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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ok peeps it's 200 miles from me and I DON'T do camping but put me down as a possible cos if there is a hotel nearby then your on !!!
  2. slice

    Then and Now

    Tommy, Just looked up your Dads bike reg and it's registered as a TRITON !!! So still out there and has a Triumph engine which truth be told was a better less delicate motor than the NORTON one especially the pre unit ones as the gearbox on the Norton was always a bit suspect after about the first 10 miles.
  3. Hi Rzez, Welcome to the YOC, you might want to try a question in the WORKSHOP section to get more answers to your question, a photo or 2 is always a good idea to so if you can bung a couple on and wait and see what turns up.
  4. Hi Martin, Welcome to the YOC, any bike that you buy for £30 and the wheels go round is a bargain mate, wish you luck with the rebuild.
  5. I remember travelling on one of these things back in the 70s, but I was in CATTLE class so only got to see out the window when the guy next to me leaned forward to get the knots out of his spine !!!
  6. LOVE IT Drewpy !!! Tommy this should keep you warm as all your belly is now round your neck and shoulders Ha Ha Ha Ha ????? And you just HAVE to click the enquiry button, talk about making you feel small and weak !!!
  7. Hi Olly Welcome to the YOC, if it has 2 wheels and an engine your welcome here mate, don't matter what the badge says they are all the same, most of us have had Hondas at one time or another and probably found that they are good bikes both to own and ride same as the Yams. Can't help with your numbering problem tho, have you tried Yamaha UK to see if they might have your details? Otherwise add the details to your message and see if one of our resident guru's can perhaps give some advice on what you might have, lot's of DT experts on here 2 strokers are some peoples speciality.
  8. Ok people I would like your input please, I have the FJ and the XJ both of which are to say the least a bit heavy, the XJ weighs in at 220 kilos or 500 lbs and I am not as young as I used to be so find it difficult heaving these monsters about, I would like to get one of these mover things that you slide under the centre stand but can't decide if it should be the long side stand one or the smaller centre stand design. Have any of you got one of these and which is best, not really concerned about the cost, within reason, but more the ease of movement but I'm not to sure about using the side stand method as it puts a lot of strain on the mounts and I have never been a huge fan of side stand use over centre stand on really heavy bikes, if it was a little 125/250cc thing I would not bother but moving these things in my garage is getting a bit wearing on my already damaged back!! Any help or advice appreciated especially if you have one hanging in your garage that you don't use anymore!!! There is also some talk about it being difficult to get the bike on the centre stand with one of these things due to it moving the centre of gravity as the height is compromised by having the dolly under the stand making it awkward to get the bike up over the tipping point. Has anyone had this and can you get over it easy or does it make it not worth bothering with. Thanks all
  9. Mervin I can help, I have something electric that will help her out !!!!!!!
  10. slice

    Virago shox

    Jimmy did you have any luck finding that paint?
  11. Hi, Can't help with the ID on your bikes but as to the PDF files you want it's a big NO NO on here to copy any manual as they are nearly all copyrighted and we will get screwed if we so much as mention anywhere you might go to get one, your best bet would to be good old EBAY as there are usually at least one book that might suit at a reasonable price. Hope you find what your looking for otherwise.
  12. Don't think we will see that advert on UK TV.
  13. Yep as Drewpy says stunned about covers it !!!!!
  14. Ah your a much nicer person than me, you waved at him I would have used his mirror as an enema, bend him over the bonnet and shove what he obviously has no use for where the sun don't shine !!!!
  15. Hi Welcome to the YOC, pretty little bike but what has happened to the seat? looks like you have mice !!! Lot's of 2 stroke gurus on here so make yourself at home.
  16. slice

    Virago shox

    Jimmy my mate uses a product from a company called PLASTI DIP it's a plastic paint really tough and seals the part from all crud and the usual rust bug, it comes in all colours and is very hard wearing, he painted the inside of his car wheels and it's still like new a year later, a bit anal really but he loves his car. The address is something like plastidip.co.uk or just bung in plasti dip on Google and it should find it. Just an idea !!
  17. Alex still not working for me I'm afraid, the emoticons like this one work but the ones in "show all" still not working, any ideas? Should be 2 here but as you can see nothing visible, Ho Hum !!
  18. Ok it made me laugh and the only thing missing was the Benny Hill music !!!!!!
  19. Sacha, That's not a spare hairpiece or extensions in there is it? Seems a good place to keep either really, nice and warm and handy if your in need of a quick disguise !!!
  20. The only thing you should remember about buying a vehicle is "go and see it" oop's "NEVER EVER buy in the dark or when it's raining" oop's and always make sure it has the same numbers on the bike as on the paperwork (YES!!!) Well 1 out of 3 ain't bad, is it? As long as your happy with it and it's not a complete dog that's all that matters, enjoy.
  21. Your in JAPAN !! a few miles from the YAMAHA factory and you want to know how to fix your bike??? Ok check you have a spark first then check you have fuel, if either of those things is missing then there's your problem fixed but it could be about a million different things from the coil to the voltage reg/rectifier duff plugs and with about half a mile of wiring to go over as well that should keep you busy for a while. It's not that we know how to fix your bike and won't tell you it's that it could be one tiny thing and you could be looking for it forever, try your local Yammie dealer he might know immediately what the problem is. Wish you luck finding your fault but need more detailed info on what is working and what's not before any sort of diagnosis would even be possible. I know that's not what you want to hear but it really could be anything.
  22. That is pretty small really, not something I think you need to worry about, like most things mechanical you need a bit of space for the thing to actually work without binding up, your right the rings only go so far up the barrel so there will always be a lip of some kind on a used engine. As Drewpy says there are a few marks on the actual barrel in some of your photos, might be an idea to just check that there is no damage before you rebuild it and bung it in the bike frame. Other than that it looks like a good one.
  23. slice

    Frame paint ??

    Now that is interesting stuff Feliks, I will have to get some more info on that and see what works out best and cheapest. Was wondering about engine paint and that stuff looks perfect.
  24. slice

    Frame paint ??

    Thanks Tasky, I had forgotten all about them !! Will go now and see what they have handy, not to fussed about the colour but would be nice to keep it original and at those prices makes sense to stick with the original. See that's why there are no DAFT questions just daft people not willing to listen !!! When I stop listening and start knowing it all "JUST SHOOT ME".
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