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Everything posted by xv535

  1. xv535 replied to jj2k's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome aboard jj2k. It's a great site with lots of great comments ...especially if you are monkey wrenching a bike. Rocky
  2. xv535 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Video Section
    That guy has a death wish....I was waiting for someone to open a car door....and...game over! Rocky
  3. This is a typical drive down the Trans Canada Highway. The national government hopes to bring a paving machine in the next couple of years and start to pave it from Newfoundland to British Columbia. The big problem is there are no asphalt plants in Canada so they may just add more gravel. In any event, Canadians are very excited about the possibility of getting our first paved road . Rocky <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1099.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fg386%2Fxv535rider%2Fmoose_truck.mp4">
  4. FNG

    xv535 replied to 1machinist's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome aboard 1machinist. This is a great site. There is a lot of knowledge available from the members, but the humour is tough to follow at times . Has spring arrived in Duluth yet? Rocky
  5. xv535 replied to Ryan Johnson's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hey Ryan Welcome to the site. I think you will really enjoy it as it is a good source of repair knowledge and, of course, jokes and humour. Sounds like you are having fun getting your bike ready. The nice thing about owning a bike is it is both fun to ride and a lot of fun to work on (well, most of the time ). Post some pictures, eh. Rocky
  6. Nice revolver John. 357 is a great caliber. That price would make any handgun a lot of fun. I was shooting an S&W 44 mag last weekend. Bit more kick....and a bit more expensive to shoot. Rocky
  7. Keep your eyes on the road...and you hands on the wheel. One of the reasons Mummy won't let him become King.
  8. xv535 replied to xv535's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    No Maple trees here Barkwindjamer. I's too damn cold, but we do have lots of birch and you're right....the sap is running. Sugaring off is not common here due to the lack of maple trees but some misplaced interlopers from Ontario and Quebec who live here do tap the birch and boil the sap down to syrop. Personally, I would rather drink a Guinness. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6wlrz_best-beer-guinness-commercial_fun Oldgitonabike you have to educate me....remember I'm from the colonies...What is the colonial equivalent of my own 'cable-car'? I may have one. Rocky
  9. xv535 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    After a long and hard winter with a lot of snow in February and March coupled with -20 C temperatures it looks like spring is finally making it's way north. Canada Geese arrived on March 19...don't know where they'll land as the fields are still under snow and all the lakes are frozen.... and yesterday I saw a bike on the highway....bet he was cold. Sure signs of spring in the Great White North! Today was a nice warm 6 C (is that warm or what???) and sunny so I went to the shop and dragged the bike out, fired it up and took a couple of runs down the driveway. Sometime around the second week of April I'll put some insurance on it and take it for a real ride unless we get some more snow Rocky
  10. xv535 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Hey Foamy Here's a link for an '92 XJ600 manual (that's the oldest that I could find). There may not have been a lot of changes between '89 and '92. This shows exploded views and part numbers. Hope it helps. http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xj600sd-seca-ii-1992_model9886/partslist/ Link for numerous other Yamaha Manuals http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-motorcycle_model16707/ Good Luck Rocky
  11. xv535 replied to lilderv's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    OOOooppps...Misread the post. On rereading the post I see that the fluid was in the exhaust not the cylinder. Obviously I need new glasses. Rocky
  12. xv535 replied to lilderv's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    You said it was "full of". Was it just damp or was there enough that it was pooled on the piston? If it is pooled then it probably isn't condensation. Did it smell like gas? Years ago I had a 15 hp Briggs & Straton engine cylinder fill with gas when the float stuck. It had sat for a while and the gas leaked into the crank case also. I had a similar problem last fall with a portable generator while hunting. Good luck. Rocky
  13. xv535 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in General
    Hey DirtyDT The tank looks great for its age. What did it cost you? Have you sat down and tried to estimate what the total cost of restoring the bike might be? Rocky
