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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum. I know that if you read this LINKY you may get a better response.
  2. I doubt it if you have a spark. Listing what you have done is one thing but describing what happens when you try to start it would help us to help you. What colour is the spark? Does the spark get damp (with fuel) Does the engine turn over when you try to start it Will it push start Have you tried easystart Are you happy the carb has been put back together and fitted correctly Same as above with the reed valve.
  3. My Jamaican dad woudn't get that one.
  4. I doubt it was what you think. They have chemical toilets now.
  5. DirtyDT


    My Tomtom has the same problem. I know that you can get new battery's for some if you are handy with a soldiering iron.
  6. Is there a homeless person trapped in there?
  7. Keeps the explosives dry.
  8. DirtyDT

    Parking fine

    Sounds like a sting operation. You show up and two gorillas appear from nowhere, turn you upside down and shake you until they get the cash.
  9. I ride both sides of the A52 most days. I can guess who they are. LINKY
  10. DirtyDT


    Providing the screw isn't mangled. Easy to do though. OG posted a thread on the forum somewhere with different bolts etc which can give you a decent compromise between old and new.
  11. I would not bend levers. You never know when you really need them. Nothing wrong with heated grips.
  12. Hi and welcome. A good reminder to all.
  13. Hi and welcome. Your interests made me laugh
  14. DirtyDT


    1) jets in the carb possibly. Lots of DT carb pictures showing the jets on the forum somewhere. 2) return spring, unless it was fouling on something For starters have a look here LINKY and here LINKY
  15. At least you can get ready to post some pictures. I like shiny things.
  16. Just looked at some bike pictures. Not overly impressed to be honest.
  17. Nice way to ask for help!
  18. DirtyDT


  19. Possibly. It sound like the ignition is shorting out and is permanently live. At a guess. You really need to look down the main page and post the problem there. This area is for hellos.
  20. One resides in Sunny Loughborough.
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