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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    Allright we need a name for "TASKYS TURDS" so he can sell them on ebay, I'm going with this anyone else have a suggestion? Oh and if this takes off I want a cut (money!!) after meatloaf of course as it was his idea.
  2. Hi mate, if you have the manual for the bike and you follow the instructions then most of these job's are fairly easy, just do one thing at a time and try not to get frustrated if it goes a bit Pete Tong on you. Were all here to help out if you need advice and even laugh at you if you make a pigs ear of it but we won't leave you hanging in the wind if you need help and advice. Being a West Ham supporter you need all the help you can get mate, I know as I was born in East Ham, have you looked on youtube to see if there is a video of a starter clutch rebuild? sometimes you get really good advice from these, just a thought but it never hurts to look. The correct tools always help back in the day we had 2 spanners a screwdriver and a lump hammer and managed to fix most things.
  3. Hi Chris, It's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section BEFORE you do a "how do I fix my bike" question, just so we can get to know you, it's a bit like meeting new folks in the pub and jumping in to their conversation without saying Hi first. Glad you found us and hope you stick around so please be kind enough to nip over to the Intro section and you will get more results if folks don't think your a 1 hit wonder. Welcome to the YOC mate always nice to have new folks join in.
  4. See Jimmy it's a stereotype right up till you start to behave like that then it's a common type just make sure you take your RENNIES with you , can't say I like TRAD/JAZZ music but lot's of folk do have a grat time mate and looking forward to the (drunken) photos.
  5. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    Thanks mate very generous of you, but I hope you won't be offended if I decline the offer.
  6. Yeah always nice to know that after how ever many years you need to be told that fire burns and sharp thing hurt, perhaps you could suggest that they wrap you in bubble wrap at the factory entrance when you arrive at work!
  7. Welcome to the YOC Mike, always nice to get new folks onboard.
  8. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    No problem mate just doing my bit to get a smile a day!!!
  9. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    CAT LITTER, Why didn't I think of that? Got 3 cat's and enough litter to soak up the North sea, going to be a smelly clean up but better than old towels and rags or even the trusty paper towel route I was going to follow. Oh you meant NEW cat litter !! Cat turds don't seem to soak up oil, you learn something new every day don't you? Thanks DT.
  10. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    Thank you all I feel much better now, you lot made me laugh so there's always a sunny side! Today I get to polish the garage floor, who said life wasn't interesting?
  11. If she was my daughter I would be so proud of her, as it is BRAVE GIRL and beauty is more than skin deep.
  12. slice

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    Just got the FJ put back together and though now would be a good time to see if it ran ok, check the oil - ok check timing marks are right - ok check it has fuel - ok, general look round it to make sure everything was in the right place and hit the starter button, fired right up BIG SMILE yippee it lives, but hang on what's that strange hissing noise? Look down and I am up to my ankles in oil a LARGE puddle I might add, WHAT THE F**K is that? Do you think you can find the off switch when your mind has gone into overload !! How do I turn this thing off? Finally got it off and dropped to the floor to see what was going on and guess what numb nut's here has forgotten to tighten the bloody oil filter up to the right torque OH FFS!!! So tomorrow it's out with the mop and bucket plus about 400 yards of paper towels to try to clean the floor of the garage. So if your about to start your bike after 3 months of rebuilding it PLEASE check you have done the poxy filter up properly, I cannot believe that I forgot this I mean how often do you leave the filter cover loose for God's sake? Going to go and have a long sulk now as SWMBO is less than sympathetic that I have thrown £40 worth of oil over the floor.
  13. Only joking Jimmy, the Scots have a bad rep for their health but as we all know it's only the info you get from the papers that most folks read and they only like the SENSATIONAL HEADLINE news not the humdrum stuff that normal folks do. so hope I didn't offend mate.
  14. Sounds like you have to have the starter motor off, check the teeth on the end to see if you have any broken off, might also be a loose connection so check the wiring first from the battery to the end of the motor, just be careful NOT to tighten the connector on the end of the starter motor to tight as it is only a plastic retainer/spacer inside the motor and if you overdo it you will snap it in half and then it's a complete rebuild, not hard but annoying. If you need a hand give me a PM and I will come over and have a look for you.
  15. Hi Chris, Welcome to the YOC, I'm just down the road from you in Stroud. Glad you could join us.
  16. Just fabulous mate, "We come into this world covered in blood and screaming and that's how we should leave it" My one addition would be "with my jacket & bike on fire as I pass St Peter at the pearly gates".
  17. As to your first question I have a BERING jacket, full armour loads of padding and even a detachable winter lining, but it does have loads of openings that unzip to let the air circulate so if it's hot you can at least keep cool(ish) while moving, I worked in the Ambulance service for 30 years and have seen the result of road rash, believe me I would rather be hot than have someone scrub the dirt and grit out of my wounds if I fell off, so if your ever tempted to go without your jacket ask your self "Do I like the idea of having my raw bleeding flesh scrubbed with a nail brush and then covered in antiseptic?" if the answer is yes then go for it, if not then wear you jacket even if you feel like your sweating buckets. I don't think there is any reason for the side stand to be on the left, other than as you suggest, that it has always been there, someone will be along shortly to tell both of us why it's there and how come we didn't know!!
  18. Says Jimmy between bites of his deep fried Mars Bar !!! You have to go some to put off the Scots when it comes to what not to eat. Killer diseases in Scotland Research has shown that the majority of deaths in Scotland are caused by three serious health issues; these are heart disease, strokes and cancer. Coronary Heart disease Statistics Coronary heart disease is one of Scotland’s biggest killers, claiming over 10,000 lives each year; these figures are primarily associated with people over the age of 60, although the number of younger people affected by heart disease is rising. Causes of heart disease Heart disease can be caused by a number of factors; these include poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, heavy drinking and smoking; those with a family history of heart disease are also at greater risk of suffering from the condition in the future.
  19. I wont have you talking about Foamy like that drewpy remember he has all those GTOs that he bought, Oh I see silly me
  20. The lads are right Matthew, it has to be rubbing on something unless you have an attack of the "file fairies"!
  21. Just have to see what happens, to be honest I really don't give a shit just like to see what they look like, like most of these things it's really just an "I WANT" moment.
  22. Ok thanks Mervin never thought of that, Tasky this is the post with the LCD info on it, somewhere near the end of the listing YBR125 Random Improvements (Photo Heavy)
  23. Hi Tim, does your bike have rear brake shoes rather than pads? If so then you can improve the braking by shamfering off the leading edge of the shoe with a file, you could replace the front forks with ones off of a newer bike that has twin discs, not that expensive and will really make an improvement to the handling. Or you could drive SLOWER !!!! I suppose but where is the fun in that?
  24. Almost certain to be out when you get it back mate, not really difficult to do just another job to add to the list.
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