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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. OK fella! Welcome to the forum. Nothing wrong with essex, apart from the TV shows and the caravan sites.
  2. DirtyDT

    Barmy EU plans

    That a Barsteward, I am off fruit today The topic is on loads of forums but I guess people are more interested in "This is my first post, how do I ..................................." Than protecting our religion.
  3. He must be a great mechanic to be able to diagnose over the phone. Can I phone him and ask if my chain needs adjusting? A lot of after market alarms can "spike". If this has happened then there will normally be a method of sorting this. Find out what brand of alarm it is as they are all different.
  4. DirtyDT

    Barmy EU plans

    Petition link in this thread a few posts earlier. Sign up or we will soon me getting the bus. Edit 360 signatures!!!!!! We bikers deserve to be legislated off the road with that kind of response. I was going to do the Sunday ride but might be riding on my own. I think I will stay at home and study the bus timetables.
  5. Sheds and kebabs

  6. Sheds and kebabs

  7. Chips and sheds.

  8. I am toying with the idea in the future but not sure yet.
  9. Not all of them from the North are bad. I hear there are some OK ones about You get this a lot abroad. Either that or they are trying to p155 on you.
  10. Z 900 - Absolute classic, rubbery frame, non existent brakes and about 2 tons in weight. Very very nice. I had a chopped Z 1000 a while ago. My next purchase is a shed.
  11. BMW bobber!! Should have just brought a Ural, with or without a sidecar.
  12. Great stuff Blackhat Is it a 2 stroke stealth fighter?
  13. I was going to go to the STINKWHEEL CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE SHOW at Beaumanor Hall, Leicestershire. More vintage than classic's last year but went to Homebase instead. Just brought paint for the kitchen.
  14. Sounds like you have purchased something Blackhat!! Come on, spill the beans. I won't tell anyone. They do; PJ1 16 SAT High Temperature Satin Black Paint £7.95 PJ1 16 ENG High Temperature Gloss Black Paint £7.95 PJ1 16 HIT High Temperature Flat Black Exhaust Paint £8.95
  15. DirtyDT

    Barmy EU plans

    Only if they could read. They can't add either, have you seen the state of their expense claims!!!!
  16. Looks tidy. If the rack does not have any raised brackets/lugs then any universal one could be easily made to fit. I would wait for an expert opinion on this.
  17. I lived on Sumners farm, the posh part, apparently. Brockles Mead was just down the hill towards Kingsmoor, I seem to remember.. Worked in "the cross" and "the abbey" at different times. Did you check the bike to see why it was a Q plate? I guess stolen/recovered. Was it a pain to insure? Just keep your eyes open on evilbay for a straight frame and V5 on evilbay and transfer the bits. The DTr's are well respected in the forum and, for a lot of us, it's a stroker so that is another bonus
  18. Just doing a bit of tidying on the cases today. There were a couple of bolts that had sheared so these have been drilled and soaked in plusgas all week. Using a very cheap set of stud extractors (the left handed thread type) one has come out clean and the other needs a little more drill but is usable. Still having a problem with one cylinder stud and am going to heat and get this out this weekend (hopefully). I did get a different kind of stud extractor as per but it still will not budge. I did intend to go to get a heat gun this morning but the internet started playing up yesterday and I have spent an hour, in 2 sessions, to Virgin this morning. I have put an order in to Robinsons Foundry for some lock washers, nuts and bits for the engine - still came to £80 . Saw a set of crank bearings and seals on ebay. They said that they only use quality parts but I messaged the bloke to see what brands they were. Koyo bearings and Nikone seals. Happy with that so under £30 for those, Suzuki wanted £72 so that is OK. Still have 4 bearings to get but I will order them all together when I manage to get the blind bearing out that is still in the case. My thoughts turned to painting the engine so I have been perusing the interweb for some PJ1 satin. Have you seen the price of it on evilbay? About £17 a tin including postage. I have ordered 2 cans from a different web site. 2 Tins and postage came to £18.90. Let see if they turn up!! That is about it for now.
  19. Another year in and he will be taking tyres off with his teeth.
  20. Hi and welcome. I know Harlow, I used to live there. Up by Jacks Hatch.
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