I think our Brussels Government have got it right this time.
Get rid of all those nasty, smelly bikers and their rides. For the very few that are left they;
Won't have to worry about what colour leathers to wear - Yellow will be the only choice.
They won't have to attend rallies like Goodwood or squires - They will be banned from riding their bikes from their urban homes.
Compulsory ABS will mean that German bikes WILL rule the world - This serves us right for winning the war.
All that stock of non yellow clothing and aftermarket parts waiting to be sold so the Government can collect the VAT will have to be disposed of in a land fill site.
Stopping the emergency stop is a leap forward, someone may get whiplash. Think of all those car whiplash claims during the test, supported by the soft liberals, and how much money we can save there. Anyway, why practice an emergency stop when there is always a biker to use as a stopper? It will save car brake pads and allows people to lie and commit insurance fraud when they lie and say the biker was at fault.
Well done the Government, nice to know that you have approached this in the same manor as most of the other legislation you produce.