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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    my 'fighter

    great project, keep us updated, especially that turbo mod
  2. drewpy

    NW200 the story

    we're up at 8am sunday morning and its till windy as hell. damn we're riding into the wind. Coyles missus cooks us a big breakfast and i end up playing "postman pat" and "we're going to the zoo" on a Pink guitar!! over and over again!!. 9:30 time to go, we say our goodbyes and set off to Armah (Where the Sparton was from) to fuel up. Armah we fuel up at a little petrol station after fuel we start the engine......except for dave on the VFR the batteries flat and won't turn over the bike!! Dave panics, but we say bump start, but Dave wants non of it. So I get Mike on the bike (after taking off the tank bag) and we bump start the bike. It starts no problem and we tell dave to keep his lights off to charge the battery. We get to Belfast no problem and there's no rain ...YET!!. this is the scene that greets us at the ferry terminal there's us near the rear right. Dave wants to be at the back so we can bump start the bike and bump it back off the ferry at the other end. It takes 1/2 hour to get on the ferry and it was looking like we might not get on as the crew were counting and re-counting the bikes, so we panic and jump the queue. ( we all got on, even a van at the end) we tie down the bikes and one of the crrew says that they have a battery booster for Daves bike which relaxes Dave for the journey. When we get to Stranrar it is teaming down and funny enough theres quite a few locals out with brollies watching the "parade" of bikes comming ff the ferry!! I saw an RD400 in yellow and we exchange a few words and wave each other off. I get fuel, dave stalls his bike ( bump again), than stalls it again ( Bump again!) and we;re off. The F#cking rain is bouncing and doesn't let off till Dumfries. my Boots have a lake in then, my top clothes are soaked through, only my legs are dry. I'm freezing and the guys have a pop at me for not stopping earlier than Dumfries. I just wanted to get into some KFC/McDons to warm up and strip off the wet stuff, rather than shiver in a pokey cafe!! We find a KFC and dave finds a closed bike shop (scot-speed) which was closed funnily enough (twas Sunday Dave!!) I proceed to strip off in KFC and no-one bats an eyelid, put me warm clothes back on and come up with some new water proof fashion. Debbie Harry inspired clothing Givi Tescobag socks (taken at home) Saited and dryish, we set off via Gretna and head for Penrith keeping to the A roads, it starts raing again so we dive into the local Maccy D's Penrith castle from McD's we're looking a bit worse for wear now and looking at Mike I can only guess what I look like after Penrith, we go to Tebay for fuel and coffee, head back on the A road to Kendal on some of the most amazingly smooth and traffic free roads and onto the A65. The rain has stopped and it feels much better and gives us the reason why we ride bikes and not drive cars!! Dave lives in Leeds, so we say our goodbyes and Mike and I are knackered and just want to get home, so we hit the Motorway and dial in 70mph and we only stop once at Bolton west services. I eventually get Home at 11:30pm, so thats 14 hours travelling and at least 10 hours riding!! My bike never missed a beat in spite of the weather!! and I only spent £70 in fuel for 620 miles pretty good mpg!! ( filled up 5 times going and 5 times going back @ £7 (7 liters a pop) would I do it again? well,I left the final part till a week later to answer this and I would say yes, but I would get the Birkenhead ferry next time or get a bigger more modern bike to cope with the distance. Drewps
  3. check float levels, tilting bike affects the right carb, so it could be flooding or starvation. either way I'd strip the carbs down. drewps
  4. there one here on speed sport Found 1 items. Part Number 1 1J3-W0042-50-00 Description CYL KIT,MASTER XS500 C, D price $84.81
  5. did you adjust the pilot settings, it only takes a few turns to effect a result. I rebuilt my carbs last month and couldn't stop the hanging @ 4k till I messed with the pilot screws adjustents
  6. drewpy


