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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I fully understand that but changing the MOT rules does not change anything regarding defective vehicles being used on the road. 473,564 drivers were handed penalty points for driving without insurance between 2010 and 2013. How many of them had MOT's?
  2. What's scary is some of the super lithium battery's would probably blow up if 60amps were pushed through them. I know I am getting old when I can't quite understand battery's and charging them.
  3. Paul. Just about to send you a PM.
  4. DirtyDT

    Off to Work

    Jimmy mate. Would your time not be better spent undercover at squires? Some might say they could be seen as guilty of deception for selling stuff on plates that is described as "food". The price of a cuppa there could also be seen as criminal. All allegedly of course!
  5. DirtyDT

    yamaha ag 175

    What's number 6 in the picture and is there just 1 of these?
  6. DirtyDT

    yamaha ag 175

    I can't see the picture, I'm on my phone. The picture will not show the plate rotation if that is required a bent pushrods is not good. Is there a ball bearing in the picture along the pushrod? These fall out but I can't see on my phone.
  7. Given the unregistered import it would not be worth anything to me. It would cost over £100 to get the bikes paperwork done so it now becomes close to £300 before any work starts on it. Shame really so, in the words of "the dragons", I'm out.
  8. To be fair, Paul should have first refusal. Even if it just has an old tax disk showing the reg and no v5 it would be easy to get the thing registered.
  9. Adding to foamys answer, the jeep will probably be putting out a lot more charging power from its alternator and this could fry the bike battery. 12 volts are 12volts but a jeep alternator would be pushing big amps.
  10. Steve, is that question for Paul or me? I would be very, very tempted if it had some sort of documentation or v5.
  11. DirtyDT

    yamaha ag 175

    If someone has done it and it is a wet clutch then yes. I would check the set up of the cable etc and that the clutch is installed correctly first. Often older bikes have a ring between plates 1 and 2 and the plates are marked and the marks are rotated at 120 degree intervals.
  12. DirtyDT

    yamaha ag 175

    Contamination with car engine oil?
  13. Speed is one thing but momentum of weight is another. Vehicles made before 1960 are already exempt. How many times have you brought a vehicle that had a MOT to find something scary about it that needed fixing. I don't have a problem with 30plus year old bikes not having to sit an MOT. I do have a problem with any bike I haven't had a good look around before I ride it.
  14. The burgers always smell nice and the tea is drinkable. If you eat on the way up on Friday and at seaways on Saturday you should be OK. I would still pack a couple of tuna & mayo sarnies just to be sure. You could go to the outside hut, ask for a large cup of hot water and explain that it is for your indigestion. When you get it just pour it into a pot noodle you just happen to have packed for the journey.
  15. Nowt wrong with Raybans. As for open lids, providing the weather is ok next weekend, my open face helmet and halcyon goggles are coming to the annual event with me.
  16. I couldn't get that your legs had to come out to the side to miss the footboard. I am actually a Londoner myself and spent around 30 years riding around the town.
  17. As above but don't start the jeep engine.
  18. I have watched a few Norman Nippy's on fleabay over the last couple of years. They always went for too much money.
  19. The tip works for copper gaskets too.
  20. Got to agree they are not very efficient. I estimate my RD uses half a litre of 2 stroke to a tank of fuel and at £14 a litre that can work out expensive.
  21. I am starting to want a scooter of some kind. Not a speedflight thing but a Vespa type. I have only ridden one once, in about 1980 and that was for about 100 yards. I seem to remember that it was really bad.
  22. Good stuff. I guess you know that the 543 is road worked up because of the duel carriageway build? Keep an eye out for the speed cameras. I will be at west bridgeford macs at 12.
  23. Fella. Stop with all this worrying already! Get on the bike and ride it. If the revs are reading low, high or not at all, who cares? Providing the balance of fuel, air and 2 stroke oil is about OK, then there is nothing to worry about. The guys on the ACRD site are very knowledgeable. I am a paid member on the site too. Sometimes the threads get too anorak'ie for me. I don't care if the 1966 XYZ is supposed to have a grey oil filler cap and 1973 was the only year a model had the double doofrinob. That said there is a wealth of information in the site. I take what I need and leave the rest. Just rev the bike and if it blows up you may of over revved it and a rebuild is required. 2 strokes are not for the nervy.
  24. Hi and welcome to the forum. Start a thread in the project section and, as well as information, fill it with pictures and some comedy stuff.
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