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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. just seen this product, not cheap, put they claim you won't even need a chain http://brodco.co.uk/motorbike-storage/
  2. no you havn't, it starts again. As of April this year 1973 bikes are tax free. Got £10 back from the recently taxed moped
  3. drewpy


    wow, what a find!
  4. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    OK,here are some photos 1/ Engine 2/ electrics 1 3/ Electrics 2 fitted an R1 reg/rec onto a finned alloy plate I "acquired" in a previous job, should keep it cool and managed to fit the diversion coils in too with a little bit of jiggery pokery. Awaiting new HT leads and will need to extend the reg/rec wires as the old style had a mini loom on them ;(
  5. go on tasky, your dying to have a go
  6. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    pictures would be boring bits of wire and engine to look at, but if your really keen to see them. The engine isn't scrap, I have another cyl head to put on and deciding whether to breathe on it a bit. everything I've done can be undone just as easily.
  7. drewpy

    What a Bike !!!

    ..............or run out of fuel.
  8. drewpy

    Forum tidying

    probably would for workshop questions, then we'd get allsorts posted in there too. Having said that, q's about bike fixes are the reason peeps stumble onto this site. its still No1 when I google yam stuff
  9. drewpy

    Forum tidying

    been doing a bit, but sometimes its over whelming
  10. nice, very nice bike and great purchase timing Merv
  11. can we change the font to Vote for Tommy - DDT, Slice, Andrew, Foamy, Drewpy ( with new font) Vote for Kevs Noise I would like my cash back
  12. first get a manual. head over to xs400.com for the "paperwork" an '81 could either be the rare dohc bike or the last of the sohc bikes so you need to let me know the first 3 letters/number of the engine. you should have electronic ignition, so everything sounds fine there. Make sure you have the right grade plugs in, then as airhead said, check compression is 155 psi, warm with throttle fully open. could indicate either sticky piston rings or worn bore. another thing is these bikes don't like standing, modern fuel gums up in a month. I'd give it an "italian service" ie give it some beans to clear the engine out!
  13. working that day and Its Houghton tower sprint on that day too.
  14. camera and vid footage he sent last week
  15. drewpy

    cafe racer

    moved to projects, nothing to do with intro
  16. drewpy

    cafe racer

    my aplogies if there was an issue with the forum at the time. I was out when it hit. We get this all the time and peeps seem to think it fine to multipost thinking they will get more responses
  17. technically, they could prevent you from using the bike there and then. You would have to get it towed away. expensive
  18. can you reset the timing or is it a fixed electronic type?
  19. Gravity sucks! mental, i see they had full brakes on those descents too
  20. 1972 or earlier vehicles can have black and white plates on the road.
  21. drewpy

    cafe racer

    an intro would be appreciated, not a triple freaking copy/paste posting!!
  22. just put in new float valves last night. the O ring on the needle body was so loose they fell out. Seems that its not just about the needle seats on these carbs
  23. I would also weld them fixed. some scum stole my shed contents and all they did was prop up the light so it points skywards! good idea about one in the bedroom, although make sure that the cats don't always set it off!
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