Everything posted by up.yours
What price job satisfaction
well ! i have my moments..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
lets see if we can get up to page twenty . then cap the feckin thread...
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
What price job satisfaction
just remember tomorrow is the first day , of the rest of your life.. choose wisely ..
What price job satisfaction
i work in a job i hate, i would take a pay cut for a job i like doing.
Don't you just hate it when this happens
i use to do it all the time tommy, but now i don't stock anything any more so if i want something i know i don't have it. it also makes your shed look much more tidy.
Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend
speechless !
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
ah ! i went for the x3 , these cost extra.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
oh ! they just added £3 postage to the above price .. the robbing bastards.. i still got one though..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
cheers tommy my t shirt comes to £19.08 with this code from £21.27. i just added squires or bust 2014 under the life behind bars image though , as up.yours is a bit rude to have on the back..
Lots of fluid left in the spray can but no air fix
in that case ! go on , try it kids..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
This must be the all time biggest waste of time thread ever ! Lol
Aircooled RD Club rally - Derby; July 2014
£15 you must be joking thats a tank of fuel ..
Happy St. george's Day
Easter !
ouch, taken out today!
Yea I know .
ouch, taken out today!
You gobshite , you could have gone up to £3000 with no effect on your quat, I did. My shitty yams got A three grand no quible agreed value. Oh ! How's your poorly pinky .
ouch, taken out today!
can you wipe your arse yet..
ouch, taken out today!
it's going to be a bugger wiping your arse with a broken finger andy.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
can i have 2015 on mine please
Nice ride, slowly
Nice ride, slowly
sorry you boring old farts. but like to rip the country side up a bit when im out.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Me too.
Image posting test
erm ????? NO
Image posting test
it's a ten year old picture
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
not sock ! cock..