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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. DirtyDT

    DVLA question

    Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority They are Government employees who are supposed to look after the information on vehicles and driving licence holders. Recently they seem to have "lost" some information, although they deny it. Have a look Here I am not sure if this bears any relevance to Goffs original post. Sorry Goff!!
  2. DirtyDT

    Face Mask

    I have tried both the neoprene ones and silk balaclavas. I dont use either now although I prefered the silk. Just make sure it is washable as they get snottier than a group of 10 year olds
  3. DirtyDT

    DVLA question

    I hope you got things sorted Goff. As always, be careful of rumour, hearsay, speculation and layman's law. Statute is all that counts. Have you checked the road traffic act or driver and vehicle regulations? If the question is about a vehicle or your licence history - or you need to check and have a record of your licence before you send it off to the DVLA - Then you may need this info Here . If they need a reason, as they suggest, tell them that it is the law that they supply the information. I am going to send off for my licence info and though I begrudge the fiver, I think it is money well spent.
  4. Oh dear! Next week I am having to go to do a proper job for the next few Months. I have spent the last 8ish years working for myself on various contracts but the latest one means that I will be employed until 2011. No more working from home for a while, I will have to get up and dressed in the dark, a morning commute to Nottingham, having to put on a suit, shirt and tie. Oh dear!
  5. If you have got/can get a receipt dated with the sellers name, address and frame & engine numbers on it I would send off the V62. If it comes back stolen then you brought in good faith. If it is OK, vehicle check it. If that is OK price up what you need over time. If the cost of the bits are too expensive or the bike is Cat B sell the bits. If the bike is Cat C or D decide if you want to repair or sell the bits. I would only sell any parts if the bike is not stolen. All is not lost. It may be OK or someone may post here with a way of checking the reg from the vin. Good luck!!
  6. Not that I know of without a reg number. Is there a tax disc or paperwork with a number on it? If not, and I guess that it has been used off road, then it is a gamble. Depending on the year, condition and what is missing off the bike you have to weigh up the risks. If you plan to put it back on the road then you have to gamble it is not nicked or written off. If there are bits missing, and depending on the age, then you have to look at the cost of these so maybe a couple of road tyres, chain & sprockets, bearings, lights, dials, V62, MOT, mirrors, ignition switch etc you may be looking at a £300+ spend.
  7. You need a V62 and £25 Assuming that it is not nicked it could also be written off if you intend to put it back on the road. I am not sure of the legal implications if it is nicked like "handling stolen goods" and saying who you brought it from etc but the form is Here If it comes back not nicked and you get the log book I would then data check it to make sure it is not cat A or B on the write off register.
  8. If it has 17 digits whack it in Here
  9. She will give him more than astern look. Possibly act like A tiller the Hun. Oh dear the tablets are wearing off again!
  10. Golfers, what are they like? Most are like normal people. They walk around a field hitting a little ball with a stick. They think that the lower number of hits they do is better. They like ornithology as you often hear them say words like "birdie" or "eagle". They are interested in nuclear war as they can often mutter the "bunker" word and like their dads as they all want to know "Par" better. I think Winston Churchill had a famous saying about golf. Important note. Golfers are not to be confused with GOFFers.
  11. With all electrical problems it is test and see. You need to check this is the right one but this should be the wiring diagram.
  12. DirtyDT

    dt 125

    It may be depending on what Country you live in.
  13. It could be a blown dip beam in the main bulb. What year is the bike? what model is it? Not sure why this would stop the dials from lighting. There are either 2 or 3 lights (if 2 then there is no parking light) Parking - which is a very low light on a separate bulb. Dipped beam - normal riding as part of the main bulb High beam - unlit road lighting as par of the main bulb.
  14. Most parts seem to be still available. Have a look Here If they are available here they should be available in Oz.
  15. Agreed! Sorry to tell you all that I, at least, am happy to be here in this part of cyber space.
  16. DirtyDT

    Location info

    The only bad pub is a closed one. Hic. Good luck on the move.
  17. The first 3 digits of the frame number or a picture would help.
  18. Whilst I do not want to send people to another bike forum I did find some wiring diagrams on one that may be useful. So see if they have what you want and then return. I know people come to this one for the comradery, abuse and pictures of Goff so I guess nothing lost. Here they are
  19. I always try and park outside a pie or chip shop just to reduce the risk.
  20. I am glad you brought this thread back to life. A great thread for all DT175 owners, in my opinion. Cable and electrics routing pics would be great.
  21. He was a bit lardy It must just be my thinking. Spend £100 = get a better chain. Thanks Drewps. The code was appearing outside the web page in the header area at one point. I followed the pinned instructions and have got vids to work before but memory says something about choosing the raw line option which isn't in the pinned instructions. Got the ar*e with it in the end. Cheers.
  22. Oh damn i cant get the video to link. It has been doing strange things all afternoon. Anyway it is a well viewed youtube video showing how bad some very expensive motorcycle security chains are. Just a reminder. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Check out how he opens a disk lock <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> You may have seen them before but what a sham when you fork out £100 for a chain
  23. I say auto locksmith first. Most can programe the new key from the back of their van. And they come to you.
  24. Are you talking about the Main nozzle shown as number 3 Here ? If so they seem to be not available but that does not mean that there are none lurking on a parts shelve somewhere. As previously suggested, get the carb make and model number and see if that same carb was fitted to other models. Even non Yam ones. This means that instead of searching for just RS carbs you could search for that part from other models on your favorite auction site. It may be worth asking this bloke if he has one Here
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