Everything posted by up.yours
women shits in store
an old favorit of mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9x3R5oZvxA
- saville
Amazing discovery...
i don't have a problem with it,? i never look where im going.
WTF of the week ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS1uDnIPTvo&feature=related watch at 45 secs
Restricted Licence Bikes
order order? less of the attack on my beloved stink wheels
whats your preference.....
personally i quite like a warm damp crotch , but on the other hand ? i don't like rain .
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
mail to me please iv'e always wanted a lonely sock.
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
same as last year ? socks
Restricted Licence Bikes
give his reg number to your insurance company , tell them your bikes hurt and you recived injuries from a rear end shunt. , that will teach the prick. oh and get a incedent log number from the pricks at the plod shop.
stupid kids in outer-city roads
zx spectrum sinclare ,? who had one of these babes.
Man Utd Spoiling The Game
football is the root of violence. it wants banninig,
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
thats just wrong
stupid kids in outer-city roads
yea, and i bet every one of them are shit.
Restricted Licence Bikes
several mates of mine (recent /past) have gone for direct, and thought ,wrongly, that they can keep up with me when out on a jolly because there bike is bigger better and shinere than mine, well ? they all fell off at some point , simply because they can't ride bikes. what they don't or can't get into there thick skulls is that the test is only to prove that you are capable of riding a bike , the expearience comes later, much later. so, you sould all be made to ride shitty little 125's for two years after you have proven that you can ride a bike by passing all the tests. this way my day out isn't spoilt because my stupid mates want me to wait for the amblence to arrive.
Restricted Licence Bikes
125cc in this country.
Happy birthday Foamy
were have you been ? JAIL.
Restricted Licence Bikes
restricting KIDS to a smaller cc for the first two years would be a good thing. just look at the statistics.
Restricted Licence Bikes
i have a little yamaha passola 50cc, the only thing i can find on this is a rubber intake on the airbox ,it restricts the inflow and the bike peters out at 30mph. once removed you can rev it's nackers off and pin the needle to the speedo stop pin, it won't do it any good though, but it does give you a false sense of achievement
Restricted Licence Bikes
why don't you just go for direct exess and have done with it.
Drunk guy Vs Cop
what the FUCK is he doing out on the raz with a big pink dildo
stupid kids in outer-city roads
boy oh boy ttasky ? your one paranoid mother f???
stupid kids in outer-city roads
thats only because they have the market tied up. htc stole all the best bits from iphone and added there own twist.
floor protection for my garage
is my foot fetish too overwelming for you,
floor protection for my garage
oh , go on then
Fueling troubles?
my dad had this issue with his drewps , it must have been common , the stupid thing falls back down when you stop , then reacures later.