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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. 80 year olds are the worst? driving miss daisy, the dizzy old blind self centred oxygen thieves.
  2. the owners should abide by the same rules as dog owners, and pick the bloody shit up that they always leave behind.
  3. up.yours

    Sad News

    my deepest , to you love...
  4. he can't see you in a email are you sure the lippy n dress are for his benifit or yours
  5. up.yours


    if you really want to keep it, sleep with it
  6. ah, your wrong i hate football ,it's Shite.
  7. waggon drivers are you worst? arn't they jason ... ignorant fat smelly arogant inconsiderant? i better stop there
  8. i wonder where i put my holiday dress?
  9. theirs you at 1.26 drewpy . did anyone fall off.... im pissed i missed it, i popped to the shop on old mellow yellow, but it hurt, and im back at work in't mornin....
  10. just snap your key off in the lock , then no one can start your bike
  11. i got one of them mines shite though .
  12. up.yours

    The Wind!!!

    who the feck was in front of you? i won't let the dirty git ride in front o me.
  13. up.yours

    The Wind!!!

    i had wind once, nearly shit my pants
  14. i got my leg over today, but not for long
  15. il put it down to your relaxed riding style then
  16. i would much rather be able to ride than sit in an uncomfy position like i am , and "yes" it hurts when i laugh.
  17. what can i say newman if i rode to work at that speed every day i would get the sack for being late .
  18. done my bloody back in, im in agony, so im going to miss tommorows sprint, sorry? :madflame:
  19. your quite right mike,"but" there are some real arrogant ones.
  20. i hate the pricks, sometimes but as you quite rightly point out , we need them. and it's usualy when we have been caught doing something we shouldn't that we hate them. my mum got a ticket for speeding , she obviously denide the offence and told them they were wrong. but the arrogant plod gave her the ticket and she appeared in the dock with a not guilty plea, on the grounds that the car was left hand drive and she was in the passanger seat , so the ticket was given to the wrong person. case dismissed ,my mum 1 ,,plod 0.
  21. just seen this :biglaugha: paul you dirty rotten scoundrel
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