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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Would ya have any problem's getting into this Gear
  2. 2 Wheels

    First Fazer?

    Sorry didnt see your post till now. Well lower milage is always good,,,,,, a bike with 20k on it would be fine,,,,,50k i wouldnt bother myself. ( if it was my bike at this miles i wouldnt mind as i would know how it was serviced) You would need to take someone with you thats knows what to look out for when buying, other than that youll just have to to a Valve check when she is due one. So it wont need an overhaul as such,,,,, i've seen 2 Fazers now geting valves checked at 75k miles,,, one need 2 shims and the other was spot on. Again take someone with you if your not confident,,, and definatly dont buy without seeing, pictures can hide a fortune of work needed. Fazer tops out at 135mph but is also happy doing 20mph For you i think its the fazer instead of the Divi,,,,,,Unless,,Divi 900 is a different story though),,,,,,,, but it can come to money at the end of the day More questions,,,,,, ask away
  3. Looking forward to pics of the new horse,,,,, ZL900 Ilimanator,,,,, r ya ridin her home from York
  4. I've been out it the bloody rain, mad wind, and a little snow all bloody winter. When the weather is nice i have to work,,,,, unless its a sunday or mabey the odd monday. A dry day here is like heaven,,,,, i havent seen the roads dry since i came back from Squires last year !!! Serious,,, no dry roads in months
  5. A kind off there James for us accross the water Fair play to ya
  6. Its even the same £19.99 to post to Scotland Blackie,,,,,, how can they justify that ??? Pricks. I for one would buy loads of things overthere but not at that postage charge.
  7. Aye,,, pisses me off too,,,,,, parts are cheap but to post is £19.99........ Fuckin un-real. There shooting themselves in the foot,,,,,, some of them parts cant be got here but i know about 5 people that will not buy them because of the postage. Specially me. There is a way arround it though,,,,,, if ya know someone overthere,,, post parts to them and then they post to you,,,,costs about £6 then. Theving bastardsme thinks.
  8. 2 Wheels

    I Think !

    Lets all get togeather,,,,, yes, all of us Everyone save 1500 quid each Take 3 weeks off work Meet somewhere, one place only, no messing about. And Fuck Off round the country for a great big ride-out. Ireland or United Kingdom, I dont mind. What say ye all ??? :hyper: ps. no i havent been drinkin !
  9. Failte Jammy, to the YOC ,,,,tis a grand place What county ya from ? Tis the newbies section, so no boather !
  10. Its amazing how tyres grip at these angles eh !!!
  11. The sun came out yesterday for 10 mins so i took some outside pic's for ye.
  12. 2 Wheels

    First Fazer?

    1998 and 2002 Fazer's are the same,,,,,,,, same bike, same engine,,,,,,only difference is a paint job Fazer is well forgiving too just like the divi,,,,,, only that it has more horses in its engine. There, there if you want to use them, but dont affect riding ability. Divi is like,,,,,,well put it this way - a diesel engine,,,,,,slow and tends to go forever. Both are great bikes,,,,,,,,, great engines that last and bikes that are easy to ride. My opnion,,,,, buy a Fazer,,,, when your confidence grows, you will get boored with the Divi Try an get a Foxeye model as the older ones tend to fetch more money. I sold a honda CBR600f to buy a Fazer,,,,,but that was more for comfort than anything else. The choice is yours but i think the FZS is a better bike,,,,,,,, if your comming from a YBR both bikes will make you happy. Welcome to the YOC Pat
  13. I dug myself a big hole there didnt I hope you got some jigy jigy lastnite Jason Anyway, birthday wishes mate
  14. But on the brighter side,,,,,,,, you can now tell people to piss off when there anoying you,,,,,,and they wont get all hot and boathered Isn't age a wonderfull thing ! This post has been written by a young fella
  15. No Jason,,,,,, dont kid yourself,,,,,,your still married :lol:
  16. Normal,,,,,,drive round a bit and choke will come off Yelcome to the YOC
  17. Congrats dude. Tis a good fealing
  18. Happy Birthday Cynic Ya get the day off work !!!
  19. I moved the kill switch up onto the left handlebar for ease of use !
  20. Cleaned it with Engine Cleaner (spray can) a hard tooth-brush washed it off sprayed again with engine cleaner and finally blasted that off with compressor. Still have a bit of tidying ta do on her. More pic's in half hour of bike with Bars on and callipers...... she is back-togeather now i suppose just the last few bits left ta do
  21. Jaysus John,,,, that is such a good bike ta be trading,,,,,,,but i suppose that ZL900 looks nice too. Do ya still have the Z900 (75)
  22. Bought me bike round this time last year (febuary) Just checked milage there a while ago I've clocked up 3970 for the year. Usless information,,,,,,,, just thaught i'd share. Who has done the most and how has done the least ???
  23. Well Barkey,,,,,, here we have gone over and above that ! We are now paying €1.58 a ltr
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