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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Lovely weather here for the last 2 weeks
  2. Cool Blackie : Bring it on ! Hopefully i will be houling round the roads with ye
  3. Welcome along Rutele. keep that front wheel down ! OR get an old yoke to practice on,,,,,,in a field,,,,,,,with loads of padding round ya !
  4. Was out cutting mine this evening ! Then when finished, i cracked open a bottle of beer, sat up against the fence and Enjoyed. This is not mine,,,,,,,but looks good !
  5. Is ya ridin round with na lid r wat ? Ghostbikes also good for the lids, seem cheep to !
  6. Nice lookin wee moped ya got there !!! They look like a grand bike,,,,,,,,,i never had one ! Welcome to the YOC
  7. O, glad your ok Dirty, the headake will pass. Them bloody birds in the early mornin are nothing less than a death trap. Last year i had a close call in the same sinario,,,,,bird comes flyin out of the trees, i automatically swerve (i know your not supposed to but its hard not to when your caught by suprise), by the time i get the bike back into my own lane all i can see is flashing headlights and me just missing some cage by inches. With the summer commin (hopefully) the birds will be out in force, especially in the early hours of the morning. When i throw my leg over and start her up i say to myself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BE READY FOR THE DAM BIRDS. Anyway, glad its not to serious for ya ! Visor's £20 depending on lid ya have !
  8. Nice job Paul, looks the business I'd be afraid ta ride it now, incase i got a bit of dust on her.
  9. Aye, Liam, There a great wee bike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hang on to her,,,,,,,you'll be glad ya did She will look good if/when ya get that nice blue paint job finished !!!
  10. Mine will do 75 na-boather,,,,,,,no DEP,,,,,,,,,an im a heavy barstwert I bet OG's will do da same. Only sayin like
  11. Nice bike Dirty, there a great yoke,,me mate has wan !
  12. Check out FAQ for posting pics here's some pics of mine for to compare http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/25457-me-new-horse/
  13. :lol: I can picture it now,,,,,,,,,,,Drewps slips his hand down Kev's sleepin-bag,,,,,gently rubs the cold cheeks of his ass,,,,,,,,kisses him softly on the cheek then turns over quite happy with himself.
  14. Failte: to the YOC I've just recently got the same bike as ya. Hope ya enjoy yours !
  15. I wouldnt buy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she may have done some nasty things to that poor lid
  16. Jaysus, i dont know Paul, i wouldnt be happy with just 2 engine mounts !
  17. Aye they do indeed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,tis not bad stuff either for starting off, specially after buying a new bike
  18. Aye, definatly chain off or you will wreck your gearbox. EDIT: was this a post ta try and promote your business????????????????????????????????
  19. 2 Wheels


    Welcome to the Nut House stg Mike What did i miss ? sur where would ya be going closing da door behind ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pull up a chair, sip on your coffey, get comfy and stick arround
  20. Something is going Downhill anyway Welcome to the Yamaha Owners Club downhill
  21. Am not on facebook,,,,,,so is there another way i can see your process stages
  22. Good call there Cynic ! might help the newbees (and ourselves) from hittin the deck. ps. I hope the rain stays away
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