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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. i would rather have red and black .as apposed to black and red.
  2. dina dina dina dina,,,,batmaaaaaaaaaaaaan?
  3. yea, would you still be wanting that date with her...
  4. i wouldn't want children anywere near your sack ,on second thoughts.
  5. this is what i want. every mans dream,dont you think.
  6. hello bollock chops,you coulda been my little and i do meen little, helper on the toy run.
  7. thanks for the comments boys,i love it when the kids get their hands in my sack,they never know what they might get, but seriously you just can't do enough for some of the deserving kids that this event is done for.
  8. me and paul,he's now my new best fiend as he bought me a chocolate muffin and a coffee,ta ogb. i look like kirriepete don't i. great day out.poor turn out from the yoc though.
  9. have you learned anything from this andy..
  10. yup im going,if its raining i aint dressing up though.
  11. er,, it sounds like it,,,
  12. it's not for the bike, it's for the back of the car , im at my tether with stupid fuckwits walking past the back of the car when they can clearly see me reversing
  13. more chance of beating his meat...
  14. congrats on the pass johnnybag johnnyk....
  15. redex is still available but a mate in the ,know, tells me it doesn't actualy work,it softens the carbon ,but that only assists in cleaning once it's stripped down.you can put some in for a laugh though.
  16. ta,paul, i thought they would come to the end of a stroke then pause,a bit like a consatina.but hey,there on order.
  17. ride em like ya stole it ,,nice bikes,
  18. hello,no ones answered my question,do they keep going ,or run out of air in mid pharp.
  19. aw,that's a damn shame,sorry that don't sound nice ,any how you got yourself another ride yet.and has the pain eased off .
  20. maybe,,? just maybe,,somebody has syphoned your tank,,,,
  21. i don't know the legality of your question,but the engine number on my bike has been re-stamped to match the frame number, i have never had a problem with insurance or mot as everything tally's with the log book.the only advise i would offer is to get on with it. and maybe check with dvlc/dvla,, it's one of them .
  22. ill be seeing you on saterday,i hope you have a good explanation..
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