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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. :icon_smile: :icon_smile: Cheers Blackie!
  2. Absolutley Brilliant Merv. I can drive a lawnmower now.
  3. Wotcher Mikey, welcome to the forum.
  4. Only today I was in the missus's car stopped at traffic lights indicating to go left and a cyclist stopped in my blind spot (rear nearside), when lights turned green pulled away but stopped because wasn't sure if she was turning left or going straight on. Blimey! What a torrent of unladylike abuse I rec'd.
  5. It certanly doesn't look right to me, I'd be afraid it would snag in something. Should't look like that.
  6. So, so, sorry to hear this Paul. From a matelot to a pongo. romeo echo mike echo mike bravo echo romeo tango hotel echo golf oscar oscar delta tango's.
  7. Hi Gareth, welcome to the forum youv'e certainly started off well in the correct section by introducing yourself. depending what sort of help you require depends on which area you need to enter, definatley not this one. If it's mechanical or bike problems which it usually is try the Workshop. Good luck. Mike
  8. Bread and dripping, making my mouth water just thinking about it. Just think, if we put that on our bread now the the doctors would go ape. The dripping used to be about half an inch thick.
  9. At the moment Blackie, as in Wiltshire there is no snow although salt has been put on the roads but to no avail because as of yet we have not been subject to heavy snow, or even any snow as such.
  10. Did the very same as you meaty, got out for a couple of hours on my bandit and thourghly enjoyed it in the sun, stopped at a local burger van run by two lovely local girls and had a nice warming cup of tea (80p)
  11. Cheers Drewps, this does sound interesting. I've bookmarked it to look into it in more detail especially the one where you can fit a drain hose.
  12. Or even animals, now about my daughters rabbits.................... (only joking)
  13. Hello Steve, my sons in Oz, do you know him?
  14. I have three new years resolutions. No. 1 is to improve my memory. I've forgot the other two.
  15. Totally concur there mf, I once bought a book entitled "How to understand your wife" It was all blank pages!
  16. What I will seriously be doing this Christmas is although I do not believe in it but I do like the Christmas dinner and all the trimmings including brussel sprouts and a bottle of wine. Is after dinner and Christmas pudding with cuzzy and after washing and drying up is to go into the front room with a glass of wine and watch either the "Great escape" or "Shawn the sheep"
  17. Hi MF, does that mean that you can't get you're leg over any more?
  18. Bleeding Ell ML I don't think turkey and tinsel would appeal to you this Christmas then.
  19. Not a lot. I used to play the part until my youngest sussed out that Santa had the same tattoos as me. Although I still say as I'm wheeling a trolly full of booze out of morrisons "I'm only doing it for the kids"
  20. I did ask that very same question when I was stationed in RNAS Brawdy in Pembrokeshire in the sixties when we had to patrol the perimeter with a pick axe handle and a flare gun.
  21. Chippenham, Wiltshire. Although I come from Cirencester, Gloucestershire.
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