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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. But you still havent set the carb's up propperly,,,,,,,, air/fuel mixture,,,,,,how many turnouts !!! If you have spark on boath plugs,,,,,,why do you think you have a problem here. Did both cylinders not let out a couple of bands/pops,,,,,,,,, this is the engine combustion working and firing Is the engine turning fast enough with your battery for the bike to start ??????????????? U-Tube whats happening if ya can so we can here the think trying !
  2. 20 degrees here today to, had a family day out so no bike for me ,,,,,,, got some nice pics though ,,,, ill through them up 2moro
  3. If the clutch has been slipping for a long time then the plates could have become "glazed",,,,,, this means they could be shines and slippy and feel like glass. If this has happened then they will never work propper no matter what adjusting you do. Did you say the springs are at there max size ? I think that means that they are weak and can now stretch too much. Check your manual for spring tolerances, there should be a max and a min allowance. Edit: could be stretched cable too
  4. I would clean up the old carb and reinstall it,,,get new jets and whatever esle you need for it. That aftermarket carb looks like a toy one. Just my thaughts
  5. Welcome Raptor, to the YOC. You'll get plenty on here to chat about your DT but not so much your quad. I have a 200cc quad,,,,just for fun
  6. Ok, so its prob a good idea to check valve clearences, just to be on the safe side,,,,least youll know thats done for the future. If the timing cant be adjusted,,,,and engine was running before you got it,,,,,and you didnt do anything to heads, timing chain, adjuster, or drop the engine on the floor or anything like that,,,,,, then i think messing with the timing will do no good. Fair enough, if you can check timing marks or something and make sure they all line up, then thats what i would do. If your carb settings arent set right then this is almost the same as if the engine timing was off. Look in your manual, find where it says "Air Screw Turnouts" or mixture screw. Find this screw on both your carbs,,,,set it to what the manual says for now. What you do is turn it in untill it lightly seats (gets tight) then what manual says to turn it out by then this is what to set it at. Make sure you turn the screw full turns and not half turns like some people think. The lads are right, saying that things should be conected up, all the bits have a job to do so if not conected then your missing valuable components. Even the exhaust do a job of helping sucking out gasses and pulling through fuel, this more for a 2 stroke but is also the case for a 4 stroke. So id start at the start again going through things till everything checks out. Slow job but a well ! These are good wee engines,,,,,,,, this will keep yur spirits up !
  7. The little thumper is in and connected up,,,,, although its not thumping yet.
  8. If the engine was running before you got it then i wouldnt be worrieng about timing or valves. The most likely cause of your probs is your carbs from your own engine. Set these to what the manual says. Popping out the exhaust is a sign of over-fuling,,,, too much fuel,,,,,again carb settings. Taking carbs off one engine and onto another does not mean that they are set up propperly for the new engine,,,,,every engine has its slight differences. Have you a good earth connection,,,,, engine and frame, Try new plugs,,,,, sometimes plugs dont spark when there under pressure,,,,, specially if they've been lying arround for a while. Is the choke working propperly You may also need to clean the jets in the carbs if not done allready. You said there was an occaisional fire ball out of the carb,,,,,,,,what do you mean by this ??? Have you not got the airfilter in.
  9. 2 Wheels

    YOC patch

    Havent sttiched mine on yet either but i did stick it on one day, when i went to get my jacket the patch was on the floor, I'm just a bit reluctant to stitch it to jacket for some reason. But one day i will put it on permanent
  10. I dont know the sequence for doing things (test wise) over there but if i were you id go the fastest way of getting the full licence. you can gain experience in your own time, and now that your not a young pup anymore you wont push the boundries beoned your capabilities untill your ready
  11. Stainless bolts for engine came today
  12. Thats what i was thinking too Fomay,,,,, surley it could be got for that !!! mabey
  13. I like the air-horn idea better
  14. Just wondering what kinda moneys ye would throw at a Kawasaki Zephyr 1100cc The bikes for sale and its a 1990,,,, not sure if its a runner as hasent been started in over a year. Condition looks good. What say ye all ?
  15. 2 Wheels


    So you dont want a dog for the love of having a dog ! You want a guard dog ????? There is a Big difference ! Anyway, Get the youngest dog you can,,,,, this way he can be thaught more easily. Also he gets to know your ways/style/voices etc. Pure-bred dogs are much more demanding,,,,they have big ego's and attidude's to match there bred. My vote would have to be the Collie,,,,for many reasons. If you really want to rescue a dog from a shelter, there are guide dogs who are too old to do there job yet they are still relatively young,,, these dogs are really really good, they are pro trained to be totally loyal to there keeper, when not on duty they are fun and loving dogs, when on duty there main objective is to lookafter and protect there keepers. The best guide dogs are a mix of a Goolden Retreiver and a Labrador.
  16. I like that,,,,, Theres some big jumps in there. Would love to give it a try but i fear my knees wouldnt hold up, busted one of them years ago. Wouldnt stop me trying though
  17. Fair play to "Burt" on his test ! Elffie,, How do you attempt to start your bike ? There is a nack to starting nearly every bike,,,,,you have to find what yours is. If you leave the bike stopped for 20mins then you will prob need choke to start her up again. So,,, full choke on,,,,,, no throttle,,,,,try an start. If the bike can idle for 15 mins then pilot jet in carb sounds ok. If the bike can take throttle full and fast when your out for a spin then main jet is ok. You might not need carb cleaned ! Do you know if the choke is working correctly ? Does the revs of the bike come down as you turn off the choke ? Leaving bike ticking over for long is not good for any bike,,,,things get suited up and bike starts to struggle,,,,,, not to mention the overheating like Tasky has said. Another Question for ya is,,,,, why is the battery going flat so fast ? When you have the bike running next time, turn on the headlight, then give the bike a little rev,,,,, Does the headlight get brighter ?? Answers on a postcard please
  18. I remember reading on here somewhere,,, sometime ago that they all loose a bit of oil from the seal behind the points,,,,,,,,,, it that correct ??? eh! Drewps, what say you !!!
  19. If ya have to get one anyway,,,,,, why not get the same one that was on it allready. What happened the CDI ??? Do you know for sure that this is the offending part ??
  20. The drill is sliding off centre because ya havent made a starting point for it. Get a pointed punch, place it in the centre of the stud your drilling and hit it with a hammer. This will leave a small round grove/hole,,,,, put the drill with your SMALL bit into this and drill slowly. Then you can move up to the next bigger size bit and drill some more,,, repeat untill its as big a hole as you can go without damaging threads.
  21. Wasnt the weather always nicer in the old days! Even when i was a boy i can remember always wearing shorts what has happened since.
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