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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Yep, thats what i was thinkin too I have a compression tester with a flexy on the end of it so i dont need to take tank off,,,,,,,,but the rest is as OG says. Have you given the carb a really really good clean,,,,,including all the jets and like Member Vez would say, check the power pipe/jet,its the one that conects the float bowl to the carb body. Is this loss of power a gradual thing or did it just happen all of a sudden ???
  2. Put it under your arm when ya go ta bed Kev ! Twill be fully charged in da mornin
  3. I dont know Paul but what i do know is that if i dont ease off on the eating my Blue one will have a heartatack with me up on it
  4. Does she start easy and then idle. Can it take a quick blast of throttle from idle How many miles are we talking about on the bike.
  5. Failte to the YOC Rusaul Everyone knows the Blue DT's are fastest
  6. An 80 year old man walks into a jeweller shop with an absolutely stunning 20 year old blonde . He asks the jeweller for a "special ring" for the young lady. Jeweller says here you go ,,,this one is €5000. ... No says the man i want a really "special ring", so the jeweller pulls out one from the safe and says "now sir , this one is €65000". Thats the one the old dude says as the blondes eyes light up with excitement. I will write you a cheque and when the cheque clears on monday we will come and collect it. Monday morning the jeweller phones the old man and says. " Sir there is no money in your account" Sure i know that says the old dude, but can you imagine the fuckin weekend I am after havin
  7. Class lookin wee bike ! He's doing a great resto ! Hope he comes back with more pic's and the finished product !
  8. The biker should of beeped his horn ! The woman would of dropped her makeup and all would of been OK
  9. Did ye see the wee battery Drewps has in his Flat Tracker
  10. Da Horney Little Feckers http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TjUe2zxmX0M
  11. Aye, drewps,,,,,,,,nice feature feture ,,,,,,,,nice cover !
  12. Well in this case i would build my own to whatever size ya want. Extend the concret out a bit more and have a good size shed. Sur tis easy ta build a timber shed ! ! ! If ya bought one the size ya wanted,,,,,could it be lifted in over the back of the garden or something ??? get it delivered on one of them Hiabb lorrys and lift her in ?? If ya still want a big shed but dont want ta build it yourself,,,,,,,,buy the big one,,,,leave it out the front,,,,,take off the roof,,,,,,seperate the sides,,,,,take off a few T+G boards,,,,,take through the house,,,,,rebuild it out the back. simples :lol: Or buy 2 small ones and join them and re-roof it . A Jaysus,,,,,,Just build one out the back
  13. Get one of them digital thingys that are for mountain bikes. Have one stuck on me DT,,,,,,,,,,,I got it just ta have the time. Anyway they are pritty acurate if ya set them up right. They have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,speed,time,trip,total distance,max speed,average sped,and some other shite things. No bad for a fiver.
  14. Go ooooon Kylie,,,,,,,,,,,,,ya sexy girl ya B)
  15. Welcome to the club ! Nice find for the money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good luck with the rebuild !
  16. Does size matter ? Aye indeed it does,,,,,,,the bigger the better,,,,,,,,nothing worse than banging into things when your trying to work in there. I've a steel shed that i made myself,,,,,,,tis a grand job,,,,,,,it does condinsate,,,,it is cold,,,,it isnt big enough,,,,,,,so now i keep turf in there for the fire. Me bikes are in the conservatory, which is now a bloody mess,,,,,,wife is very happy with that,,,,,when i have a few bob togeather i plan on building a propper block shed out the back.
  17. :lol: Wel said Jammer ! He's right,,,,,,,,,,,leave em alone,,,,,,there supposed ta be there.
  18. A now,,,,,,,,,,,,I thaught everyone new that da Irish learned ta dance one day while messin round in da Shed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,something went wrong on a fella when fixin up his bike. He started kickin da tools and spanners round da floor,,,wavin an throwin the greesy rag he had in his hand,,,,,,,,,,,,when his tantrem finaly passed an he was worn out, he sat down Taught ta himself,,,,,,now dat wasnt much help, was it,,,,,,,,,,,,with dat he taught,,,,,but twas good crack So up he stood,,,,,,,,caught da handle-bars of da dismandled bike an danced round da floor. Dats what happend me anyway
  19. Aye,,,,,,,,,,,,jaysus that is sooooo true. Before i sold my CBR there were loads of CHEEP Fazers round and now that im lookin for wan the bisterds seem ta have jumped up in price and are hour's and hour's drive away. XT 500,,,,,,,,,,,,nice
  20. How ya dirty,,,,,,,me name is Pat Sur ya have a project allready,,,,,,,,,,,half the fun is lookin for somethin,,,,,,,,,,,,,provided it doesnt take too long. Find an aul rusty frame,,a worn out engine,,and start from there,,,,,,,,,,,,,sur it'd be great crack ! A DT400 sold over here a week ago for €200 was well fooked lookin though Good luck with the search,,,,,,,,,,something right will turn up for ya in time !
  21. When i bought my DT125 it had the origional tyres on it that were put on in the factory. The date on the tyre matches the date of the bike when it was made It still has the origional front tyre on it. Thats a good tip about buying new tyres though,,,,,,,,lads might just think,,,,,,sur i have a new tyre,,,,,,,,when in reality the tyre might be a few years old
  22. Happy birthday Cynic Have a good wan ! :birthday:
  23. Welcome along Dude ! Ha Ha !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it does get hot and heavy in here sometimes ! ! ! sometimes Me name is Pat I'm from Donegal I'm curently searching for a another bike ! I have good hope of getting a good clean Fazer
  24. 2 Wheels

    Sold to Buy

    Your some man Vic ! I shall check it out Onec again, thank ya !
  25. To Pilninggas, Dear merv, I hope you have a very happy birthday, I know its a long time since,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I still think of the time we,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I sometimes wish it didnt end the way it did. Anyway i wont keep stalking you anymore and i sorry for the things i done on ya ! All the best Your ex girlfriend Ha Ha !!! I got ya nicely there Merv :birthday: Have a good one ! ! !
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