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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. goff said he is on ebay, but that was 3 years ago and we not seen her on here for a while. Try to PM her!
  2. look like some thing to get your teeth into! get yourself a manual to familliarise yourself with the bike and take lots of pictures so you know where things go when they go back after a few weeks!
  3. to the YOC sprocket bearings will wear fairly quickly, but I've never known a wheel bearing to lock up. I assume you have the owners and workshop manual as they will give the service life for checking them. Basically if they are smooth and no shhing noise then they are fine! hope that helps
  4. never went to Goffs place, snaggled the picture from the Honda forum
  5. I had the 750 sei poster on my bedroom wall in the 70's never forgot it!
  6. drewpy

    my xs250

    hey tiko, wondered what you were up to, nice you got her going. my spelling is shite and I don't have dyslexia!
  7. cool, well it was looked after by Goff, she doted on it till Lucian came along.
  8. Ann, sounds like you had a great trip. I was never keen the the cruiser riding position, kept trying to brake and change gear by stamping on the road
  9. ryan, you can't trailor it everywhere man, you gotta ride it
  10. your not wrong there Paul is this it? coz that was Goffs bike "Elvira"
  11. I think there is a lot of xs owners on here is that if you google xs400 the top answer comes from this site. I've been on here since the year dot, and have answered a lot of xs queries over that period!
  12. 1 pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter. prob about 5 tons of water in there, that's why it was flattened!
  13. ha ha don't worry, I do it all the time
  14. not many made, there is a good following in Germany and occasionally they also turn up in USA. the rest of the world not so good as they didn't sell well.
  15. welcome Archie, you may have to get a second set of carbs as they are not liste dby ebay ATM. I think there is a NOS on ebay ATM but are £270 I think there is a set on CMSNL.com too.
  16. drewpy

    Guess the Muff

    mangy minge, or smoothie silk, you decide http://guesshermuff.blogspot.com/?zx=4cedb87134c199d
  17. TZ 750, bennelli sei 750 or ducati 750 sport and a Y2k for laughs
  18. ha ha love the emiticon fail Hornix
  19. haha, this one is from this afternoon
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