Everything posted by up.yours
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
trust me ? he won't be back round here for a long time...
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
well i hadn't locked the car up the night before. but that was a good thing under the circumstance , because if it were locked he would have done the lock or busted the window it cost £98 last time. then, i would have been furious . it was done on my way out, not on my way back . fortunately for me all the witnesses were tucked up in bed .
Biker rammed.
omg lol that was sooooooo funny. i would have to go back,, but with the dogs.
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
oh , the best part was ? he landed on his shoulder blades in a pile of horse shit from yesterday . that was left behind my car.
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
cheers chaps im so glad you see it from my point of view rather than the goody two shoe brigade . all im going to add , is that" he" also wont be speaking to the cops not for a while anyway
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
i went shooting this morning , and caught a thieving low life red handed in my car. iv'e always said in the past what i would do if i ever caught one in the act and today was that day; the police were not involved ..
ugly number plate
I am knackered
hey ? im dead good at it me.
I am knackered
where's this topic heading ,, hmm i wonder.
I am knackered
oh ? put that inter their put this inter that, yes she's a right royal pain in't arse.
I am knackered
yes , a bloody work course. fix this mend that do the bloody garden ,walk the dogs take me here take me their
ugly number plate
and before anyone says boo hoo they arn't legal , i asked a traffic cop to take a look and he didn't see a problem with them. mine are the 3D ones. with a boarder. neither did my CID next door neighbor .
ugly number plate
1 go on fleabay 2 enter "motorcycle number plate. 3 enter cheapest to dearest ( well thats what i do) 4 make your own plate from the options ,on my car i have a bull terrier logo on the right hand side and where you have the garage name at the bottom i have entered "up yours ". and i have been assured these are legal , they passed the last two mot's anyway. on my bike number plate i just have" smoking "at the bottom.
What is this Part/Fitting?
can i join in oh yes ? it's a hose tail connector im smart me
I am knackered
thats exactly how i feel after a weekend with the wife
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
sorry jayson , it was meant in a sympathetic way. it must have been soul destroying for you all.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
don't think about it to much carl , it'l fly by. allow plenty of tea breaks along the way to break the journey down . google yourself a map with places of interest along the rout.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
yea, so did my mrs.
Martyn Ashton, Boy can he ride a bike :-) [OMG]
are thing of taking this up paul
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
it's an xs i'l still bring the rope.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
that old arm of yours still playing up jay. think of yamahead ,,, it will put things into prospective....
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
funky ? or fuckin ? . never mind i'l bring a rope ... i'l end up hanging myself riding that slow.. but then again do you remember the guy with that little eighty thingumy , he gave me a run for my money on it.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
what a bag of shite that fuckin xs is if your going early sat morning il meat up with you , and follow you back sunday morn matey.
- Yamahead
1981 DT 175MX Key Blank
may i warn you , that TIMSONS won't cut an after market blank for you.