    welcome chris, pull up a chair and have a drink on OG
  7. its usually the little needle valve that goes you canget them from ebay or sirrus consolidated. easy enough to do, but you need to take the carbs off the bike first.
  8. do the air pistons the diaphrams attach to, move freely in the bore? you also need to pull the diaphrams a bit to see any tears. If you have the carbs off, take out the mains and see if the emulsion tube is clear. there are tiny holes in the side whch can block easily. the emulsiin tubes come out through the air piston side after undoing the main jet. it just taps out. dont turn it as its keyed!! drewps
  9. yep behind the word "show" I think its a "use up bike!" from the 360 over to the 400 as the graphics are 360 (uk) style
  10. put it through the "rear mudguard senior school" and give lots of support through adolesence and it should be fine in the big wide world!! just like raising kids really!!
  11. I just weighed each carb and balanced them by filing some alloy off one side!!
  12. details of the membership can be gotten from your control panel. Every one got a PM few months back explaing why there are charges. the decision for charging was made due to too many folk abusing the for sale/wanted section and we brought in extras. Paid members have access to the photo gallery, garage, live chat, can post in the classifieds section, have access to discounts from the companies listed (still working on getting more), also have greater privileges with PM etc. drewps
  13. Price for full membership is £10 a year, you just need to use xe.com/ucc for $ prices as converson rates are always changing. hope that helps drewps
  14. drewpy

    Letter bombs

  15. I did, but the bike is still dirty as I am v busy at the mo. I hope to get down there, so hopefully see you or we could ride there together if you want?
  16. did you go last year OT? that's my mates blue xs400 in the foreground
  17. be afraid, be very afraid ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">
  18. I was crying with this one, tears of laufgter. Goff s fave band revealled for their true worth ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  19. norton is still only at the development stage so won't be competitive. saw a couple on show at the NW200
  20. drewpy

    NW200 the story

    to the races..... we get directions to the general area and need to get to the paddock as we have pre-paid tickets and want to see Coyles. As we enter portrush there's bikes everywhere and bikers are parking on pavements and any flat surface. So we panic and see a couple of spaces and grab them quick. we walk with the crowd and find a NW200 vendor who takes a few quid off us for t-shirts (very good quality) and we make our way to the circuit. Turns out we're at the Metropole ( didn't see shed hermit and too late for phone #'s) so its a case of walking 2 miles to the paddock. we didn't get that far as the race was starting so ended up at Juniper chicane, which was a great spot and witnessed a few hairy moments as riders missed the apex and flew off the pavement. a pikkie of the 250 race I was pretty hung over and was glad of the wind, not sure whether to puke or swallow, in the end I managed to do neither and after the superbike race mooched over to the paddock area. whilst waiting (again) for the organisers to either start the race or cut it short I visited the VJMC tent and saw a Sparton, that's the same engine as the silver dream racer in a spondon chassis apparantly the owner lives in Armarh according to Coyles and we stop there on the way home (later) Eventually we get in the paddock area and the place is buzzing, and you can see the TAS suzuki area and HM plant etc, lots of freebies to be had and drunk!! Boy I needed the relentless as it just hit the spot for me. Hangover has subsided and we go and see Coyles, here he is posing with his GXR1000 After there, Coyles was racing next so we go to near York corner to watch him. Mike takes the pictures but they are too fast to track. Coyles (#50) just about to overtake before York The last race turns out to be the 125's and we headed back to coyles's paddock to off load our goodies for him to take back. Then it was the long walk back to the bikes avoiding the drunks and watching the biker chicks going past. I even checked my "mirror" to double take a bird, the only thing missing was my bike and the mirror as we get on our bikes towards portrush a load of ambulances go past and the road is closed due to a serious accident, I think 1 guy got killed. We all get back in 1 peice and get ready to visit the club again. this time we got out early (1pm ) as we needed to get an early start to head back to Manchester the same day!! the final installment coming soon.....do we get back?, and another of our bikes goes "off colour"!!
  21. i thought the thread was about swim trunks
  22. drewpy

    Ultra Seal

    cool, any good?
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