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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. mike1949

    Forum tidying

    Mr N, they say nobody is indispensable, but for what you do to the good of the forum I think that you are. Why, only last week I had "A go" at a new member for his presentation, and bleeding eck did I get it in the neck from the members, even a Mod. Yet other members say a lot worse and no-one even comments.
  2. I will help you on this one DT, First of all the blackboard in Sniffs post was referring to Annie Lennox's Eurythmics which was a fantastic hit in the eighties. Her words were Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world And the seven seas Everybody's looking for something. You will only appreciate it if you u.tube it and listen to Annie in full swing, she is fantastic.
  3. Effing Ell Lallasro! I thought we should be asking you these type of questions. Or have you been in England that long that you're becoming a native?
  4. Ciren eh! My home town.
  5. Deffo, I retire in less than two months (in England that's 65) Maybe, but only maybe that's why some people think I'm a bit grumpy but I do like to voice my opinion even if it does upset or annoy people. BTW have you noticed that the last thing we have heard from the topic creator is "no lol just waiting for some one to reply to my prob lol"
  6. I did start reading your intro but fell asleep half way through.
  7. mike1949

    Aw bummer

    Join the club mailee, I think most of us has experienced a nail in the tyre. Mine was when I was going home from work but picked up a screw from a chippy at work who was replacing a door and chucked an old screw down in front of my bike. It turned out to be a slow puncture so when I got about 2 miles from home I had to push the bike all the way after that. And it's not easy pushing a bike with a flat front tyre.
  8. What protocol do you want me to use then? Basically, it's still is a rubbish intro, so what should I have said? Other intros have had similar replies and have had no reaction. Can I not voice my opinion without being "got at"
  9. It's still a shite intro
  10. No grammar perfectionist, or is it "you dont talk proper not like what I does"
  11. Sorry Paul, but I'm a bit of a stickler for grammar.
  12. hi im ronnie in 28 live in uk hi all That's about the worst introduction I've ever seen. What do you mean im ronnie in 28 FFS Ronnie, Try a bit harder if you want to make a bit of an impression. It begs me to ask the obvious question, what nationality are you?
  13. I'm all for doing away with displaying the tax disc, I've twice had mine stolen, but the only thing I don't like is When selling a vehicle to a new vehicle keeper, the vehicle tax will no longer be transferable. Vehicle tax will end when a vehicle is sold and the new keeper will need to get the vehicle taxed immediately before the vehicle can be used. When somebody is selling/buying a bike one of the main selling/buying points is that it's taxed and mot'd. Does that mean that you can't go and view a bike and if you like it, pay for it then ride it back home?
  14. mike1949

    Then and Now

    Well, Feliks, I'm asking the question everybody else is thinking, what's the does the missus look like now?
  15. Well done Hippy, give yourself a pat on the back. Nothing like a job well done especially when you've done it yourself.
  16. mike1949


    I try to speak the Queens English. (One does like to speak properly.) Actually, no I don't I talk with a Wiltshire accent. But, when I text I use proper pronunciation as in commas, brackets and full stops etc. When I get a text from my loved one sometimes I think "WTF?"
  17. I am surprised at you Bippo, I can understand foamy, but not you Bippo.
  18. mike1949


    One Saturday morning when Father O'Donnel was walking down the high street and the vicar was walking towards him, he said "Good morning, vicar" The Vicar just walked straight past him without saying a word. "Excuse me, Vicar" Said Father O'Donnel, but I just said "Hello" "I'm so sorry" said the vicar, but I am so depressed because somebody has stolen my bicycle, the one that I use to get around to see my parishioners, and I don't know what to do without it. "Right", "Next time you take Mass, recite the ten commandments, " When you get to ""thy shall not Steal"" " Look up from the Pulpit and you will see the guilty face" Anyway, two weeks later When they met again in the High street, the vicar had a big grin on his face, so Father O'Donnel said, So it worked worked what I said then? Not exactually, When I got to "Thy shalt not commit adultry" "I remembered where I left my bike"
  19. A very pretty young female speach therapist offered her three male clients a blow job if they could tell her where they live without stuttering. The first said. DDDDDDDDDUBLIN The second said. BBBBBBBBELFAST The third said. LONDON "Well done" she said and gave him a blow job. When she finished, he said. . . . . . . . . . . . . . DDDDDDDDDDERRY
  20. A lady in her eighties went to see her doctor. When she went in the doc said "hello mrs smith, your looking well, how can I help you?" To which she replied "I've got trouble with my averies doctor" "no, madam averies are where you keep tropical birds, ladies have overies" "yes but I have trouble with my averies" "no madam, ladies have ovaries, look, never mind, just get on the bed and I'll sort you out" Anyway after the doctor had a look inside her "private parts" he said. "Actually madam, you might be right, I see you've had a cockatoo up there"
  21. Of course Drewps,what else. Actually "her indoors" couldn't believe it.
  22. I totally concur Foams,
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