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Everything posted by barkwindjammer

  1. Yep go for it m8, have no doubt you'll succeed, its extremely simple to set up, makes a lot of mess tho', I worked in a fab' shop years ago and they had a home made one, it had an old gas bottle (the blue caravan type) with the arse cut off and then fitted with screwed brackets and a gasket so it could be fitted back together again-pressure tight, this bottle had a small guage pipe brazed on which fed a small volume of air into the bottle, bottle on a stand as it gravity fed the nozzle, which was no more than a 'Y' branch, air in one branch, gravity fed ' kiln dried sand'-bought from Keyline building supplies (not cheap) down the other, hey presto Terminators exfoliater, simples ps Bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate) works great and you can get this easily if you have a bakery nearbye, full protection when using this material tho', keep us posted !
  2. barkwindjammer posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    a nearly authentic carry-out meal Ingreedyents 1: 1 packet of monster munch (personal flavour of choice) 2: 1 small portion of 'oyster sauce' (ingredients secret) from your local 24 hour xpensive-grub establishment , hey presto, sintered prawn judo style
  3. barkwindjammer replied to mark2010's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    a wolf whistle ? !in 'wooster ces cestershire (hope I've got that right) that might come under the local coloquai as a wolf-whistle? , sorry am in 'play-ground mode', I think you fancy her/or vice-versa ?
  4. Jools Oliver Pucker/Pucka !
  5. barkwindjammer replied to mark2010's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    swit swoo
  6. like it, its versatile, that could take exhausts being that long, and that shape, would need a shroud for taller items i.e. a whole frame, you could easily incorporate a 'worm' into the base to extrude the 'medium' back to the hopper. Genius OG
  7. your 'bird' will want to propogate geraniums, you kno that dont you ? good luck wi it, and let me be the first to know if you get it off the ground, I might be sending you bits to Newk !
  8. Are you barking ? if you lead line it, with approx', 128 square M of 2mm sheet, you'll alter magnetic North, it doesnt matter where on the British Isles you are, its too much, use 'conveyer belt or flooring rubber as a lining, it costs the same, but is environmentaly-non-catastrophic, unlike lead !
  9. Pic 1= the problem, pic 2 = part of the answer, pic 3 = the result, pic 4 = the result after the silly plastic gubbins (the bit that makes it a spot blaster) was removed The 'weedol' bottle !
  10. You'll 'New' k the whole neighbourhood, the magpies will have a field day
  11. are you barking ?
  12. barkwindjammer replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
  13. barkwindjammer replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    While 'roamin' around earlier I passed a 'Squadron' (if thats the grammatical term for the collective-some prep school attendees might know the definitive ?) and had a synapse-during the 70s when you were cutting your teeth Jim, what category were you ?-James Dean/Marlon Brando--a MOD--an Outlaw--or Barry Sheen ?
  14. barkwindjammer replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    if today is 'Roamin-sunday' then tomorrow must be tit monday
  15. barkwindjammer replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    That kind of thing just leaves a bad taste in your mouth !
  16. barkwindjammer replied to mark2010's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I'll 2nd that, had lots of very sound advice from this guy, straight to the point, an asset to this forum and any others he's involved with, our very own 'tech-guy',glad to count him as a friend, your gonna need a bigger lid sonny Jim, lol.
  17. barkwindjammer posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    tyre prices have shot up in the last month and a half !, my local bike shop has increased the cost of a Bridgestone BT 45 from £65 to a whopping £80, with a 'good-will'' reduction of a fiver, £75, by my rough calc' thats nearly a 25% increase in just short of 2 months, a 'shares' opportunity, or a rip off ?
  18. barkwindjammer replied to little dave's post in a topic in The Bar
    Lol like that, hell hath no fury and all that , woaf !
  19. barkwindjammer replied to dan3's post in a topic in Naked
    Very tidy looking bike, and that devil exhaust looks well mean, I've an older divvy and looking for exhaust options, wont be as neat as the wee 'Devil' tho, am jealous !
  20. barkwindjammer replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    Whats all this shouting ?, we'll have no binary here !
  21. Moped
  22. Mobylette is Franch for ' la foot replacement mechaniseur ', fact !
  23. Hey, like groovy man !
  24. barkwindjammer replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wow thats somethin else, not seen that on my streets yet, think a front bearing set would set you back a bit !
  25. barkwindjammer replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    The off-road version has a wheel with a 9ft radius, fitted with a giant knobbly, the rider is sat in a leather sofa chair (from DFS though, so it loses points on build quality), and the whole machine is gyro-stabilised, It just rolls over everything, stone dykes, fences, rhododendrum, cars, and livestock crazy fools ! Ok, so I took that too far !