Everything posted by up.yours
Time gentlmen please .....
he's too much time on his hands
savin up for this lappy.
And So It Begins,,,,, Mini Bike
i was hoping to come back too a video , pull your finger out pat.
are you well newman, iv,e missed you, like a hemeroid.
where's Kev?
aw? how nice,,, you all missed me, now what the fucks been happening ,while iv,e been away. ogb/air-noggin or whatever your now calling yourself , i had a missed call from ya whats on your mind. do we have any new blood amongst us, i need to sharpen my teeth.
- rd350lc
Happy Birthday Mervin
happy bird-day you old devil
Skydiving Goes Wrong: 80-Year-Old Granny Falls Out Of Harness
not quite her time yet? god hasn't punished her enough
- rd350lc
i bet you really struggle keeping up with your boy, nice bike? shame about the colour , don't be offended i have lots of oppinions
oh you don't know the half of it mate, ? before the bike fect up, ? i was on the motor way in the car and it set on fire, came off at first junction sat on a fence and watched it burn before my eyes . oil ,stearing fluid, hydraulic fluid electrical wire , the feckin lot went up. before that,? got a phone call from the wifes brother, her mum wasn't answering the door to go shopping with him,and the curtains were shut, when we got there and went in with our spare key, there she was,? all dead, in bed. worst weekend in my life mate, no mother inlaw no car and no fuckin bike, then after all this one of the dogs mistook my finger for a treat, oh boy it hurts like feck. i don't know what hurts the most, not having a spare mum ? not having a car? not having a bike?the dog chomping my finger ? or not having a fuckin flag
yer well me and the missus were out on it (rare occasion) i thought ?best keep my mouth shut or she will walk home , so limpped home using the rear brake. anyhoo, i ordered the repair kit from AW motorcycles today , so ill let you know how i get on. p.s. im a compitant mechanic so ill do it myself.
front brake leaver pulling right in to bar grip ,no front brake? (resevoir is full up tp mark) bled right hand side? no resistance. bled left hand side , same no resistance, no fluid leaks any where, it appears that the brake master piston is stuck into the fully depressed possition , but i thought this would have jammed the front brake on? it hasn't though. has this happed to anyone , and should a seal kit cure this, cheers chaps.
Happy birthday Drewps
happy belated birthday mate? sorry for the late reply.
How to section???
feckety feck? gimmi a feckin flag.
How to section???
why have i not got a fuckin flag, is it because im WHITE.
1972 G7S weekend project(s)
why is it that you yanks have lovely big garages to work in , and us brits only have shitty little sheds,
How to section???
people are lazy and can't be arsed too do a search, they would much rather ask in the relevant/unrelevant section. they will also need to ask specific questions about a compehensive guide. ie wotz a shaft? although some of us would benifit. so you can have a thumbs up from me.
Wtf? Mobile phone contract increase!
are we on the same tom, ? this is my fave . [media=]
Worst drivers on the road!
see jason ? even your own kind think so.
smashed side window
i would nail their hand to a tree in the country side and leave them there for someone to release. some would say this is harsh ? but so is stealing a mans tic-tacs the cheeky little fuckers.
smashed side window
nail on the head their merv, just no deterrent in the courts. whats annoyin me is it cost me forty quid for a window , the frame looks a mess now, the garmin cost £130 , and the scum who stole it will sell it for a tenner
smashed side window
it's cost me £70 and a wasted morning waiting in , it's supposed to be my day off, todays for riding my bike, not waiting in for my bloody window to be replaced , the little low life fuckin twats. i would do time if i found out who did it, or maybe get myself a fine, i don't care, they would certainly get hurt ie little finger,no teeth, small crack on jaw. rant over,,, yes newman, they have abused my car.
smashed side window
what a wonderfull start to the weekend , why should i not be allowed to remove their little finger if i find them , they don't need it. and it might make other scrotes think twice.