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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Hey Merv, Is Hunters inn stil going? nr Lynton
  2. wonder if you have hydraulic lock from petrol leaking past your carb floats? take out the sparks and see if you can turn the bike over now!
  3. well done, 14 lbs ft torque on those sparks
  4. why are you double posting? thread closed
  5. great riding skills,and what a cracking location!
  6. never heard of a '79 with kck only, has it wire wheels and drum brakes? if you want to have electric start ( got rid of mine for the tracker and it lost 10 lbs in weight) there should be a silver cover on top of the engine under the carbs. have a squidge in there and see if there are the mount holes (2) to fit one. failing that, buy a duff xs250 engine and you can use the bottom end of that and put on the 400 barrells and carbs! don;t forget you will need to wire in the solinoid and switch etc. head over to www.xs400.com its about xs400's ya know!
  7. drewpy

    sad day today :(

    only Jking mate.......
  8. was going to refer you to this site http://www.motorcyclecarbs.com/ but its gone down for now, some info here http://www.factorypr...ch/carbtun.html
  9. you can get the O ring with some oil filter manufaturers. HIflo I think do them. I always use gen yam oil filters so get one from them if you order. oil filter part # 1L9-13440-00 O ring part # 93210-88324 also clean out your oil gauze, held by 6 m8 bolts underneath the engine block. be prepared to make, buy a new gasket for that one! number 9 in the schematic
  10. the best bit about those ones is you can get close to the case so less twisting of the studs to absorb the energy!
  11. drewpy

    sad day today :(

    that's something you got right for a change dirty you'll see the light kishan, so don't stray too far or you may not find your way back
  12. mines a bit like this can you not use an expanding rawl bolt to grip inside the bearing, then slide hammer it out?
  13. sorry to hear that Merv! its a bummer, I was there exactly a year ago
  14. I agree with dirty, that there needs to be a focal point/something going on for it to work properly. classic event at shepton mallet, racing at castle combe etc etc. then if peeps drop out its still worth going down
  15. dirty, do you wan to borrow my stud extractor?
  16. got a picture of another babe sent today will post it in a bit...
  17. NW200 was a shambles this year, glad I could'nt make it or I thought it was me jinxing it! fancy the Ulster or Armoy races next year!
  18. drewpy


    got agreed value on the resto xs400, just needed to take 4 pictures of various angles and send them off. Always keep reciepts, I got my office assistant at the time to photocopy them all and I sent them off.
  19. I think you can get those tent like covers, so long as you can keep it tyed down in the winds, they should be ok
  20. I think it was done as an exercise on CGI interacting with real world backdrops. Apart from the weird stance, done quite a good job! now go check out "mrs all front"
  21. drewpy


    got me tracker insured on the classic policy for an extra £39 till march next year. the only sticking point was the hand made tank and whether it had expensive paint job on it. weren't interested in the r1 brakes and disk! said is was an "improvement" (which I agree)
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