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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Just to let ya know,,,,,,, if ya get a dirt cheap bike for your mate there will be work need to do on it. So ye have 2 options,,,,,,,,,1) buy cheap bike, spend as much again fixing it up,,,,,,,,2) save for a half deecent bike that needs no work.
  2. Off ya go and nail it first time Good luck
  3. I did take a quick rub to her with a wire brush,,,,2nd pic,,,,the expansion pipe and the swing arm,,,,,,looks like it might clean up pritty good,,if i go down that road. Mabey i could fix her up for the wee wan for her to learn to ride on when she's older,,,,,,the wife would never let that happen, but there are ways of getting arround the wife. If i put a YAM sticker on it will ye let her stay on the forums
  4. Welcome along dude Sit back and relax someone will be along shortly with a wee whiskey for ya !
  5. To make a long story short, I was at the bottle bank a few weeks ago and this fella pulled up,,,got talkin and he was gonna dump this wee bike. I asked was is fooked and he said Think So, its been lyin in the back of the shed for years. So in the end i put the bike under my arm and through it in the back of the jeep. A week ago i had a quick look at it,,,,,, cleaned main jet roughly,,,,blew out the air filter,,,,got it to spark,,,,,fueled her up and HEY PRESTO she roared into life. Thats all i did with her since, put it away and havent looked at it since. I dont really know what im gonna do with it,,,,,,,,, will i fix it up or what I dont know yet. I only took it off the fella cause he was gonna dump the little stroker,,,,,,,,,, mabey i should bring it back to life eh !!! But if i did what then, sit and look at it,,,,,,, its not like i can bring it on the road like,,,,,even though she's a fast wee fooker 30mph easy. Anyway here she is,,,,,,, tis one of them mini dirt bikes,,,dont know what make or anything,,theres no stamped markings or anything on it,,
  6. Great engineering back in them days,,,,,,,,check out the size of the crank, http://www.shipsnostalgia.com/guides/William_Doxford_and_Sons
  7. 2 Wheels

    TDR 125

    If you want it to stop happening or at least reduce the clunk you get in the morning Before you start the bike, select 1st or 2nd and give the bike a quick jerk. Then start as normal
  8. Da cheeky cnut,,,,,,,,hope he doesnt get a bird after his antics Nice we pic ther Paul
  9. I had the yellow Tonka truck,,,,,,they dont make toys like that anymore. It was such good quality (made of steel) that i think i remember finding it a few years ago while cleaning round the back of the aul-fellas shed. It was all rusted up but still looked good !!!
  10. Its just gotta be the real Santa, sur who else would it be !!
  11. Get a compression tester,,,,,put it in the plug hole,,,,,hold the throttle on full,,,,,,push the start button for a rew seconds. Wat does the reading say in PSI. Yes if the head gasket is leaking it can make the bike hard to start.
  12. Unless the engine you have found, too put your new top-end on, is a more powerfull engine, eg. more cc,,,,,,and allready has a stronger crank Then forget about upgrading the origional crank,,,,,, Polished,,,,,,,,,yes Ballanced,,,,,,,get it checked for straightness, profesional job Lightened,,,,,,,no Conrods,,,,,,,get them checked for straightness and wear Mabey now that you will have more Torque you wont have to be so sore on the engine throught the revs
  13. 2 Wheels


    That is good milage out of a tyre The norm is about 3000miles
  14. Can you give some more discription on the "squeal" you are hearing ? Is it not there up to 40mph ? If you cant find any movement in the wheel when its off the ground then i dout its the bearings ! Could be warped disks Could be trapped air in the rad,,,,,,only squeals when temp rises Could be something like the fairing rubbing on something when the wind pressure comes on it from traveling Could be a dry chain Could be low in oil,,,,,,the sight glass is not very accurate Could be the spedo sencer about to go,,,,,,its down in the front wheel If your riding in wet weather things need to be extra lubed as they dry out faster and give all sorts of funny sounds How many miles on the bike?
  15. That is a very good idea Dean DT,,,,, There is such a difference in the bikes you have mentioned,,,,,, every bike has its own character only when you have tried them will you know if you can adjust yourself to match the bike......Eg, changing from sports bike to a big trallie takes a bit of getting used to. Find what bike suits you best Good luck
  16. Welcome along Beanz Hope your road to recovery is fast and all works out good. On a down side,,,,, i think sports bikes are out for ya,,,,, anything that is going to have ya lying over the tank is gonna be too sore on your back. Theres plenty of big power bikes that have sight up straight position and can do nearly everything a sports bike can,,,,,,,well on the roads anyway... Best of luck with the YBR there a grand wee bike. Pat
  17. Mabey if i borrow the "Melinium Dome" off the Londeners,,,,, at least that would cover my house and surounding area. I worked on that Dome when it was being built,,,,,we done all the pipe laying for water, sewerage etc, etc. I think ive been out on me bikes 3 times in sept,,,,,,, that for me is not good,,,my brain will go soft.
  18. Welcome to the YOC Where ya from dude ? Good engine the TZR125
  19. The biggest Umbrella you have ever seen ! I mean big Big BIG I want it to cover over this county I live in,,,,, its been raining an raining for so long now i cant even remember the last dry day we had. So if ye find one Big enough send me a PM,,,,, i will return my address to you and cover the postage involved. Many Thanks Pat :thumb:
  20. Thanks for sharing ! Lovely pics of old bikes and the old days. Nice rumble from that SS100 too
  21. My DT125 does 600 mph and that is it only ticking-over at 1150 rpm I always tell the truth,,i do !!!
  22. Howdy sir,,,,,,,, welcome to the YOC
  23. Fair play Drewps,,,,,,,,,she's a cracker
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