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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. A flusher may work or you could reverse flush the rad by taking it off and flowing water from a hose the opposite way to the way it runs in the bike. Normally rads don't go wrong so I would be leaning to an airlock or water pump failure before the rad.
  2. As above - blown bulb. Lots of bikes wont start without pulling the clutch in and they stall if the side stand is down and a gear is engaged.
  3. One oily and one sooty plug. Are they the same brand and number? I wonder if one cylinder isn't igniting as well as it could causing an ignition knock. I would check this also. plug caps and HT leads (for arcing). coil connections. I would eliminate all possibles before splitting the engine.
  4. Water pump not working Air lock Rad or other waterway blocked Overheating can also be caused by incorrect timing and the likes but it sounds like one of the first 2 above.
  5. The blue/white cable runs from the start switch, to the starter relay to a diode. This is part of the inhibitor system to stop the bike from starting if in gear etc. This is not the way to test the starter - but I guess you know that now.
  6. I think the YOC 2014 calender will be available sometime in 2020. It might be an idea to have a last trawl of pictures, Someone to pick 12 (if we do it by committee it may never get done), take some pre publication orders and then put them up for sale.
  7. No worries. These bikes seem to be reliable. I can't help with the settings but check that both cylinders are getting firing OK - plug condition and plug dampness. I know that the XV's had issues with the carb manifold (carb to engine) which splits. This could create knocking plus checking the tappets. I guess if it is a knock or a tap sound and when stationary or not.
  8. OK - I have left a link in the bar area so you can find the post. Moved to the workshop. You should be able to see it on a phone. Depending on what phone you have it will be visible towards the bottom of the fist page. If you are in the "General" section of the forum on your phone you will not see it as you need to go back to the landing page. Changing the rings is an easy job, made difficult as you will need to make sure that the timing is set correctly once you take the top end off and the tappets are set correctly once re-assembled.
  9. I am happy to move this to the workshop area, just let me know. I am not sure I have ever come across a manual for this bike.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  11. I don't know about the fuses but the side stand switch would still work if the bulb was blown.
  12. Sounds like he shorted something testing the starter. Check the fuses first. Check for burnt out wiring next. The neutral switch is just an earth. Copyright law stops the site from giving out links to manuals. You will have a PM in a minute.
  13. Possibly but rule out everything else first before you think about an engine split. Oil - new and the correct level Chain - correctly adjusted Gear change lever - is it set correctly Clutch - Is this OK User error - is it just a technique thing when you start to fly. Can you mentally think of this when you ride the bike? When I change form bike to bike, I have to remember that the SV has a short gear change distance to flick up the gear lever and the TS has a much longer distance.
  14. Cap off - it helps the water flow. You can empty the plastic water tank from the bottom of the tank. It is bled when the water stops. Don't forget to refill it with an anti freeze/summer coolant solution and water. Don't refill it with water only.
  15. Bleed for the water is on the off side of the bike (right hand side) and is the bottom rear bolt of the water pump case Bottom left in this picture.
  16. Click on google images and search for a DT125r. This will give you lots of examples of what each model should look like.
  17. MX are the old skool air cooled ones. LC is Liquid cooled (has a radiator filled with water and a finless engine) and that title is normally used to distinguish them from the air cooled version.
  18. Workshop questions in the workshop section please.
  19. Just my opinion but an XT500 should just remain standard.
  20. It normally denotes the model year. It is not scientific as you can have a model number that hasn't been registered until a year or so later.
  21. Speedo ratios are set by the front wheel size. See if a ty has the same size rim as you can get these easily.
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