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Everything posted by slice

  1. Usually it's buy cheap get cheap, at least that's been my experience over the years, not saying they aren't out there it's just the usual "made in China" stuff is pretty f**king awful, I think it's a case of GOOGLE is your friend when you want something, then it's just a case of looking at ALL the sites that do what you want, comparing prices and buying what you need, you'll die of old age before you get to all of them. Someone might know different but I bet most folks say the same thing. Or maybe not!
  2. We don't have HARBOUR FREIGHT in the UK mate so unless you want to pay about 3 times the price in postage a bit of a none starter. Unless I missed them of course? The 4litre one from MAPLINS is £349.99 FFS! although you can pick up tiny ones (that clean jewelry) for about £40 or £50 but you have to tear everything done to get the bits inside.
  3. slice

    xj600 raise

    Sorry mate but LOOK AT THE DATE 2011 pretty sure the subject is well sorted by now!
  4. Hi Gary, well to tell the truth if you want cheap then it's got to be an ebay job, cos if you buy new you gotta pay the full price, other than that I have bought the larger screen for the FJ and it really does make a difference wind not trying to tear your head off if one thing and deflecting the rain is another tho it still gets you it's not as bad. As to where to buy it's all pretty subjective, if you want new then your going to have to trawl the net till you find what your looking for and the price that suits your pocket. Sorry mate not much anyone can tell you about where to buy or how much to pay.
  5. Nathan if you can get a cheaper one then don't bother with the Yammie one after all if the pump fails you just buy another one I mean if it's £20 a pop then you can buy 11 of them for the price of a proper one.
  6. Unfortunately (or not!) we are not allowed to own guns in the UK, shotguns and air rifles yes but proper in your face "do you feel lucky PUNK" type guns no, it seems that the powers that be think we might decide that a cull of the local and national politicians would be the first and possibly their last action or we're not mature enough to handle these weapons. Shame really as I can think of a lot of people that the world would be better of without. Burglars - muggers - rapists - paedophiles - home grown terrorists to name but a few.
  7. Hi XT, well it seems you have missed a vital step in your post ie the INTRO in new members section. Most folks just ignore 1 post wonders till they at least say hello, imagine if you would rolling up to a complete stranger and asking them to help fix your bike, you wouldn't would you? Same here if you don't say Hi and give a bit of info then why should folks help out? Don't worry tho cos if you chuck one in now you golden and someone will be along to help out with your difficulty. Oh and Welcome to the YOC we actually like new folks to join in and hope you get to stick around and take part.
  8. It should take about 8 hours on trickle charge, I leave mine overnight or did till I got the Oximiser now it's on all the time when it's not being used. You can't, as far as I know, over charge it with a trickle charger but you can boil it dry if you leave it on for days or weeks.
  9. slice

    Off to Work

    Oh nothing but the best for our boys in blue then ! Bit like the miners strike, sleep in your van or if you want luxury you can have a 1940s scout tent that sleeps 20 farting snoring bobbies !!
  10. As Preload says the battery is PRE-CHARGED at the factory but it needs to be fully charged before you use it, 2 hours at your mechanics will not be enough to get it up to full power, you need a motorcycle battery charger as well DO NOT use a car battery charger or you will cook the battery. Something like this if you can get it. It's a trickle charger and only uses about 500millamps. They are about £8 on ebay.
  11. Lassy, Just looking on ebay the other day for an alarm for the FJ and they do a good one for about £80 that sends a text to your phone to say your bike is in trouble, just a thought mate as these bastards will be back.
  12. slice

    Off to Work

    Well glad to have you back Jimmy, did you get tea with the President? or perhaps Dave invited you all down for a coffee at his gaff?
  13. Yes I saw that, was wondering if the pistons went down and up rather that the other way, probably explains why he couldn't fix it ! Still will keep me in the garage over the winter and the wife will probably send my tea out there anyway. PS or could it be the rare AHAMAY model; from China? Just noticed it is the DELUXE model as well so I will have to find where they have hidden the ashtray!
  14. I can only look at the same things as you, If you can't find it cheap then you have to pay the going rate, that means YAMAHA prices or you could go down the route of buying a used knackered bike and strip off what you want from it but if it's broke on yours then it's probably broken on all of them. We all have this problem, you want a part you look up the price and fall over with shock at the cost, not much anyone can say except that's the way it is. Oh and you need to do an INTRO.
  15. YES it's called GOOGLE.
  16. Try here granbymotors.co.uk/motorcycle-spare-parts or www.wemoto.com/bikes/yamaha/t_80_townmate/83-97/ That's just a couple in the UK more on Google just choose your country. PS ONE HIT WONDER - someone who turns up asks for advice assistance then buggers of without saying "thank you" we get lots of these.
  17. No DT I want the actual manual, seen one on the bay so my next purchase, that should put the wife right up there with the light fixtures
  18. Hi Josh, Welcome to the YOC mate.
  19. As above, it's sometimes best to say HELLO before you ask advice from strangers, an INTRO in the new members section would not go amiss (hint)! We get A LOT of one hit wonders who want advice and then without a "Thank you" are never seen again, it gets annoying that folks seem to have forgotten to say Hello before they ask for advice. But be that as it may Welcome to the YOC and we hope you stick around.
  20. If your in Romania then you might have trouble locally, where have you tried to find the parts? Bound to be someone in the UK or the USA that has what your looking for, Germany is supposed to be good for spares as well, EBAY is your friend when it comes to parts it's just the postage that makes it expensive. We have members that are from Romania on here so they might be able to help with finding the bit's your looking for, you might get more help if you do an INTRO in the NEW MEMBERS section (hint), that way we know your not a one hit wonder.
  21. HI YYL and welcome to the YOC, lots of folks on here that will help if they can, just post your questions in the WORKSHOP.
  22. slice

    DVLA stupidity!

    Not really DT, they after all are paid to do this, it's only cos you contacted them that they thought they could make a bit more cash. As usual you have to prove your innocent not them proving your guilty.
  23. Just thought you might like to see it.
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