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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. The Radian has thrown a wobbler a couple of times this last week by failing to start. On the face of it, it seems to me like the battery is shagged, since the motor does not turn over with any oomphh. Battery charged up, fired up nicley, 14.7 volts going in at 5,000rpm, starter relay/alternator check out as ok Out of interest, stripped out the starter motor. Cleaned up the comm, bit discloured but fine apart from that, brushes all good and metered out ok, bearings/gears fine. Reassembled it, and noted that when assembled its not the easiest to turn the pinion gear shaft due to the field created by the magnets that form part of the case. Ordinarily, I would have expected to be able to turn the pinion easily, but no so, I can just spin it by hand against the field Having thought about it, the magnets must perform a function as they create a field that prevents the rotor from rotating freely, but I now have it in the back of my mind that the field has somehow become too strong for the battery to turn over the starter more than once, giving the impression that the battery is not holding charge. Any comments/advice on this greatly appreciated Thanks
  2. I've been fitting chains for 40+ years and I've never had a split link come apart. You must fit the clip with the rounded end pointing in the direction of travel, make sure the clip is properly located in the grooves Engine oil will throw off. Take the bike for run to warm the chain up, bike on the centre stand, use one of the many spray on jobs (I use the Silkolene) that goes tacky after a few minutes Rotate the wheel by hand for a couple of minutes Brush on some ACF50 every coule of weeks to keep rust at bay
  3. Thats £96 a year on top of your premium !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ring them back an tell them youve changed your mind, and dont let them charge you any admin fee for changing
  4. Wheel off, spindle (axle) out, tap the first bearing out from the opposite side, as dt says, work around the circumference so it comes out square to the bore. The do the same to the second bearing. Clean any crap from the bearing locations, bit of copaslip where the bearings locate, find a scocket just a gnats cock smaller than the outside dia of the bearing, tap it home keeping it square to the bore. Dont hit the seal Always bear in mind when fitting parts that you might be the next bloke to take them off, so do it right. Alternatively, if youve not much experience, take it to your local mechanics and ask them to fit the bearings for you, but make sure you watch how they do it for future reference Good luck
  5. Theres a photo of the un-faired version in this months Classic Motorcycle Mechanics. I have to say, the unfaired one looks a real smart bike. Not sure what the differnces are, whether its just higher bars with a single headlight
  6. £200 wasn't it? You lucky, lucky, lucky barstweward Dont forget your lottery ticket this week
  7. Best advice I can give is to buy a Haynes manual, contains all of the schematics for the FJ/FZ/XJ and YX. Handy book to have
  8. Its people like you that keep mechanics in work I bet you get an invite to their christmas party
  9. Breath deeper, it'll go quicker
  10. Not half. The problems extend to petrol stations too, as many have had to replace their rotting tanks, some have simply shut, and according to a very good article in last months CMM, the states is experiencing a rush of lawsuits citing alleged damage as a result of E10 fuel usage. Not only is it absorbing water in your tank, its in the gas staions tanks too I just hope that there continues to be a sufficiently large market for ethnaol free fuel in the UK for the suppliers to be encouraged to continue to supply it, as they do currently with super unleadeds. Sadly, it may end up as a niche market with a premium price.
  11. but think of his/her contribution to the local economy, keeping the wheels of industry ticking over etc etc, parts ordered and made/bills paid/taxes paid/wages paid
  12. but German control and domination continues faster now than ever before, with whole economies crushed and opposition subdued before being subsumed into the new empire
  13. My my, I'm so sorry that there are no Total stations in your vicinity. I was only trying to point a direction out to you to save constantly purchasing expensive additives. Had you used the search function for the previous threads, you would also have come across the fact that super unleadeds do not yet contain ethanol, as benny has confirmed.
  14. Somewhere on here is a previous thread on the subject, contianing a list of Total petrol stations in the uk. Im most areas of the UK, Total fuel does not contain any ethanol, so no mods to the bike reqd
  15. Hang on to your cash, you would be particularly unlucky if you are changing bearings any more often than a rare occaision, and the majority of that kit would be of little use to you. You will find that improvisation will do the job just as well, or as you found out, a decent local eng shop can always help out.
  16. Yep, bearings with metal or rubber/nylon seals like that are "sealed for life". Never try to remove the seal, and when youre fitting new bearings never hit/damage etc the seals, always tap either the inner race(ring) or the outer race. You can only lube non sealed bearings Always use bearings from a quality manufacturer SKF/INA etc or Yam OE
  17. and this is whats wrong that I tried to point out before. The current govt drive is not targeted at these folk, its biggest impact is upon all of the folk chucked out of work recently, probably having worked for years in public services, cos they are an easier target and wont result in human rights claims because they are white/english/can speak the lingo. Make no mistake, we have years of this still to go, the bludgers will remain untouched, the ever dwindling hard working taxpayer will continue to to robbed, nothing as brazen as the Cyprus robbery, but by continuing ways of creative indirect taxations
  18. Should be ok with unleaded,try the premium grades, higher octane Avoid fuel containing ethanol. Depending on where you live Total stations are not supplied with ethanol added. Try using the search function here for "ethanol" to find the list of stations
  19. Out of interest, what oil did you put in?
  20. Kill switch, side stand switch. Find out why the neutral light aint on
  21. Second hand tongue and groove floor boarding from a reclaim yard, ace for sheds etc, dont forget the dpc under the floor
  22. I left it wide open, my money was on Up Yours You gals
  23. Still check those bearings, failure can be painful
  24. Same all over the UK At risk of causing a rift here though, I have no problem with hard working folk picking up state aid as and when it is required to maintain health/home/family. The current changes to the beneifts system unfortunately blancket all, rather than a targeted approach aimed at the professional non-workers who know the system inside out and have no intention of ever working or making a contribution, but demand (and get) more from the system than some hard workers can earn. Governments always take the easy option. Most hard working families are never more than 3 to 4 weeks from hard times. Break a leg and be off work for some months and any savings soon evaporates Sadly, we are told by the EU what percentage of our national wealth we are allowed to spend any any area, with fines for non compliance. We are able to support welfare provisions, but the govt has no bollocks, and like men of straw, bends to the european stick, and is fearful of a targeted programme because of the threat of massive Human Rights claims, which it may well lose and cannot afford to defend
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