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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Looks great John. I had a Z1000 many moons ago.
  2. Hi and welcome to the forum. Great intro and we love pics here
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. Quite a few RD owners on this forum including me
  4. I crossed it out in the earlier post so lets hope no one notices
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  6. :lol: There are quicker ways but I don't find Big Kev (up.yours) attractive
  7. Cheers Jimmy. 16 x 10 and 8 x 6 are the sizes. Micronesia is sunny and about 20 degrees at the moment. I will price up some insulation but I am running out of T shirt money
  8. I could get 10 people living in it if things get tough! Cheers. I wasn't planning to insulate it but I will think about it. Security wise.................... It is locked on both doors but maybe a little extra wouldn't go amiss.................. 8 x 6 gardening shed is up this morning. It is dwarfed by the workshop. It is only to separate bike stuff from garden stuff so it will do. Workshop electrics should be in on Friday. I'd better get on, lots to do. Maybe more pics to follow.
  9. Update: I am starting to run behind schedule but the large shed workshop is up. Still stuff to sort before I can lay the floor and get the electrics in it. Stuff to fill the workshop is starting to arrive: Hopefully I can start to write about the bikes soon!!
  10. Timing, carb or airlock. Is the plug wet when you try and start it? Have you stripped and set the carb up correctly? Have you tried taking the airbox connector off and spraying a little WD40 into the back of the carb as you start it? Don't let the bike run too long with the airbox off - assuming it starts.
  11. Hi and welcome. I love the smell of 2 stroke in the morning.
  12. That is really bad news. Glad it wasn't worse Drewps,
  13. Happy Birthday Mike, DT502001 and Airhead too. I still have a decade before retirement but the better half thinks I should give up working within the next few years. My first (private) pension kicks in in 4 years time so here's hoping.
  14. Happy Birthday for Monday Jimmy, mines on Tuesday. For the English, St Georges day on Wednesday.
  15. I managed a project that had some Linac bunkers and kit a couple of years ago. Some of the concrete was about 5 feet thick. For plan B; please see below. There were a couple of old shed bases already there so I have built up a step - albeit a big step - about 10 inches higher that the surrounding garden to allow for enough depth above these so it won't crack. I already have ali ramps to get bikes in and out. The first part laid was solid and the last part was still possible to float so I did some. I am not really fussed as the slab will be three quarters covered by two sheds anyway. The last quarter is to be able to work on stuff outside. No power floater, just me!! Anyway, plan B. Garage grade flooring. I will just make sure that the concrete isn't too high or low before I lay them. I have to seal the areas where the doors open and have a rubber sealing strip waiting already. This is to stop any water from coming in under the doors ( 1 personal door and a set of 7 feet wide double doors). I have ordered some bits to go into the workshop and they should be arriving next week. It's amazing how much I can get with just a little T shirt money
  16. It is OK if we ride all year but it is very noticeable who does and who doesn't. Riding in January I can be the only bike in the bike park and see no other bikes on my commute. As soon as the sun comes out, all the summer riders appear. I have to admit that I use the bike a lot less in the winter than I could. Quick update on the progress. Still work to do on the workshop and shed. The builders were delayed for various reasons and I had a 'mare with the concrete floating. Early evening before the cement mixer turned up yesterday, approximately seven and a half cubic metres of concrete laid - all by barrow off the mixer. I intended to float the concrete but popped out and by the time I returned some had already gone off and couldn't be floated . This is going to leave me with an uneven workshop floor so on to plan B for that. Number 1 RD has developed a 2 stroke oil leak. I think it is one of the pipes from the oil tank so a set of complete oil lines ordered.
  17. I got the jack from fleabay - local pickup; a score I think (£20). Schedule of works; Today: Digging out, New fence, Shoring up, Some pointing on the chimney. Tomorrow: Pour concrete. 17th: Trim conifers on one side of garden. 22nd: Erect large shed, Seal base (straight to concrete), paint floor. 23rd: Erect small shed (8x6), Creosote. 24th: New main consumer unit Plus Part P 25th: Spark the big shed with power and lights Plus Part P 26th: Put in storage, bench etc and try and fit stuff back in to sheds. 28th: Back to work. 29th: Start to tackle the bikes in earnest. Presently My plan is to: 1) Deal with the advisories on the RD400(1); Fork seals, steering head bearings and replace the wheels with the recent purchased ones. Then a tidy up checking/replacing as I go. 2) Finish stripping the YA and start on the rebuild. 3) Exhaust paint on the TS and sort out the electrics. 4) Start on RD400(2). That should keep me poor busy for a while. Photos to follow.
  18. After tungsten the rest is personal choice. Some like bombs, some slim. Best to feel them before buying.
  19. What he said. 4 and below are hydroscopic so absorb water. 5.1 doesn't. 5 and 5.1 are completely different. Never try and use 5.
  20. The bikes waiting for their new home. Groundworks start tomorrow. Popped down to Southampton this morning for a set of bargain wheels. 5 hours return trip.
  21. DirtyDT

    Dirty DT Rides

    Err.................... My rides!
  22. From the album: Dirty DT Rides

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