Everything posted by barkwindjammer
Tamper Proof Ignition
Lol,, mervin: WTF are you smoking Barky, Condor mild, ready rubbed mup mup, pfff Well if the bike aint stolen then all is well if his next question is,,, Q: whats the best way to grind off and re-new a vin number? then I'm afraid you might risk being 'under arrested' for aiding and abetting a felan mup mup, pfff
Tamper Proof Ignition
Proof of rightfull ownership of said vehicle must, and without due predujice, be fore-said, and not with-held, as rightfull ownership, as may be contested, by and verifis corpus mandii, without exception post et premus scriptum, render any tender of ownership, thus scripted by request thereof, litanous ad sacrem. you have been warned, IPA c
And so back to the topic, nextest summer fav' She sells sanctuary by the Cult, reminds me of the first time I went 'drilling for emolient in a camels hoof!' happy daze
The price of beer
Scrumpy is top gear too!
The price of beer
hey Jimbo hows it hangin?, Cider-its not big and its not clever, but it sure is cheap, and it makes you grin/gurn , I like the pear stuff now and again,it be gert lush arrhh, I dont like the cans tho' its scary how shiny the inside is, I'm sure that stuff is caustic, maybe I should try it on my down-pipes
The price of beer
good point auld yin, however, with the world gone PC (political correctness, not the other kind) mad, if you have a disability of any kind -people must do exactly what you say!, or they could get 'under arrested', he wouldnt want deported now, would he,
The price of beer
I understand, what about e-mailing the store from the comfort of your backside?, a little effort goes a long way, they have delivery vans-they could even bring your 'good-will-gift to your door, tell em your agorophobic occasionaly
The price of beer
BTW Tesco's turnover last year was £52bn; pre-tax profits £2.8bn. Staggering. the end bit of the sentence is what theyre hoping for when you go into the store you should go back and tell the Lithuanian manager that you've taken pics and will contact the office of fair trading, News of the world, and his head office, two for the price of silence-me thinks
yzf r125
Hi, have been reading this thread for a while, and had to put another 50p in the meter and,,,,,,, could you start again, I'm sure I'm getting it, I'm a bit slow you see
Chinese import bikes
I'm with you on that one big yin, these bikes are a joke just now, but he-hoo-laffs-last daniel sun !
Chinese import bikes
Hi piles and thanx for the reply, well (Mavis Riley) - I dont really know,tbh, was just requesting any info at all, to help the guy out, I'm not a full time clown and sarcy brastrad, sometimes I like to help too, I told him its prob a Honda rip off, however after I suggested we 'Burn it' he kinda went off the idea of me helping in any way, I'd like to make amends as for the problem, its pissing oil all over the shop (from the main shaft area), 'oil' -thats why I suggested setting fire to it-oil burns well good, does'nt it?
Rounded off allen bolt?
the things you can do with a dremmel, hours of mindless endless fun for (the black-sheep) all the family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqoz-6xLY9c ouch!
Chinese import bikes
and dont forget your local 're-cycle' centre, boom-boom no seriously carbon foot-prints are murder on light coloured carpet, not even 'cilit-bang' or 'Goff' will get that off,,, c i l i t I said, tut tut !
Chinese import bikes
Does anybody have or know anyone with a 'Da jiang X-treme 125', a guy from work bought one and is in need of help with it (I suggested petrol and matches, he was'nt into that), just wondering if Foamy and his mates, who are into their 'exotic flowersbikes' would have any info? thanx in advance
There's one born every minute
a tad harsh Kev, LD is part Scot, mind you he's parts of everything else too ! so it wouldnt be kind to set aboot um, besides, he lives a straquillion miles away, near Roswell ! he might come pay you a visit, in his UFO and slap you ye dinnae ken.
the lost bagpiper.
been out too long in the sun today Dave?
also check your not halucinating and sitting astride one of them boingy things, in an empty childrens play-park, with a dog-walker outside the fence-chatting to a police ocifer, and pointing in your direction, that could be embarassing/paranoidial/costly
Sad news
Another light has joined the cosmos, condolences to his family.
xj600 1990 Hreg just bought electric problems plz help
Sell it !
good value
Whats your other half doing lurking around in the basement where you keep your PC, I thought she had no idea there was a basement under the house?
good value
Hi big yin, if you turn your opera glasses round it looks like a tiny picture of 'the big slipper', one slipper for both feet, its powered by USB and keeps your gout ridden tootsies cosy ! and has a picture of a monkey on the front, what ever did we do before technology?
Er, um, MZ owner looking for some help.
yep like OG says, Grease your balls, simples
There's one born every minute
yeah, go on laugh ah ha ha ha! in my 'local' this song has been 'the' number 1 yard-stick for 'the laugh' none has perfected it yet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlmOI9Orq88 the lines--"your carefully designed topless swimsuit" and "just for fun, for a laugh, ah ha ha" raise a big cheer in the pub, yep we Scots 'ur no right in tha heid' (a couple of sandwiches short of a pic-nic)
good value
Was reading the sunday papers and saw this in the free magazine, and thought of you OG its USB, hygeinic and wipe-clean
Word Association Thread