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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I honestly dont like it :roll: It looks kinda weird, if you look at the top black parts it all in one line if you see what i mean :roll:
  2. Hagas my fav ever since i saw him on the R7 going sideways 8)
  3. Alex


    I dont actually watch football but i was reading a book ive got at the time the football was on so saw quite a bit of it, but how the hell did they let that happen! :shock: 2 goals in extra time :shock:
  4. Alex


    Sounds dangerous :shock: Cool see you next year :wink:
  5. When you get asked to stop and do the walk round, make sure you switch off the bike before getting up or you will fail as what happened to someone i know
  6. Alex


    How the hell have they came up with double :shock:
  7. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Scott Happy birthday to you hmm my birthdays on wednesday wonder what i will get? :?
  8. Yeah i need some smaller ones to get my bottle back :oops:
  9. Alex


    Have you managed to get a lot of stockists yet, or are you going to wait until your production side is a+?
  10. Alex

    Exup valve

    I just use lithium grease and do it regularly, havent noticed the heat affecting it too much and you get a massive tub of the stuff for about a £5
  11. Everything has risks associated with it, but like pete says as long as you dont try to ride beyond your limits (dont think anyone can ride beyond the bikes limit) and imagine every fecking tin box junkie is out to run you down will be ok
  12. Alex

    2005 Yamaha Range

    Just out of curiousity have you the new R1 :?
  13. Wasnt just me then, that thought i was lucky :?
  14. Weirdos get a normal haircut like me 8)
  15. What!!!! SIgn up again, surely thats a cockup :?
  16. Hmm not sure check out the breakers under the resources pages :roll:
  17. Alex

    Exup valve

    You can get rid of the exup valve, but to do it ***properly*** will take a serious amount of time and rolling road tuning and unless your going to be track racing isnt worth the trouble as such little gains and only top end i seem to remember
  18. Sounds more like that they are scared of a bike rather than worried about your safety mate :roll:
  19. Alex

    2005 Yamaha Range

    Yeah cool we get the bikes first :wink:
  20. The mounting plates are pretty easy to knock up, you can cut them out of sheet alloy yourself and polish them up. The best route is an overbore but like cterror has says is the most expensive option onless you can get the head and block work done cheaply
  21. Alex


    Havent seen it yet been too busy :cry:
  22. Alex

    Bike in MCN

    This is what i sent back, i cant believe the shit they will do as they think they are gonna get a few grand from me
  23. Alex

    How many Rossi's

    The thing that looks the best with that pic is that he is doing it one handed :shock: But he really is hanging off that bike trying to get his elbow down, the bike isnt really that far over :roll:
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