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Everything posted by NEV

  1. Came across this on Ebay, this a proper price for this bike or what? especially without a bloody engine, plus everything looks buggered linky This is more like it, any bobbers out there might be interested in this mind linky
  2. Ah well maybe next year then
  3. Aye deffo Merv, Doubt whether bike will be ready mind, but can always meet up at Paignton sea front, it'd be nice if a few more lads further a field could make it too, make it a bit of a meet up, as much as I'd like to make Squires this year, it's just a tad too far for me, and if the weather behaves itself, there should be a pretty decent turnout of bikes down there
  4. I think theres a few out there NE0, started off with Ghostrider,on his turbo'd Busa, now every one and his dog are copying him, there was a Black Prince, from France, did the Paris ring road in record time, till Ghostrider smashed his time,Black Prince, if I'm not mistaken is brown bread now, nothing heard about Ghostrider for a while , although there were rumours he was going to have a crack at the M25.
  5. As someone who went from a 250 ram air to the KH, there wasn't much to choose between them in fun factor, the KH was a tad faster thats all
  6. NEV

    Yamaha DT200WR

    Aye old school way
  7. Got my seat back of him last week, covered and shaped, very good job,£15, I supplied the cover mind. A pic of a couple of his seats on his flyer URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/img0198awx.jpg/] Personally I think he has better up on his unit walls
  8. NEV

    Gay Test

    Aye, she looks like a real archer And the size of those jugs, she'd need nipple protectors too
  9. NEV

    Gay Test

    Noticed first there was no forearm guard, and I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is
  10. NEV

    Bike Road Tax

    Aye, the main problem with using chinese takeaway oil, is that after you've filled up, about 3 hours later you feel like you need to put some more in.
  11. NEV

    Bike Road Tax

    A mate of mine with a Rocsta jeep thingy, went down the chip fat road, he can process his own chinese takeaway oil now, he heats and filters it somehow,played about with different pumps and filters, found the right type that wouldn't clog up, and he swears by it now, but by christ it stinks, the cool thing though is when he goes into Tescos and gets a couple of bottles of cooking oil off the shelf bangs it into his car, and buggeres off back to Penzance, all for about a fiver
  12. NEV

    Bike Road Tax

    Deffo not, you get maybe 3-4 mpg less using LPG but at half the price of petrol, last time I worked it out petrol worked out at 24p a mile, wheres LPG its 11p a mile, and like I say it was 3 years ago I paid £1700 for the conversion, its around the thousand pound mark nowadays, and kits have become much better with most teething problems fixed that the earlier conversion kits had, plus I went with the added flashlube kit, added protection for valves etc, I get where you're coming from with the diesel mind, last car was the Omega Elite TD, with the 2.5 BMW diesel engine not the 2.2 Vauxhall one, but looking at changing fuel pumps, filters and converting rails to take bio-fuel, I don't think ther'ed be much difference in the price of the LPG kit cost nowadays. If you can guarantee you're keeping the car then aye it's worth doing, as after 3 years and 50k in mileage, mines more than paid for itself.
  13. NEV

    Yamaha DT200WR

    Yer a braver man than me Andy, after seeing/ owning bikes that have semi-seized pistons due to some fault or other with the oil pump, I go pre-mixed nowadays, I'm keeping the oil bottle mind, and I'll rig up an inline tap, that allows an oil flow into a clear see through pipe that'll be marked in ml accordingly, I use the ratio buddy program to work out a ratio of 42 - 1, a full tank 7 litres needs 166ml of 2t oil, 3.5L needs 84ml, and a litre needs 24ml, so as long as I have those measurements on the pipe, I can fill up at the garage, then add into the petrol, whatever 2t oil measurement from the tube, a bit of a palaver fair enough, maybe 5 mins extra at the service station, but no where near as long as replacing a piston.
  14. NEV

    Bike Road Tax

    LPG conversion was the way I went, cheaper tax, and it pays for itself after a year,no congestion charges as it's classed as a hybrid (London at the minute, but most cities are thinking of bringing charges in,in the near future),the money you save on the difference between LPG and petrol, basically makes it free road tax each year anyway, the only problem is the initial cost of installation, it cost me £1700 quid 3 years ago, but I hear it's gone right down in price nowadays.
  15. Your call on the lacquer on the tank, funnily enough I'm on my tank at the min,and I'll be giving mine a couple of coats of Halfords Hycote lacquer just for good measure, another thing I do to get a good gloss finish, is to mix T-Cut and Maguires Scratch X into a paste then with 1200 lightly go over the paint, just takes away any of that 'orange peel' down nicely, clean down with flash wet wipes,dry & buff up, and all's ready for top coats of lacquer, coming right back at almost a foot away from tank, so it goes on lightly, as I've found if I spray it too closely to it can cloud up on you. As for the polishing of the tank I'll use Bilt Hamber Autobalm, cracking stuff,I always use it for detailing my Lexus, although you need to use a dampened microfibre covered sponge, to apply it mind, hope this helps some
  16. NEV

    Yamaha DT200WR

    Dressed like that in Brighton, I would have my buttocks pressed firmly against a wall,somewhere, certainly not walking around
  17. NEV

    R6 plate

    R6 Cost a few bob mind
  18. NEV

    parts in us?

    Try the new members section
  19. NEV

    Yamaha DT200WR

    Keep at it Andy,coming together nicely mate I want to see a video of it running, a job for Seb mebbe? Seats a good 'un, btw, deffo worth the £15, shaped too. the Polisport tail piece looking nice, although I went with Acerbis, lol, Polisport front mudguard Aye nice kettle, but never a match for the 750/4 mind as I often prooved
  20. Yer doin the bike proud mate, nice one. 2 things mind, have you laquered over the chrome spray? and you say you used the grinder on it, not wanting to teach granny, the art of sucking eggs, so to speak, but personnally I'd avoid grinding, as that also thins metal, a wire cup or wheel, on a 4" grinder only takes the paint/rust off
  21. NEV

    R6 plate

    BOL 10X Best one I've ever seen
  22. Aye fair play to Dave, but my grandad worked as a millwright/centre lathe turner during the war, at Rolls Royce Derby, making the Merlin engines, and I can honestly say I got more admiration for him, and his determination, seeing as he was dive bombed with Stukas and the odd Heinkel dropping bombs on his knapper,while he worked
  23. Welcome back to blighty mate, hope you had a good time over there? bag any bargains from any auto jumbles/garage sales? I thought you'd be somewhere near the launch of the space shuttle, when I saw it come on the news, mates who have been to launches in the past tell me it's an awesome sight, and very foookin loud
  24. Lookin nice that OG, btw, are you getting the vibration at around 70mph apparently the XT's are prone to do this? mines a bugger for it. plus I'm liking that tail piece, is that and the rear side panel all in one?
  25. Right then thats one rhetorical question sorted then
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