I got a couple of packages today of suff I had brought for the Suzi. One was some pattern parts for the far east and were what I ordered.
The other was from German ebay. Here is the story
The other week I managed to win 2 German ebay auctions from the same guy once I had clarified that he would combine the postage. The auctions only had a couple of bidders. One was for a side panel, 2 chrome exhaust shields and a painted secondary exhaust head shield (one auction). The other was a NOS Cylinder head. A big box turned up today. Opening it up there was a lot of German newspaper in the box. I rummage through and come across an air filter box and cover with the internal mesh still inside it (better that the one I have), next out was chain guard (better that the one I have, after that an oil tank with a cap (better that the one I have and I didn't have a cap), next was a headlight case, one again better that the one I have. Then came the side panel in Ok condition, the 2 chrome heat shields in great condition and the metal heat shield in great condition. Next out of the box was a very good condition kick starter. Lastly, and wrapped separately was the NOS cylinder head. So a big thank to to the guy in Germany who threw in all the extra stuff for free, a lot of it I needed or was better than what I had.
How much was the stuff? Well the free stuff was free. The First auction for 4 items I won for £13 plus postage and the NOS head.................... Well pictures first and the price after...................
Oh yes. The NOS head was £18 plus the combined postage................... Bargain