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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. But I don't have 4 year old Grandson. How fair is that? If I had known that was the trick I would have called Gary Glitter.
  2. Fix. That is all I can say. You should be a bloody MP!
  3. I didn't know I only got one go, but are you sure I am not right?
  4. Is it the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco? Can I claim my prize please?
  5. The real question is "How can I do it right for the least cash?" And the real answer is - you will have to be lucky. Before you do anything else you need to find out if the bike is an import. Call Yamaha UK and they have a section that will tell you, for free, if it is imported from the VIN number. If it is imported, but not registered, you then need a V55/5 and it is a big form and the paperwork to show tax has been paid (if applicable). Plus the fee. A Yodi check will do several things as, normally, a HPI check is included so you will be able to tell if it is showing on the DVLA batabase and if it is whether it is recorded nicked or written off. If it shows then you have the reg. so just put in as the new owner. A £25 cert from the RD club will say that the frame would have been produced at a certain time. If it is shown to be subsequently nicked or has outstanding Import tax then you are buggered. You could look for a frame on evilbay with a V5 and transfer the bits. Depending on which way you go, you are going to have to spend cash.
  6. DirtyDT

    rock on tommy

    And they wonder why variety died
  7. I think which ever way you look at it, you will have to throw cash at it, and a fair bit of cash. I am guessing that the engine has blown. New Yami parts will be shed loads. Even a second hand engine - assuming you can find one - will be loads too. You could sell the bike as is and look for something else. Has you seen this CLICK HERE not sure as I don't know your model well.
  8. Who said that....................... Er edited post? Blind old bloke? Some very expensive bits required there.
  9. Equal rights can go too far sometimes.
  10. Er Drewps I think it's a female?
  11. It would be helpful, if not polite, to let people know where in the world you are. I don't know anywhere in Outer Mongolia but I know places in the UK.
  12. DirtyDT

    rock on tommy

    I need my medication. I liked Oliver's army though.
  13. Hi we hen. Is it a white bike in a snowstorm?
  14. DirtyDT

    META M357T

    With the cyclone you get what you pay for. I have a Datatool on the SV and it is fine. It does bleep when the winds are too strong but I can disable that on the key fob and still leave the alarm active and it self arms so when you are filling up it sets itself. Apart from that it is easy to live with. I have heard story's about story's of immobilisers arming whilst moving but in many decades I can not honestly say that I, or anyone I know, have actually had that experience. Most (all?) now can't arm if the power is on so accidentally pushing the arm button on the fob will do nothing with the ignition on.
  15. I would have thought the Japanese would have designed a machine to automate this? Just stamp it out on a press and a little hand finishing. In the local TK Maxx for £2.50.
  16. I think - why bro! Loads of things are possible, it just does not make them the best option. What are you looking to achieve?
  17. Google yodi hpi he used to do a check from the frame number. Did one for me a while ago. If the bike was UK registered then it should show the reg number. If it was not UK registered it is a royal PITA and expensive. Yamaha should tell you if it is a Canadian model however, no paperwork will possibly mean that you will be liable for import duty.
  18. DirtyDT

    META M357T

    I would say that the reason it was disconnected was that it failed or was misunderstood. If you are after a budget alarm try HERE They seem to have a good reputation. If you want something more expensive have a look at Datatool. Alarms can me a very emotive subject - a bit like Marmite.
  19. I think goodbye is closer Drewps. Looks like a free ad. AND IN BIG TEXT'EY SHOUTING
  20. Hi and welcome. Love the passion.
  21. There is a service manual HERE if it is any use to you or anyone else.
  22. Not sure I could actually read or understand your post. As a tip try using a word speller as it may help when searching for things. Try for parts HERE
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