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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. your dead ! you just don't know it yet.... is what my wife would say
  2. erm NO , but it shouldn't be hard to find even for me..
  3. my lads currently building on there. it's the starting point i need to find.... cough shatnav
  4. i may turn up ! dressed like a twat as usual ..bah humbug , snotty little kids every where, nicking my sweats...
  5. gingernut carrot top copper top , how cruel . they didn't ask to be born like that
  6. smash him in the face , and don't get caught . did you see american history x , ! curb that fuckers mouth...
  7. just my take on it ? i would hit him as hard as i could in his muslim mush and deny it. what a cheeky racist blk cnt..
  8. 33% if you include national insurance
  9. up.yours

    Well done her

    yup ? well done her . and well done to your chops..
  10. this will sting her insurance more than your shoulder blades. glad your ok mate and still have that wicked whit.. shame about the ride though.
  11. i had a drink myself the other night and bought a HID kit, maybe it was the drink but i didn't look at his horrendous feedback. -72% 1876 items sold some comments, item not arrived, item broken, item not working , avoid this seller, RIP OFF MERCHANT, thief , do not buy from here you have been warned.. ah well time will tell....
  12. it's a bit bulky, and could do with eye retina control .
  13. up.yours


    yea you can show me your taches anytime
  14. up.yours

    air intake !

    it would be great for you john , ! it would stop you tacking the lead and getting everyone lost
  15. up.yours

    air intake !

  16. ha,ha ... that got the missus, she said you have a parcel but they spelt your name with an i instead of an a,, then she said it's got someone else's last name on it too. r-sole
  17. i thought it was a tube light ! even so ,, she didn't seem to happy about it.
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