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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Pewee, try WEMOTO they do lots of different parts for bikes, you may be lucky and find something on their website that will help you out, otherwise just type in your bike engine type into your web browser and see what comes up! Best I can offer I'm afraid others may have some more ideas. Good luck.
  2. Finners, if your wife reads that your are in DEEP SHIT!! Happy Birthday Mike 64 just getting your second wind
  3. Andrew, you can't tell what oil you have by dribbling it over your fingers!! unless of course your one really STRANGE lad, the only way is to actually change it to something you KNOW is bike oil, does sound like your cutch is the problem unfortunately but at least you will get to find out something new about your bike. good luck mate should only take a couple of hours to whip it off and have a look then put it all back together. let us know how you get on. PS take PHOTOS of the parts before you take it to bits, its easier than frigging around trying to guess what went where.
  4. Just a thought, have you changed the oil lately and did you use MOTORCYLE oil? Cos if you put car oil in your bike the clutch will slip due to the additives in car oil. As I say just a thought!!
  5. Hi Pewee, First things first, would you please do an INTRO in the "new members section" just so folks can know a bit about you and your bike, plus folks like to know who you are BEFORE they will answer most questions, we're not grumpy just like to have a "Hi" before launching into a question. Someone on here will know all about your bike and will be able to answer all your questions, might be a good idea to add a few more details of your bike like what is the engine and frame number, that will soon tell you what bike it is what year it is and where it was sold and such, if you don't know what or where they are on the bike look on your V5 or log book and just copy it out plus a photo tells a lot and saves on explanations. By the way Welcome to the YOC it's always nice to have new member join in you'll like it here.
  6. Thanks Mervin, that's handy to know & I actually need a set of grommets would you believe!! Bril.
  7. Ok Alex have figured out what was going on, I have NORTON internet Security and it has an auto form filling thing, never used it but for some reason it decided to fill in the form for me, never done that before so I had to disable it to make it work, seems to be MY problem rather than the site so deepest apologies for causing you grief. I shall now go and hit head against wall while saying "DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN DUMB ARSE"
  8. HI Alex I will try to do that, get back to you if I have a problem, Thanks for your help. Martin.
  9. Hi David, Welcome to the YOC, nice one, glad you stuck around, someone here will have advice for you.
  10. Ok I tried to insert the item description and it kept going back to my name? I then tried to write a description on the main part of the page - that was fine- than tried to enter the email and phone number would not accept phone number and email disappeared when I tried to exit, all in all just kept jumping back to original page with the wrong info attached. Probably not explaining this very well but have not used it before. If you can help would be grateful, thanks both.
  11. Been trying to add an advert to the classified section and it is driving me nuts, can one of you be kind enough to tell me how to get an add onto this bloody thing? I saw a OWNERS manual for a DT50M on fleabay and as it was going cheap I grabbed it and was hoping to offer it to someone who might need it and as I only paid £6 for it seemed a bit of a bargain and one of you might have a use for it. If your interested then PM me.
  12. Ah yes forgot that, still it will be good to remind him that home might be where the heart is but it also comes with it's share of difficulties, OH and SNOW almost forgot that to.
  13. Bugger!! thought I had it this time, pleased it was an easy fix Groucho but REALLY mate not noticing a flat tyre WTF!! You need to get this maintenance monkey off your back and do a bit of studying up on how to fix your bike, go to your local tech college they might have a beginners course in it. P.S surly one of us must be nearby and can help out, if you were closer I would help you out with some sarcasm and general ridicule until you get it sorted. PP S well done Blackhat250, smartarse of the day badge for you.
  14. I'm with Ttasky on this it is usually only the wiring that is different on the US models, apparently they are incapable of turning the lights on themselves and have to have it done for them!! Otherwise all the mechanical bits should be identical as stated above, MIGHT be some odds and sods that will need fettling but other than that we will be pleased to see your bike tootling around the UK in the rain, not sure you know what that is as in Aus it's supposed to have sunshine on occasion, here you are going to need a very good set of waterproofs and water wings on the bad days.
  15. Welcome Stockie nice place here and good folks with shed loads of experience in chopping bits off of their bikes so you should fit right in.
  16. Welcome to the YOC Garth, always nice to meet new folks and good to have new riders joining in, good luck in your test and let us know how it goes.
  17. Sorry to hear about your Grandad Grouch, as for your bike "WHAT COULD GO WRONG" as you seem to have repaired or replaced everything that moves or comes off??? If you didn't have bad luck you would have no luck. Hope it's not to expensive and that this is THE LAST time the bugger lets you down, you can't sell it now you will have to wait till it becomes a classic or vintage before you get your money back should be about 25 to 30 years from now, wrap it in cling film and store it at the back of your garage till 2043 (that's not a quarter to 9 either)
  18. Welcome CT, nice to have you in the nut house.
  19. Christ Jimmy your a long way off, if your ever passing pop in and they are yours.
  20. Thanks Dirty, you reminded me I needed one myself, so good old EBAY and I got a FERM multi tool for £20 today, can finally polish the new carb tops I got LAST YEAR!! P.S if you want some BS/Whitwoth spanners you can have mine, been sat in my garage for 20 odd years and don't use them anymore. BRITOOL I think, bought them when I started work in the 60s, "OH GOD" now I feel really old!!
  21. Hi David, It might be a good idea to do and "INTRO" first before launching into a question, it's because we get A LOT of one hit wonders who ask advice and then sod off never to be heard from again. So if you would be so kind to use the new member section and give a bit of info about yourself others will be more inclined to answer you. It's not that we are grumpy (well not all of us) but we like strangers to say Hi first. No offence meant or taken I hope?.
  22. Hi, Otherwise simply get on it and ride it, that will sort out any gremlins you might have and show you how the gearbox works, your NOT silly just new & it takes time to learn anything worthwhile. Ride safe and DO the learners classes, usually all sorts on those things from new riders to old farts just getting back into riding, and you will learn about your bikes together.
  23. Welcome to the YOC Matt, nice place and nice people, lots of help when you need it and sarcasm when you don't.
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