  14. xv535 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    DirtyDT I know what you mean when you say you are a bit apprehensive about your son getting a bike. My 23 yr old daughter bought a '08 ZZR250 in January. She has no riding experience either. My wife and I were talking about this today and compared to me, my wife, who also rides, needs to take a couple valium. It is a worry, but most of us never have a serious problem. I agree with 2 Wheels that the best thing that can happen to her is to have a scary moment (one with no damage to her or her bike) in the first week that she starts to ride. In BC, much like the UK, new riders have to take a bike course and then pass a written and riding exam. Pat Your joke made me smile also. It may be old over there, but on this side of the pond its new. Rocky
  15. Hi ABxv535 I think the advice that you've got from Oldgitonabkie is dead on...and if you smell gas but cann't see a leak then the gas is not burning and being dumped into the exhaust pipe, so be carefull if you have to crank it over a lot to get it started 'cause it could be one hell of a big backfire. I have a 535 and its been a great bike.. the only problem was an air leak in the carb. Rocky
  16. xv535 replied to fuff66uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I know that the fab shops around here fill all fuel tanks/containers with water before welding on them. I beleive it is required by Workers Compensation. About 10 yrs ago an apprentice welder was killed when he tried to cut a 45 gallon fuel drum in half without filling it with water. Good advice....you make the brackets and get someone else to weld them on. Rocky
  17. xv535 replied to red-butcher's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Hi Oleg. Welcome to the site. Nice pictures but...please post some pictures of good looking Russian chics, eh! Yes your English is very good, but it you may have trouble understanding what is written on this site....it seems that a lot of our British cousins speak or write in some strange dialect that doesn't follow the rules set out by either Shakespear or the Queen. Enjoy the site. Rocky
  18. xv535 replied to neversaydie's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I think your decision to drop the bike was the correct one given the circumstances. Even at 30 mpg you don't have a lot of time to make a decision. Also the fact that it was 10:15 pm means it was dark which makes it much tougher to see the little assholes. I have never heard of kids doing that, so if I had been in your shoes I probably would not have reacted as quickly as you did. You didn't say how much damage was done to your bike. If you can ID the kids I would pass the info onto the insurance company and let them go after the kids parents. Hopefully the cops will talk to the parents and the parents will beat the shit out of the kids. I agree that there is little the courts can do to the kids if they are juveniles. We have the same problem here...the little bastards are not held accountable. However, things may be changing in BC. Three years ago 2 juveniles set fire to a building doing hundreds of thousands of dollars damage but were let off because they were 17 yrs old. The insurance company appealed the court decision all the way to the Supreme Court of BC and .... the court ruled they could go after the parents who the court said had a responsibility to provide proper supervision and moral direction to their children. Perhaps some sanity will work its way back into the legal systems of our countries. Anyway, I'm glad you weren't hurt. Rocky
  19. xv535 replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    That is a great looking 535! If anyone can track down where to get that seat, I would definitely buy one. Rocky
  20. xv535 replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in General
    Hey Liam Your bike is looking good! What else are you going to do and when do you think you'll get it on the road? I'm envious of you Brit's...you guys can ride most of the year. Here we are limited to 6 months due to either snow or cold weather ....last night it was -32.5C with a high this afternoon of -15C....to damn cold to ride, eh! The long ange weather forcast indicates that the temp will make it above freezing aroundd the first of March...Cann't wait! Keep us posted on what you're doing. Rocky
  21. xv535 replied to karlbentley's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Karl I agree with Mervin..it looks like you got a good deal on that bike and for what you paid for it you can afford to spend a bit of money on it to get it working correctly. For a bike that sat out in the weather for 7 years it is in much better shape than I would have expected. Have fun with the rebuild! Rocky
  22. You are correct. They took the xv535 engine and bored an additional 5mm to get 81 mm and stroked it by an additional 4 mm to 63mm. The result was a 649 cc engine. I don't know if the top end gaskets will work but it seems reasonable to expect the top end gaskets for the 535 to fit the 650 given those changes. Rocky
  23. xv535 replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Yup..There is one of those babes in every bottle...open the bottle and one pops out to personally start your engine.. I'll take a dozen!! Rocky
  24. xv535 replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    Great video Chris...even though they were speaking Scots.. Rocky
  25. Here is the real story behind the origins of River Dance ...the national (?) dance of Ireland: Rocky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0rrLdWLu_0&feature=player_embedded