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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. What colour is the wire? What year of bike? On the older bikes the kill switch is just an earth so rather than earth through the spark plug it earths to the frame.
  2. Its for the Australian market. Only joking, I have never seen one.
  3. Hi Damian. Welcome to the forum.
  4. My bike is like......................my partner. I never seem to get enough time alone with her. All together now Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. GT85 for salt protection. Make sure your chain is lubed. Tyres are correct pressures and have some tread. Nice and steady on the throttle and brakes. Keep away from the hash marks/white lines. Wipe your headlight clean regularly. Being cold/wet/tired sap the concentration so try not to be any of these. Laugh when you don't see another bike rider and convince yourself that you are the stupidest hardest biker in the world. Don't let anyone see you cry when you take your gloves off, your hands are like crows feet and you can't light a fag. keep your visor clean with cold water as the salt forms a white film on that too. Remember that 22nd December is the shortest day this year so the 23rd of December is really the beginning of summer.
  6. Nice looking bike Craig. Welcome to the forum.
  7. DirtyDT

    Reg Numbers

    Most are done via agents hence if you search a number on a couple of reg plate sites the same one turns up. A Drewps said............ "supply and demand". The government want their cut but you can hold a plate on a retention certificate. The bike would have to be legal so buying a scrappy with no MOT means that you can't swap that plate until the bike has a ticket. Also the plate can not seem to make the bike newer so if your bike is a '83 you can only have a plate registered before that. You could always change your name to something like AZS 291 W by deed poll as this would only cost £13.39
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum Angus.
  9. 99p from me if you can deliver it.
  10. DirtyDT

    UK moped law

    Actually Drewps I do now!! it could be somewhere to put some camping stuff. For those not in the know. The second link pictures shows a little of the way the wheel used to lean so, unlike the traditional upright sidecar, the super sidewinder used to lean in with the bike.
  11. DirtyDT

    Whats going on?

    I took my helmet off and walked around town today. People kept giving me sweets. What's going on?
  12. Can I be bridesmaid? Big Kev would love to "ring" you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sounds like a faulty relay or bad earth. Clean up the terminals around the relay coils, battery and cdi, clean all the connections on the igniter side of the curcuit and give them a spray of plusgas.
  14. DirtyDT

    UK moped law

    I do. Never seen one in the flesh though. I thought all peds had to have pedals (MOtor PEDals), then they could lock them and then they didn't need them to still be a ped. Not sure of the year and I think '77 when the 250 law changed on L plates. Not really sure about that.
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum Ryan. The gap between how much you can afford and the cost of a new bike
  16. Don't buy the cheap ones. You would be better off with a cornflake box.
  17. Most of the kits I have seen rarely have all the fight bits in. Are all the carbs leaking because that would be strange. Also where are they leaking from?
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum Benny. Most of the crowd are friendly, just don't feed them raw meat.
  19. I think Kev had the keys last. That probably explains a lot and last time I looked the cupboard was bare!! Just read your other post, sorry to hear your bad news.
  20. You did remember the clocks went back didn't you?
  21. After OG's suggestion of an ignition switch earth I would say it is an earthing problem somewhere else. The trouble is, where! I am not sure how many safety earths the bike has but things like, clutch, sidestands, kill switches all could affect this. I would disconect all of these first. check and clean the earth to coils and CDI and see where that leaves you. You have checked the pick up coil so the ignition (HT) coil(s) should be checked for Primary and Secondary resistance and then that leaves the CDI. My SV sits outside in all weathers under a cover.
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