe, just a suggestion but the oil on the top of the engine might point to a loose head bolt, try torqueing the head down to the correct tolerance and see if that makes a difference, it might also mean that your other woes go away as a loose or incorrectly tightened head will leak gasses out and explain your present problem. Just a thought mind not saying it is this but what's to loose ? PS if your a real newbie at this biking game ask someone BEFORE you attack the head with a spanner as you could do more damage than you cure. If you don't have a torque wrench then you can hire them from some places, phone around and see what's out there, also make sure you know how to use one as it's easy to get it wrong and make a mess of it. PPS this is an old thread by the way so it might be an idea to start a new one with your problem in the workshop section.
  9. That is really smart, and impressive looking, as you say without knowing better it could be an LCD display.
  10. Pretty bike Merv, lots of work and money in that and just to be awkward I like he silver !
  11. Ah yes tool kit, most bikes come with one, should be in your owners manual. Looks like something else needs a polish.
  12. Where's TOMMY ? He started this about time he turned up and apologised to everyone.
  13. Bad luck NSD still when your all the way at the bottom it can only get better, take a look at my Suzi photos in MY VEHICLES section if you want to feel better, 5 months work and the valve falls out, go figure !!!!
  14. I'm with Noise just bung on what ever they will agree to as long as "SAUSAGE EATERS" and any other mention of who swallowed what is left off !!!
  15. Good Lord Raymond that is seriously impressive, all that work already mate makes the rest of us look like right snails. Will be looking forward to the finished product although I suspect your wallet will be a lot thinner by that time.
  16. Have you checked if the spark plug is tight, that can give some odd sounds, also might be an idea to check to see if the head bolts are torqued up ok just a couple of suggestions not saying it is either of those but worth a try and will cost nothing to check.
  17. Oh dear, this is going to get ugly !!!
  18. Sorry wasn't being nasty just trying to point out that it's a bit vague, it of course matters to you and as such my point about getting someone to hear it in a workshop was meant as friendly advice rather than sarcasm. If I pissed you off that was not my intention.
  19. When I was a young man, a long time ago, I had a woman bring in her car cos she had a rattle, long story short a marble in the ash tray !!! But it cost her a fortune cos it took so long to find, my point is unless you can describe it EXACTLY your going to be looking forever and possibly never figure it out, a noise like a vacuum cleaner and only when it's warm is good but not really descriptive ! If your really worried then take it to your local bike shop and see if they can tell you what it is but if it runs and ride ok then ask yourself does it really matter? Has it been serviced recently ? or have you taken anything off ? it might be air getting in or out it might be a timing issue to be honest if your worried take it to someone who can tell you what it is.
  20. AH !! That box, was worried for a minute there.
  21. slice

    Rusting Exhaust

    Hi David, As Noise said you will find if you don't oil it or use something else to keep the wet out it will rust before you reach your back door, polish will work as well but your going to have to keep on top of it as we all know to well, the chrome on most bikes is crap anyway so if it gets really bad most of us paint it with HT paint and hope for the best. Not the answer you were looking for I bet but best idea as most bikers have been dealing with this since bikes were first made.
  22. Hi Jeff, Ok your looking for a vacuum pump for an XJ600, didn't think they had one on them, are you sure that this is what your looking for? or are you talking about the fuel tap under the tank which is vacuum operated? We need more info on your problem to come up with a fix. Also it might be an Idea to do an actual INTRO in the new embers section as this is a question on how to fix your bike and that should be in the workshop area, scroll down the front page and you will find it towards the bottom of the list. Your not alone in getting it wrong mate just trying to help you out here ok, you will get more response if you post in the right area after you have done an intro if your stuck then read some of the others to get the idea. Welcome to the YOC mate new people are always welcome.
  23. Hi Arnulfo Marcel, I think your in the wrong place mate, this is "THE YAMAHA OWNER CLUB" or the YOC not the Yamaha club.com which is based in America I think you will find. Sorry old son but your going to have to check which Yamaha club your looking for before anyone can help with your problem. Good luck with your problem and hope you sort it out.
  24. Most police officers, excepting the few on here and a few other sites, have little or no idea about bikes it's the same with lorries, so you might "GET AWAY WITH IT" for a short time but your going to run up against one of the knowledgeable ones eventually and he's going to rip you a new one !!! Your also right in that if you fit an old plate on a new bike you had best get a plate made up you can wear on your jacket saying "NICK ME NOW !!"
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