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Everything posted by slice

  1. It's all about confidence and approach, if your confident that your enough of a rider to handle it and you approach it with a degree of healthy fear and dread then I don't see a problem with buying a great big lump of a bike, but always remember it will kill you if you f**k up. Not being dramatic or anything just saying that is a hell of a stride from a 125 to a 1300. I have just bought an FJR 1300, I have been riding since I was 14, so about 50 years, and I am just about ready for this thing, you might be much better than me, lot's are, and have confidence oozing out of every pore in your body but it won't help when it gets away from you. Just sayin mind not trying to twist you either way.
  2. Yes I do understand, you get nothing for nothing, do you?
  3. Yes sorry Airhead didn't make myself clear did I. Meant to say "as above due to oil being thicker when cool/cold" DOH !!
  4. slice

    xvs950 rebuild

    A smile and a handshake don't need words.
  5. No he means that it's normal for the sprocket (front) to spin when in neutral, but it's NOT normal for the thing to move when you have the clutch pulled in. How long has the bike been stood and unused? it can sometimes be that the clutch plates will stick together after a long time of no use, if you think the clutch is stuck then tie the clutch lever back against the handle bar or at least as far as it will go and leave it for a day or two, that can sometimes free the clutch plates if they are stuck. As for jumping into gear on it's own see above for the reason for that and check the bolt for tightness.
  6. On mine I used fibre board (not card board) the heavier stuff and cut it to shape so it would not move about to much, you could even glue it in place with no real weight gain.
  7. 2001 and 1 owner 56K and all the usual bits and bobs on it luggage heated grips FSH Yamaha, Oh and 1 lady owner.
  8. Yes Bippo I will fit a side car NOT !!!
  9. Thanks lads. I have to confess that this is the bike I really want but could not find a reason to buy, SWMBO said and I quote "What bike do you really want?" That's not something you get asked every day by your wife is it? so I jumped in with the above and hey presto I now own it, then she says by the way I'm going shopping with a girl friend, Ok say I and then the bombshell is TA DAH to NEW YORK for 4 days. All I can say is after 40 years I'm glad someone else is having to go shopping with her PS anyone want an FJ1200?
  10. Otherwise why not try this stuff, it's supposed to be great at keeping you engine cool, has a higher boiling point than plain water, and it is also supposed to remove any and all corrsion in the engine, makes it easier to sell if there is no water leaks. http://www.evanscoolants.co.uk/products/1
  11. Well I have finally decided that I am going to buy the bike I really want, so just bought an FJR1300 see piccie just waiting for the owner to get back to me and it's off to Norfolk to pick it up.
  12. Try this stuff if your really stuck for ideas, supposed to be excellent. http://www.mad4bikes.co.uk/workshop/oil-lubricants/coolants.html
  13. Can't really tell you what's best but my advice is look in the book/manual and buy what it says in there, best not to mess about with anything other than what the manufacturer recommends.
  14. slice

    xvs950 rebuild

    Stunning just stunning, that is a beautiful job. I shall miss having these videos unless your going to do another one !!
  15. slice

    crap horn

    As above, just split the wires and have 2 take off's to the separate horns, simples !
  16. Ok enough fun and games, your very welcome and I hope you stick around and enjoy this site as much as the rest of us, a very warm welcome to the YOC PS we are sometimes a merciless bunch of sarcastic bastards and we do take the piss out of each other but it's never meant with malice or the desire to hurt.
  17. slice

    Tempus Fugit

    He looks like a guy I met on the Isle of Wight back in the 1970s. Not that I remember much as it was a time of Ooo can I smoke it? Stick it up my nose? or perhaps drink it?
  18. slice

    xvs950 rebuild

    That is seriously impressive mate, not sure that I would trust MY welding to handle bars but fair play, there's some folks on here that would give their right nut to be that good.
  19. Oh dear mate, were you hot and bothered when you got home? Think we can all say that we have done something similar before but I have never had to walk home. You must have felt a right twonk with all your gear on. Still after that life can only get better, Can't it?
  20. Oh I have wanted to do that SOOOOOOO often, well done that man, did you also tell them that you were sorry for the inconvenience they were suffering and that a complaint was sure to rectify the situation.
  21. I'm sorry my answer was not what you wanted and also apologise for not answering sooner, yes I know you wanted the answer day's ago and were in such a hurry that you posted several times in the hopes that someone would be kind enough to help you out without the bother of charging you for the service or the time taken to answer your urgent query. So if my apology is accepted and you feel we are worthy of your further attention please feel free to ask any questions that you feel are relevant to your motorcycle/scooter and we will do our best to get the answer as soon as possible realising that your time is precious and not to be wasted by idiots who don't know who they are dealing with. having said that it's usually polite to say hello before you ask a complete stranger for advice if for no other reason than they might just tell you to "f**k off". Not that we would do that because we understand that your enquiry is more important than anyone else's.
  22. slice

    Tempus Fugit

    Yeah Happy Birthday guys.
  23. This is what I found in about 2 mins on the net. yellow fault light on the instrument panel flashes the code, all is explained in the service manual.
  24. No the spring plate that the clutch uses instead of a sprung plate gets out of shape, max should be 6mm and mine is 10mm, I have just fitted a set of EBC friction plates from Germany into mine they are the heavy duty kind so will last longer. I seem to have confused you the fuel is nothing to do with the clutch going it's just that mine has just gone pop, and I have also just replaced the float valves and seats, so was trying to list the things that go and got myself in a knot !!! Sorry mate
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