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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Good stuff Newman,,,,, Keep at her mate, She will be togeather soon.
  2. Sorry me bad,,,, there's no other junction box after the servo. The PV does nothing else after it is setup propperly so it must be ok. It could be the servo acting up,,,, but you have tested it and it seems ok. There's nothing else really amafraid. Dont know if power comes directly from ECU/ CDI,,,,,sorry Your bike is a 1989 ???? How come it has a starter ??? Or come to think of it,,,, how come it has a servo either,,,,, that year a bike had a non working PV. Didnt get a chance to look at mine yet mate, but i will 2moro
  3. What,,,,,,ya going to France or something,,,,,,,or am i being stupid and its in Hull
  4. Congrats Tasky, all down hill from here,,,,,,,, only joking
  5. That is what they do, so this bit is fine. You set them up with the drill-bit and thats it. Ignition on and it does its cleaning / checking cycle and returns to its drill-bit setting,,,,,so all ok. When the engine is started it closes more than that setting,,,so ok there too. If you turn ignition on, it does cycle, then kick the bike over but it doesnt start first time, you will notice that the valve has moved from the drill-bit setting and closed off a little, this is to give more back pressure and aid starting............So all is well there. Yes, this is not right,, dout if its a ECU prob,,,,so check out the cables to the pully, are they to tight,, to loose,, one tighter than the other. I'm thinking now off the top of my head but is there another little junction box further up underneath the fuel tank on your bike,,,,,if so have a look at it for stiffness. If its raining 2moro ill go out and have a look at me bike for ya, see whats what,,,, have u a manual,, i cant find mine at the moment to look up cable setting.
  6. Welcome Tom,,, There the best wee bike money can buy,,,,,,, DTR is beter that DTRE,,,,,just my own opinion,,, there a hardier bike Here be mine
  7. Same here, i run trialwings on me DTr,,,,,,,TW302
  8. Welcome Jerry. Take plenty of pictures from all angles before you take anything apart. Good luck with the rebuilds.
  9. Before ya go pulling the clutch out,,,,,,,, look in your haynes manual,,,,,,,it explaines how to reset the clutch lifting arm manually. There is a raised notch on the casing and when arm is adjusted propperly there is a mark on it which will line up with the notch on the case. Then do-up the clutch cable again and see if it's any better. This will reset clutch again BUT this will only work if the clutch plates have NOT become glazed. I would try this first. Get your bike into 3rd or 4th at a standstill. Front brake on,,,bit of throttle without stalling,,,,then easily let clutch out. If ya can let clutch leaver almost all the way out then you have a slipping clutch,,,,,,,,,lets hope there not at the glazed stage eh !!!
  10. I would ask for everything i could. Sometimes there is dealers which have a deal on new bikes with insurance. Yep, haggle away, its your money,,,,,if he doesnt boudge on the price try an get free things thrown in,,,,,,like chain an lock,,,,,full tank of fuel,,,,,bike cover,,,,,,ect ect ect.
  11. It could also be that 10 miles a day is too short a journey. Sur she's only getting warmed up and then your turning her off again. 2 strokes dont like pottering along slowly all the time. They get all carboned up,,,,,,exhaust,,,,,,power valve,,,,,piston crown,,,,,,head,,,,,,exhaust port. This weekend,,,,, take the bike for the ride of its life for about an hour. Keep her lit when you start to see a trail of smoke behind you.This is the heat burning off the carbon build-up from everywhere. When the smoke clears keep going another bit, you will then feel the bike freeing up and becoming more lively. Job done, so you can now head home happy ! Obviously Dont go mad and keep the bike screaming in the red-line, you will damage your engine by doing that. But it could also be like what Airhead says,,,,,,so start checking things out
  12. If you can hit 12000 rpm in either 5th or 6th then there is definatly something wrong,,,,,, the bike should be flying at that stage. It does sound like slipping clutch.
  13. Aye, thats a good festival that, i was there once or twice,,,,, think its round this time of year ?? Macs bar is a grand spot,, a grand spot indeed,,, i was told i staggered out da door and headed for the chipp down da road. I'm in Ballybofey myself so not too far away,,,,, gizz a shout if your comin over next year !
  14. 1) Dont know if the newer CDI's will work on the older bikes,,,,,sorry. 2) There's a lad on here "Speedshop" is his name,,,,,, he takes old CDI's and fixes them up,,,,,,,, check him out and see if he can do your model,,,,,,,send him a personal message,,,(PM) I wonder why the bike keeps burning out the CDI. Is there an underlying prob causing a short or a surge in volts. Might be worth looking over the wiring harnes for bare wires and testing the regulater/rectifier is doing its job correctly. You probably have checked this anoying kinda crap allready though,,,,,,,havent you ! Electrict's not really my thing,,,,,but best of luck finding the prob.
  15. Welcome to the mad house Jimmy Nearly certain i passed through Largs some time last year on me travels. I must check out these long windy roads arround Dunoon and Argyll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after all,,,, were very used to riding in the wind arround these parts !!
  16. 2 Wheels


    Sorry to here of your troubles Kev Things will get brighter
  17. Happy Birthday Mervin,,,,,, are you drunk yet ?
  18. Looks great John, When i seen it in your shed you had a lot of work left to do. You will enjoy pondering round on her in the summer evenings.
  19. I am the worst driver on the road ! So stay the fook away from me and give me all the road i want !!! !!!
  20. I woooottted for them Drewp's Good luck ta dem !
  21. 2 Wheels

    Sad News

    Sorry for your loss May he rest in peace. You get stronger knowing there watching over you.
  22. Failte to the YOC. Ya from the west ya say !
  23. Very lean mixture me thinks. And mabey plug,,,, do you need a colder plug ? What altitude is it there where you live ?
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