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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Personally I wouldn't worry about it. Proportion and perspective count and on a smallish vehicle it shouldn't look out of place. It's not like the characters are tiny! I rode to Squires last year without any brake light, indicators, horn etc. I got on the bike to start the journey and found that they weren't working. The bike was loaded so I decided to just go for it.
  2. Not sure where the 22 miles comes from. It is about 22 miles each way for my daily commute, if I go to the furthest campus. The satnav bag is for squires.If the plan holds and I swing by Grantham then on to Squires then it will be handy. Especially as we will have to stay off any motorways. I used to use maps, and never had any major issues. Thousands of European miles done like that. Last year I had the satnav in the map pocket of the tank bag but it wasn't ideal due to the sun reflections on it. That said I have been tinkering today and the satnav bag is really bugging me. I think I am going back to taking it off and using the satnav in the map pocket.
  3. For the bike? Normally 9 inches wide by 7 inches tall. That is 228mm x 178mm in new money. It depends of what size you brought and what the reg is. Don't post your reg up but some numbers and letter combinations mean you can get away with different size plates. Providing they meet these measurements: Character height:- 64mm Character width excl 1 & I :- 44mm Character stroke:- 10mm Space between characters:- 10mm Space between groups:- 30mm Top, Bottom & side margins (Minimum):- 11mm Space between vertical lines:- 13mm On 2 lines of text.
  4. You might want to say hello and tell us a little about you in the new members section. Several routes into this including the one Mervin mentions.
  5. Lester Piggott..................................... Not really. Out of 4 for me; Barry Sheene, Foggy, Giacomo Agostini or "The Doctor". I will go for Sheene because he was a bad boy and it was my era!
  6. You may have missed the good weather this year. I guess it is raining there as it is in the East Midlands.Good luck on the DA.
  7. If that link is correct, the laws an ass. How can a thief stealing your bike and hurting someone make the insured liable for possible bankruptcy?
  8. Nothing wrong with a Suzuki. I have 2.
  9. I don't know, I am only one of the few. You can post in the for sale area anyway due to your membership level so that part is OK. Errrrrrrrrrrrr, ummmmmmmmm, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'll leave it here. Good luck!
  10. "oy driver, are you blind"?? LINKY
  11. Not sure if this should be in the for sale section Slice. Dilemma!
  12. Well a week tomorrow. Just a flavour Squires 2011 Squires 2012
  13. Fleabay is your friend LINKY you will need to check out the fitting but a lot of levers are universal. Alternatively look for some dogleg ones.I am sure someone on here with a similar year of XJ to you has brought some in the past.
  14. It doesn't sound like the relay. This may stop the bike from turning over but shouldn't stop a spark. Check power to the coils.
  15. Heat and Plusgas - not wd40. Order a flat length of steel from fleabay, dremil until it fits and then bend the end to give you the leverage you need.
  16. Please put workshop questions in the workshop area.
  17. DirtyDT

    tab washer

    The closest I got to Michigan was Minnesota . Flying over the great lakes is amazing. It is like flying over an ocean. Bear in mind that we are about 22 miles - nearest point to nearest point - from France.
  18. It was a great experience. The trouble with going anywhere now is having to virtually strip off and the US have the photo and fingerprinting - for us at least - and the bio passports. We used to just fill in a free card on the flights but I think now we have to ore do this and pay a free. Not sure as I haven't been to the US for a while. I did almost get turned away in Africa once. There was a disagreement with me filling in an Arabic form with me putting "atheist" where they wanted to know my religion. It didn't go down well there!
  19. There is some great riding in the alps, providing the weather is ok. A couple of friends and I rode back to France from Geneva through the alps in a thunderstorm. We pulled into a disused petrol station to get a break from the rain, fog and lightning and there was a bunch of about a dozen German bikers huddled there for some shelter. We decided to brave the weather as it was also starting to get dark. For all I know they may still be there! I think we stopped in a youth hostel at a place in France called st die (dee). The place smelt of mould and to hide that smell they were using those acrid toilet blocks to try and cover it. We were absolutely soaked but just glad we got out of the mountains safely.
  20. I think it is finally sorted. There can't be much more I need to scan and send, can there?
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